The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 492: A Worthy Ally

Chapter 492: A Worthy Ally

"But the Long Super Clan would obviously want to enter this inheritance grounds and they aren't even part of the Top 10 Super Clans of the Empire, wouldn't that be an issue?"

Min Hong also frowned at that possibility, but after thinking about it for a while he responded;

"The Imperials would obviously find a way around it"

"Moreover even if they can't find a way around it, the Long Super Clan on its own is very much capable of staking a claim of the remaining 2,500 slots into the inheritance grounds" Min Hong explained 

Then after a little bit of more discussions and more information, Dara stood up, followed by Gong Yi and the Old Man, but before Huan Ji could leave his seat, Min Hong waved him to sit back;

"You will stay behind and explain my intentions for your group and what I require them to do, and once you are done, gather outside the residence" Min Hong instructed;

"You are with your tag, right?" Min Hong asked and once Huan Ji affirmed with a nod, Min Hong continued;

"Alright, if anyone stops you guys, just show them the tag in your hand and they should leave you be" Min Hong explained before turning to the Old Man;

"It is time to meet with your boss, Old Man Chauffer" Min Hong smiled lightly;

"Alright, young master This way please"

The Old Man responded before taking the lead to walk out of the building, whilst Wei Nian looked over to Huan Ji before blurting;

"Young master?" But Huan Ji simply sighed

The task Min Hong just gave him would be very difficult to accomplish especially considering how low his authority would have dropped in the hearts of these twelve experts after what transpired earlier

But he knew it had to be done and he had to assert his control on the group, and as a result, he frowned deeply and looked over to the group with a solemn expression before he began to address them

Min Hong on the other hand was following the Old Man who seemed to have mapped their journey here within his mind, and this was one of the perks of being in the Saint Stage itself rather than simply having a Saint Stage battle prowess;

The strength and span of the spirit sense of a true Saint stage expert is more than five times stronger than any expert with a battle prowess of the same stage

This was why Gong Yi almost had migraines trying to map the complicated route Huan Ji took on their way here whilst the Old Man mapped everything successfully without breaking a sweat or even showing it

Min Hong also mapped it out, and this was because he cultivated in the Mental Path which strengthens his Spirit Sense, and thus, he was strong enough to withstand the workload of mapping everything out, and since the Old Man had offered to lead the way, he would obviously not waste his energy doing them same

They could also fly out of the area with Gong Yi using his wing, but that would give away their identities which is something Min Hong was trying to avoid...

Then whilst others could see their faces, the only people who would probably remember them within the entire city would be this Old Man, the lady who attended to them in the registration office and the man who handed them the pass

But since they won't be coming here for the next five months, perhaps only the Old Man would remember their faces when they return to the city

It took them half the time to return back to the Desolate Zone before the Old Man whispered and then a puma looking beast pulling a carriage appeared in the distance racing down towards them

In less than twenty seconds the carriage arrived and Min Hong and Gong Yi climbed in whilst the Old Man sat at the driver's seat before and began another journey towards the market area of the Vibrant Zone

It took them about half an hour before they appeared before a massive complex, and when Min Hong looked out the window, he saw about three to five carriages which looked exactly like theirs but being pulled by different exotic beasts

Then he noticed the Old Man greet the other drivers who returned his greetings with a deep sense of respect etched on their face as Min Hong and Gong Yi stepped out of the carriage before following the Old Man into the building

At the entrance of these building were two burly and scarred guards with a Gold Tier Spear hanging by their waist whilst they radiated 1 Star Saint Stage cultivations respectively

Within this three story structure, the ground floor consisted of the reception where orders and transactions were being made, and there were relaxation areas for those who have come to do business, but the Old Man simply continued onwards whilst everyone he came in contact with kept greeting him with deep respect etched on their faces

Apart from the guards who didn't even flinch their eyelids whenever they walked past [which Min Hong could still sense the respectful aura around them by the way], everyone else they met on the way greeted the man with deep respect whilst the man responded to some of them and simply waved at the rest

Then they reached a stairway that led to the second story and there was a single guard with a Gold Tier Sabre hanging by his waist and was also radiating a 2 Star Saint Stage cultivation

They climbed up the stairs and arrived at another door where a lithe, sexy teenage girl was waiting;

"Boss, the Imp-"

"Young master, meet my assistant, Jihao"

The Old Man made some introduction whilst Min Hong simply smiled in response and nodded towards the girl who had a receptive smile on her face, as they all arrived at the second floor which seemed more like the administrative section of the entire business....

