The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 41: Min Bai

Chapter 41: Min Bai

Under the blazing gaze of the crowd, Min Tian stood up and cupped his hands together as a sign of respect to the VIP booth and the loyal followers of the Min Family. With a beaming smile, his deep, sharp voice rang across the training grounds;

"Today is the Coming-of-Age Ceremony of my Min Family. A competition that determines the future of these youngsters. Thank you, everyone, for coming to bear witness to this cause. Everyone here, is a familiar figure, so this old ghost would delay this competition no further. Let the tournament begin."

As he served his last sentence, he looked towards Min Bolin who was beside him. The latter smiled with an agreed nod, before walking to the huge platform at the center of the training grounds.

Taking out a bamboo tube with small sticks which had been previously engraved with the names of the participants he spoke;

"Same old rules. Draw lots to determine your opponents. All participants step out and draw your lots." He transferred his voice with the wind, which was the elemental Law he had comprehended, making the entire spectators look at him with respect.

His voiced echoed all through the training ground, and one after another, the participants came out to draw their lots from the bamboo tube in Min Bolin's hands.

"There are five platforms here, those who drew the first five numbers will begin." When all the participants drew their lots, Min Bolin smiled and gestured them towards the five training platforms behind him.

Min Hong checked the bamboo slip in his hand, painted on it was the character; four. Not wasting any time, he stepped on the fourth training platform, awaiting his opponent. But the person who followed him onto the platform was one of the castle members. A funny fat boy who Min Hong had a good impression of.

"Min Dong, could you be any more out of luck?" he joked with the fatso.

"Haha haha. I didn't want this either. But who can ever tell what fate has planned for them?" Min Dong made a casual question, but to Min Hong, it sounded like a question truly meant for him.

"Don't worry. I'll be gentle." Min Hong tried to console him.

But to Min Dong, that statement sounded lecherous and brutal. "Who knew young master was actually interested in such frivolities." He thought as sweat streamed down his neck.

The two friends resigned themselves to fate and took their stance. Min Dong leaned forward hinting an attacking stance while Min Hong just stood there digging his nostrils as if he was the one presiding over the competition.

Seeing that the event opening participants were now on stage, Min Bolin waved his hand and announced; "Let the competition begin!"

The instant Min Bolin's voice faded the crowd exploded into fanatic cheers. On all the training platforms, the participants collided and clashed into each other.

"Heh Heh, I have also advanced into the Qi sea stage, two months ago. Min Hong you had better" Min Dong didn't even finish his sentence, before a gentle force threatened to send him tumbling out of the training platform.

Suddenly his blobby body jolted as he bounced towards Min Hong like a giant 'Yo-Yo' ball. The sight was so comical that Min Hong had no choice but to let out a soft chuckle. The heck, even a significant amount of the spectators broke out in laughter.

But all of a sudden, a stubby leg flew out of the giant ball, shocking all the spectators that were laughing earlier.

"Peak grade mortal rank technique: Mountain splitting kick!" "Ah!"

Min Hong's palm swiftly snaked out, gently altering the balance of the fatso who fell on his bubbly butt. He then followed up with a fake fist strike aimed for the head of Min Dong.

"I admit defeat!" the frightened and fooled fatso, Min Dong, hurriedly yelled out with tightly shut eyes, which only opened after he heard the announcement;

"Min Hong wins." By Min Bolin.

Below the platform Min Bolin grinned whilst shaking his head. He then shifted his gaze to Min Hong. Although Min Dong couldn't be considered outstanding in the Min Family, the fact remains that he was still in the 3 Star Qi Sea stage.

Though the palm strike Min Hong used earlier was casual and contained no cultivation power, he had targeted Min Dong's center of gravity and tampered with it to suit his preference.

If it was just a fluke, then nothing could be said about it. But if it was intentional, then Min Hong who was already armed with the most powerful vision and strategic planning of a former assassin, was truly a force to be reckoned with.

After hearing the announcement, the spectators gaze came to rest on Min Hong. But they didn't think of it any less than he did, as Min Dong's strength was only average compared to the rest of the participants in this competition. So, defeating him wasn't anything great.

Min Hong didn't pay any attention to these gazes, as he looked towards another platform just in time to see Min Kong blasting off his opponent out of the stage, and then he turned around to stare at the latter, the corner of his lips arching into a ridiculing smile.

