The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 581: Fighting Craziness With Madness

Chapter 581: Fighting Craziness With Madness

It was more like it sensed Min Hong to be a competitive threat, rather than something to be eliminated; and perhaps it was so because of the feelings the Princess had for him, or perhaps it was because it sensed Min Hong to be a superior power to itself

Their bloodline was one that acted involuntarily and reflexively, causing the all Cui clan members to always lash out before realizing what their bloodlines had caused them to do

This was why her guards had been repulsive the very first time they met Min Hong's group

This was the same reason why the Imperials and every other Clans and even neighboring Empires fear the Cui Super Clan, because if one tries to imagine what effect such a Clan would have if it was actually living within the Empire with other people;

They might've caused the absolute extinction of many tribes and clans in their surroundings

They could simply wake up one day and their bloodlines would feel they should be the one ruling the entire Empire or even Dynasty, and then they cause a civil war of some sort

Their bloodlines always opted for violence instead of a peaceful solution to whatever situation they might find themselves in, and anyone who is on the receiving end of this outburst would suffer serious losses and never remain the same

This was why Patriarch Huang almost had a heart attack when he heard the Princess of such a Clan was roaming within the Empire; she was a perfect recipe for disaster

It would take just a merchant who is trying to rip her off to incur her wrath, and then perhaps she lashes out and slaughters the merchant on the spot, and then the next merchant in the next shop tries to be a hero and gets slaughtered as well, and then the entire market blows up into a riot and she goes on a slaughtering rampage

Then she involves her guards who then calls for reinforcements; and since it was the only princess they were talking about in this case, the Clan would definitely respond with an army at least;

Then if one person can trigger a chain of such destruction, what would 100 of them do, or 1,000 or an army of 10,000?

It was like dealing with mad people, only that they retaliate by drawing blood or causing you massive loss

Perhaps, the only set of people who would be able to fend them off or fight them to a standstill would be the Long Super Clan; who were mad people on their own right

They even had an army called the 'Mad Saints'; it was that crazy, and as a result, the Imperial Clan had to make sure they kept both the Cui Super Clan and the Long Super Clan very close by, so they can use one to repel the other if either one of them goes bonkers

Perhaps, Min Hong wouldn't have reacted that way if someone had truly explained to him about the bloodline of the person he was sharing his bed with;

One time, they might be having a blissful loving moment, and in the next minute one has drawn their sword preparing to take the head of the other, and knowing who Min Hong was, such a scenario would be one to really witness

The Princess kept roiling and rolling around in heartbreak, it wasn't her fault, and she was simply unfortunate to be born with a battle crazed bloodline that would have been suited more for men, and now it had cost her four long months of effort

In little to know time, her memories about all the sweet, funny and erotic moments which she had spent with Min Hong began to fleet through her mind as tears began to spill out of her eyes;

'Stupid bloodline wouldn't come help now!' She threw a mental fit, but there was no one to truly lash out on;

'A Saint Stage enemy would do me well to vent on at this moment' She thought before falling asleep from crying for too long

Dawn the next day

Min Hong stepped out of the bath and moved towards the closet where the large mirror was standing, and after checking himself out to relish in his sheer handsomeness, he then looked to his left where the clothing wardrobe was before approaching it;

Though, he wasn't expecting any sort of outfit to be within it, but he simply wanted to know how large it was and see if the interior was actually decorated

But on opening it, Min Hong's eyes widened in fright;



He cried out in pain before pushing the weight on him to the side, as he sprung to his feet with his cultivation in full flare;

[Who in Huoyi's curly beard is that?] Daniel blurted;

[It's more like what is that?] Little Fei added in surprise;

[What do you mean? Are you saying you know who it is?] Min Hong asked as sweat rolled down his cheek from his forehead;

[I would have never have expected that it would still be here]

[I thought it would have been destroyed alongside everything else that was wiped out by your 'Planetary Extinction' technique]

[Quit the storytelling and tell us what it is] Min Hong blurted;

[You remembered when Elder Ken landed and said something about it is complete?]

[Yeah, what does that have to do with this?] [Well, whilst you were investigating the missing tribesmen, we figured out that they had been taken by the Yaos, but what we didn't know back then was where they took all of them]

[Then when I and Daniel went to investigate the mansion, we saw a room with very strong defensive formation, and whilst we couldn't figure out what was within the formation, the numerous amount of tribesmen we found there gave us an inkling into what might be happening behind the defensive formation barrier]


[Yeah, the bodies of these tribesmen were all shriveled to nothing other than skin and bones]

[I immediately figured out that their soul, life force and blood had been sucked dry and fed to whatever was behind the defensive barrier]

[So are you saying?]

[Yeah, and I also had no idea until now, and it was because I can sense the aura that was spilling out of that barrier within it, and it is even deeper and stronger to the extent of being inky]

[If the Yao had taken over the bodies of the leaders of the Sang Tribe, then that General Commander they tried summoning earlier would have been the one who was supposed to use this] Little Fei explained;

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