There were men and women who were all placing scrolls of different sizes which seemed to contain their consumers details and many numbers that were associated with the business into several shelves which seemed to encompass the entire walls of the entire floor

But the Old Man took them through these tables and workers who greeted the Old Man with respect once again before arriving at a closed stone door which had a slot for a specific tag on it

The Old Man then reached into his into his clothes at the chest area and pulled out what Min Hong had initially thought to be a necklace, but was actually a tag with ropes attached to it

The old Man placed the tag into the slot and the stone door rumbled open before they all went in;

The old man then offered Min Hong and Gong Yi a seat before telling the girl to fetch some wine and edibles for them;

"Despite knowing my identity, why did you still keep referring to 'My Boss', young master?" The Old Man asked Min Hong who simply smiled in response;

"I thought it would be fun to join in the roleplaying and that was why I said nothing, Old Man Chauffer" Min Hong answered as Gong Yi looked at the duo with a confusing expression;

"When exactly did you find out?" The Old Man asked;

"Before we got into the carriage in the first place" Min Hong replied before adding;

"The attendant at the registration area greeted you when you came in, for an ordinary chauffer, she wouldn't have even spared you a second glance and simply pointed you over, but then not only did she give a slight bow, there was a glaring hint of respect in her eyes also"

"To the ordinary eyes, it would seem as if the lady nodded to me to verify you to be my chauffer, but that obviously wasn't the case, because even if I was buying a Royal Tier Citizenship, I wouldn't be the first she had seen in all her years of working there, so why treat me differently"

"Perhaps, it was because of your age; not many people of your age range carry enough money to purchase a royal tier citizenship"

The Old Man responded with a smile whilst the assistant's eyes widened in shock when she heard that last statement, as her view of Min Hong and Gong Yi shot through the roof

She instantly adjusted her frame of mind and way of addressing or serving the Min Hong duo;

She got to their table and knelt before placing the tray in her hands on the table in front of the Min Hong duo, before taking the little urn on the tray and pouring out some wine into two cups and then offering it to the duo;

"Young masters?" She said as she tendered the cup to the Min Hong duo

Min Hong took his cup whilst Gong Yi took his and placed it back on the table as Min Hong continued his explanation;

"Furthermore, how often do we see a 6 Star Saint Stage expert being an ordinary chauffer in a business place"

"Any expert with such cultivation could be a high ranked Elder or even a Grand Elder of any Imperial Clan of the four Empires, thus, that part gave you away" It was the Old Man's turn to be stunned silly;

There was only two ways in which a person could see through another person's cultivation;

Firstly, the person has to be in the same cultivation level as that the other person, and this means that, as the Old Man is a 6 Star Saint Stage expert, then one had to be within the 4 to 6 Star Saint Stage before they could see through his cultivation

Secondly, it only means that Min Hong here, had a higher cultivation base power than him

But in reality it was none of the above reasons, because Min Hong had not even reach the Saint Stage or Ancestor Stage...

But because combining his Peak Nascent Soul Stage cultivation with his Peak Awakening Stage cultivation makes his cultivation equivalent to that of a Peak Saint Stage experts, he was able to easily see through the Old Man's cultivation

This means than before Min Hong can see through the cultivation of a Base Level [1 3 Star] Nirvana Stage expert, then he has to activate his Mental and Soul cultivation...

But before he can see that of a Middle Level [4 - 6] Nirvana Stage expert, then he has to activate every shred of cultivation within him as well as his Daos and his three bloodline auras...

Except for the Top Level [7 9 Star] Nirvana Stage experts, those were completely off his level

But the true reason why the man was shocked was because Min Hong was only a teenager, and for him to be able to see through his own cultivation at such a young age is monstrously terrifying no matter what method he might be using

"Then the other chauffeurs were at most 5 Star Nascent Soul stage expert and even your strongest guard is a 2 Star Saint Stage expert Do you want me to go on?" Min Hong asked with a smile as he sipped some wine from his cup

"Hehe, Nevermind You have extremely keen senses young master, am I worthy enough to ask where you come from?" The Old Man who obviously was the boss of the chauffeuring business asked;

"A good ally like you is definitely more than worthy, Old Man Chauffeur"

Min Hong refused to change his mode of addressing the Old Man as he placed his cup back on the table;

"I hail from far south of the East Wind Empire" Min Hong replied with a very subtle smile

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