Min Hong just simply shot Min Kong a last gaze, before he proceeded to drag Min Dong out of the training platform.

Min Hong didn't meet any troublesome opponents in the first round, thus after Min Dong, Min Hong won the rest of his battles. Landing him in the top ten, with nothing special to write home about.

Due to the low difficulty of these fights, Min Hong had not even revealed his body cultivation power at all, making many spectators believe that all Min Hong had was luck.

In contrast to Min Hong's dull fights, Min Kong and Min Yan had become the stars of their respective training platforms. From start to finish, they had defeated their opponents with a single move.

These awestriking victories, made all the spectators think that these two were the strongest of the Min Family next generation.

"I'm afraid Min Kong has really reached the 2 Star Dan Formation stage" seated amongst the VIP spectators, Min Rou analyzed after seeing how easily Min Kong fared in his previous matches.

Responding to this statement, concerned surfaced on Min Qing's tiny little face. She had remembered what Min Kong had threatened Min Tian with; that if he achieved first place in this competition, he was going to request for his body refining technique.

And if Min Tian were to refuse, his father Min Lei had promised to take his family and part from the Min Family in bad terms.

"Don't worry. Nothing drastic will happen." Seemingly sensing Min Qing's fears, Min Hong reassured her with a smile, as he patted her arm in consolation.

"Aye!" Min Qing beamed in response as she inclined her head towards Min Hong, before asking "Hong, who do you think you'll be facing next? If you win the next match you will advance to the top five"

Min Hong grinned as though he didn't really care. His current strength was more than enough to defeat any of the next generation members of the Min Family.

Let the next round of the tournament begin Min Hong."

Min Bolin's eyes turned to gaze at Min Hong, before gesturing him to the big training platform at the center of the training grounds. Because they had reached the top ten, there was no need for multiple fights to hold at once anymore.

The fights from now henceforth would be interesting, so it was only fitting for the spectators to witness the entire fight with absolute clarity.

Responding to Min Bolin's voice, Min Hong quietly sighed as he made his way to the platform.

"Min Hong, you can do it!" behind him Min Qing waved her tiny little fists in the air whilst helping him to rally a cry of support.

Within the training ground, several other gazes also focused on Min Hong, a tinge of curiosity and expectation apparent in their eyes.

Although Min Hong's reputation in the Min Family was incomparable to the brilliance of Min Jiao, Min Gui and Min Kong, his mother was a reputable figure within the Min Family. So, following that train of thought, the spectators automatically placed a certain standard on him.

From the VIP booth, Min Tian and the rest also locked their gaze onto Min Hong, a similar curiosity piqued in their hearts as well.

Under the attentive watch of the crowd, Min Hong walked up to the stone platform. When he reached his spot, Min Bolin looked into the competition list in his hands and his brows furrowed gravely.

After a brief hesitation, he announced the opponent's name; "Min Bai."

Hearing his name being announced, a small uproar emerged, before spreading into a huge commotion amongst the spectators in the training ground.

Most of the next generation members of the Min Family started to look at Min Hong with sympathetic and pitiful gazes, while others like, Min Kong and the likes were looking at him with gloating and delightful gazes.

Min Hong was stunned by this name. he naturally knew how thorny and complicated his next battle would be.

Like Min Gui and Min Jiao, Min Bai was also considered as the pride of the Min Family's next generation. He was one of the twins who hated the castle members of the Min Family to his guts.

Because of how shallow his regards for the Min Family were, he and his twin sister had become secluded, antisocial and uncommunicative since they were a lot younger, but there was no denying how gifted they both were.

Even Min Tian sighs every time he thinks about these talented twins, and sometimes even wondered if he had made a mistake by not giving in to their demands.

At least, if he had found a way to make them legitimate castle members without upsetting the rest of his tribesmen, it would have been absolutely fantastic.

It was rumored that, about six months ago he had already merged his Qi pillars and formed his altar (this is what the Dan looked like in this world.) and entered the Dan Formation stage...making him the first to reach that stage amongst the next generation Min Family members which was joined by Min Jiao and Min Gui.

Everyone gazed at Min Hong's opponent, thinking that this round was going to be somewhat troublesome for him.

But Min Hong was busy grinning from ear to ear instead. Extremely potent battle intent surged within his body. This was exactly the kind of opponent he had been anticipating since the beginning of this competition!

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