The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 509: Overlapping The Void

Chapter 509: Overlapping The Void

"Little Fei just tell him how" Min Hong chipped in;

"In a bit" Little Fei replied and a minute later, the back of the ant Little Fei chose began to protrude, but just as something was about to poke out, the rest of the ants body began to swell up;

"Damn it!" Little Fei blurted angrily;

"What happened?" Min Hong was alarmed;

"It seems he doesn't have it all figured out yet!" Daniel hit back at Little Fei...

"No, you idiot It's evolving!"

"What's evolving?"

"The ant, stupid!" Little Fei barked back at Daniel;

"How is that even possible?" Min Hong was just as stunned as Little Fei at this point;

"I'm not really sure also, but it seems this ants do not have any shred of bloodline of any ancestor with wings before, thus if it is the first one in its entire bloodline lineage, then it had to evolve" Little Fei explained;

"How come you didn't think about that? You are supposed to be the smart and intelligent one amongst us, remember?" Daniel quipped in;

"No one is above making mistakes Daniel, especially coming from a person who rarely makes any error in judgement" Min Hong intermediate;

"Oh, it's not that, I am just wondering how vulnerable this would have made us if we were currently within an intense battle" Daniel replied;

"That's the more reason why you should not blame him"

"Every entity is responsible for their lives, and giving that duty to someone else is the dumbest thing one can do" Min Hong chastised Daniel this time, but a little aggressively;

"Tch I'm sorry" Daniel managed to put his pride aside and apologized as Min Hong sighed before looking back at the other ant;

"Fei, so how do you think we can help?" He asked;

"I don't know, but if it wants to evolve it would need Qi to do so, and the more Qi it gets-"

"The faster the evolution process" Min Hong finished his sentence;

"But how do I know where the meridian is so I can send Qi into it?"

"It has only three meridians and they are extremely tiny and it would require great sensitivity to sense where it is, because it has little to no Qi at all" Little Fei responded in frustration;

"Alright, hold up a bit, I will go find a solution In the meantime tell Daniel how to figure this out"


Little Fei relied and the moment Min Hong sensed that they were already communicating with themselves, he went deep in thought but that didn't last long because he instantly arrived at a perfect solution;

~Whoosh~ A tiny pocket of space opened up and the void was visible from within

Min Hong stabbed his hand within the void and created another pocket of space which also opened another access within the void, but unlike the void he stabbed his hands into, this one was isolated, since it was like overlapping the void itself...

Thus, the higher the void he stacks atop one another the more isolated that part of the void will become and the harder it would be for anyone or beast to find this part of the void

It was putting your valuables in a safe and the locking that safe within another safe which was locked in another safe, which was then locked up in a vault which was placed right at the most secretive place of the U.S Pentagon [Anything that is going to access what you kept in that first safe would have to go to hell and back before they can steal whatever is in there]

When he got this pocket of secret and safe place, he then placed the two ants within it and placed a mid-grade spirit stone within it and then sealed them up, but not before putting a thread of his divine sense along the passage or spatial tunnels which would allow him to pinpoint their location and easily retrieve them

"You guys should be as quick as possible, whilst they are being distracted and delayed by us, I want to use that time to send you guys to go into that mansion and search everywhere"

"Go into the colony of these ants and find their queen if you have to"

"Send out the entire anthill and have them spread out into every nook and cranny of all the five man-"

"Don't worry, we got it" Daniel responded;

"Alright than-"

"-Honey, are you alright?" The trio were interrupted by the voice of the Princess;

"I'm fine, I will be down in a bit" Min Hong replied;

"Alright, everyone is ready and are waiting downstairs Plus, they've sent a guard to come fetch us, let's not keep them waiting any longer"

"Alright I'm coming out"

"Alright guys, everything depends on how fast you guys act now" Min Hong said before stepping out of the room to find the Princess on the stairs;

"Are you ready now?"

She asked with a hint of concern thinking perhaps Min Hong had injured himself during the previous battle and was keeping it a secret;

"You don't have to worry, I'm fine"

"That's not reassuring"

"Alright, when we are done today, I will allow you do a quick check on me How about that?"

Min Hong spoke with a bright smile and the Princess seemed to live up a bit as she nodded her head, but the moment she turned around, Min Hong's smile disappeared and became solemn;

'Damn, this repulsive aura seemed to have quadrupled in the space of a few minutes' Min Hong thought to himself

The aura covering the entire city was now so repulsive to him that he had begun to feel like starting a massacre and using everyone's blood to cleanse the entire tribe;

'Now, I am getting more interested in finding the source of this creepy aura' Min Hong thought as he arrived at the living room on the ground floor;

"Did you sleep well?" Mao My asked;

"No, I couldn't No matter how hard I tried" Min Hong replied;

"Good, because we would have been in serious trouble if you couldn't even sense the eerie atmosphere in here" Elder Fu responded;

"You guys could sense it too?" Min Hong was surprised;

"Not really As at last night, it was just like the feeling of someone who doesn't want us here watching us..." Gong Yi added;

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