The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 531: Shadow

Chapter 531: Shadow

But just as they all thought it was over, Min Hong grasped the thin air and instantly a mask appeared in his grasp

Then the moment he put it on, an aura erupted from the full armor as they shrunk together and fit even tighter to his skin before the expression on the mask morphed into that of a devil's evil grin

"Dramatic but effective" Daniel confirmed with a nod and a smug smile;

"Alright, tell us how it feels" Little Fei asked immediately after

"Well, for one I feel about 5 times firmer and thicker, and it makes me pack my total strength behind my strikes" Min Hong explained;

"That should be the tiger strength effect of the vambraces and shin guards" Little Fei pinpointed;

"Then from my foot upwards I feel so light and fleet footed; It makes feel like I want to run on winds"

Min Hong had to reach deep within himself to find the right words to explain the effects of the armor

"That must be the effects of the phoenix Legs as light as feather and flexible enough for sharp maneuvering" Little Fei pinpointed once again before adding;

"Alright, what about the rear and front guards How do they feel like?"

"Well, for one it feels more like it can absorb the forces of attacks and spread it over a wider area to nullify the power behind it rather than the thick stony type of defense we were thinking about"

"That must feel nice But what about the cloak?"

"It feels like it has the power to pull me into the air at any time I wish it, as long as I keep supplying it Qi" Min Hong answered;

"But you already have a physical wing from your spirit ring and a Qi wing from your lightning Dao Doesn't that makes this cape useless?" Daniel thoughtfully asked;

"Not even in the slightest On the contrary it is even better this way, there is no problem in having three different superhero identity"

Min Hong replied before an outrageous thought actually pop into his head;

"Actually I think you guy's should have you own super hero identities for when you get your own bodies"

"I can be this superhero and Daniel be the Lightning Dao wings superhero and Little Fei be the hero with the Lekan's wings" Min Hong said as Daniel and Little Fei burst into a jeering laughter;

"That's nice, but please thank you"

"No, we don't need all that" Daniel spoke and Little Fei added with a cheeky laughter as they both made fun of Min Hong;

"Damn, that was a childish thought, wasn't it?" Min Hong realized the reason why they're clowning at his statement;

"Yeah it was, and normally it wouldn't be your fault; after all, you're only fifteen"

Daniel hit once again with another burst of laughter as Little Fei also joined with a cracking laughter of his own...

These moments were one of the comedy movies of Min Hong's life they get to watch as he lived his lives and made some funny decisions;

"Oi! Not fair guys!"

"Not fair!" Min Hong bickered back as the duo kept laughing at him

"Alright, let's get to work We have had enough fun to prevent the intruder from realizing that we have sensed his presence" 

Min Hong spoke as he changed from the armor into a furry night robe which before leaving the tub altogether to return to the room and find the two beauties asleep, facing each other with a space in the middle they have left for him

Min Hong smiled at the sight;

'Not yet ladies First I need to take care of this intruder and ask if he was the one who placed that seal on Ki Ting'

Min Hong thought to himself before waving his sleeves and created a ball like special barrier over the ladies to protect them whilst he was away investigating

He then stepped out of the room and the moment he entered the hallway, he felt two separate presence within the entire structure, and he was sure they were both in the floor below him and the ground floor

But because he didn't want to fish them out using his divine sense, lest they realize they have been discovered and flee, Min Hong had to approach without giving off any aura whatsoever, except the Oblivion Dao he wrapped around himself to blend into nothingness;

This method then allowed him to move up to his target unannounced;

It was a perfect assassination ability which he had never truly needed to use before but which would now come in perfectly handy

He was in the middle floor in less than three breaths, and saw that the entire hallway was decorated with several trees than line up as decorations, as their shadows gave a level of shed to the rooms in front of them

Min Hong walked toward Yu Ming's room and as he approached, he tried to act as sleepy as possibly by stumbling in his steps and giving loud yawns as he walked through

Each room has been protected by a barrier that keeps out noise and make sure conversations done within the rooms can't leak out, so as to give privacy and prevent disturbance for the people within the rooms

But as Min Hong approached Yu Ming's room which was at the back corner, he could feel the presence of that entity pulling closer than ever, until he walked past a certain tree, and the next;

Then he caught the shadow of a figure spill out of that tree and melded with the shadow of the next tree as it seems to have begun to tail Min Hong rather than move towards Min Hong's room

'He is already outside and he is the youngest amongst them'

'He should be an easier target than her and I know the commander won't mind as long as one of them has been branded' A figure thought to itself

If one could look through the eyes of this figure, they would be seeing to circles [eyes], moving across the hallway focusing on Min Hong with pitch black smoke spreading into vision from beneath

'He has suspected nothing Haha, it seems this would be easier than expected'

The shadow grinned evilly as he lurked behind Min Hong, following him as he moved past one tree after the other, heading towards a lurky corner where crimes are easy to commit with easy escape routes to prevent being caught

Min Hong moved past two to three more trees and the shadow kept jumping and melding from shadow to shadow

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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