The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 583: Their Decisions

Chapter 583: Their Decisions

[What do you take me for; I am no tyrant you know] Min Hong rebuffed;

[Alright, who are these candidates that you have chosen?]

[Little Wu, Shen Bing and Mother are the only three I have in mind for now]

[They already have a level of loyalty to me already, so all I need to do to earn a deeper level of loyalty is to make them stronger and achieve some invincible feats together] Min Hong spoke like a debater convincing a crowd with his enthusiasm;

[Okay, three down, seven to go] Daniel added;

[Obviously, two of you are taking each of my clones when I reach the Divine and Ancient Realm] Min Hong spoke with a tone that brood no arguments

[These are all I can absolutely trust for now]

[Though, we still have Min Qing; but I would have to reconcile with her first, checkup on her strengths and then see how I can improve her to become the perfect person for the sixth slot]

[There is Qing Tan, but she is still too young and I don't know much about her background either, so she won't work] Min Hong continued to pace up and down in anxiety;

[Alright, you have four more to go] Little Fei also paid attention;

[There is Long Sha Yeah, and we also have Elder Yun and Little Ming too] Min Hong stopped in his tracks as he began to smile at himself

Though, things were still looking grim for him, he was happy that the first step to the solution is at least almost complete already

[What about the last spot?] Daniel asked;

[I don't know, but I will pick one of these guys and if none of them meet my requirement, I will simply take in my disciple]

Min Hong remembered his disciple; Ta Mi, who was with the group that returned to the Desert Sun Sect

[Alright then Just find a time to touch all of them and we can allow Daisy make a detailed information on them, so we can know how to efficiently strengthen them]

Little Fei added before going completely silent, signifying that he was back to his primary duty

[Alright The others should be arriving anytime soon, so you should prepare to meet them]  Daniel added as he also went quiet...

Just as they finished their conversation, Min Hong felt the presence of the rest of the group at the entrance of the palace;

Then with a simple thought, the palace gates opened up, washing all of them with thick mists of Qi once again, as they all entered the palace and began to take in the luxurious, grand and beautiful surroundings just like the Princess did the day before

Moments later, the massive palace gates locked up and the doors to the Throne Room opened up as the group began to wonder where Min Hong was controlling the doors and gates from;

Unbeknownst to them, Min Hong had already taken control of every single inch of the 15 mile wide Royal Court from the very first moment his Qi was registered into the palace

He could unlock any door from any part of the city as long as they were all within his 15 miles range of spirit sense

They all took their seats according to their level of importance, with the Princess sitting to throne's left, and the seat opposite her left blank in the thought that it would belong to her potential competitor for Min Hong's affections

Gong Yi sat to the left of the next seat, just beside the princess whilst Xiao Gui sat opposite him; and then, it was Tong Tian beside Gong Yi and Ki Ting beside Xiao Gui, and in that manner came, Elder Fu, Mao My, Gu Ming and Yu Ming

They all waited with different emotions and thoughts in their minds

It took ten solid minutes after they had all taken their seats before they heard the footsteps of Min Hong descending down the stairs into the throne room as they all subconsciously stood up, except for the princess who sat longer than normal before standing with a pissed off expression;

'Why am I pissed?'

She mentally asked herself as Min Hong entered and took the major seat before looking around, and then simply tilting his palm in a manner that suggested they should sit;

"I trust you have all had a good long rest"

He asked as they all nodded their heads and chorused irregularly, but Min Hong didn't mind as none of them have been exposed to the part of livelihood; including himself

"We will be returning at dawn tomorrow, and that would conclude our missions outside the sect"

Min Hong revealed as the rest of them nodded signifying that they had all expected such a conclusion;

"We would be returning to the sect, and Elder Fu, Yu Ming, Mao My and Gu Ming, you are all free to do whatever you want from now henceforth"

"But before you decided on what to do, I have a proposition for you that I would like you all to think about first, and whatever decision you make in the end would be respected by everyone of us"

"You have sacrificed a lot to join us on this journey of ours and have proven yourselves worthy of your freedom" Min Hong continued;

"When I return to the sect, I plan on sending everyone from District 21 over to this place which would not only be my home, but my base as well" Min Hong was directing this part of the statement to the Core Court Disciples

"So, I would like you all to take care of things whilst we are away; but I would be back with all of them and at that time, we will decide what to do with the positions within the governing system of this city, as well as the perks and duties that comes with it"

"If you choose to stay behind, I will surely ensure that you are given a position and tasks worthy of your input to our missions so far"

"I will give you all till dawn tomorrow to decide" Min Hong added as Yu Ming raised her hand, whilst Min Hong waved at her to speak;

"The members of my team are already within the Sect, if they would be returning with you, then I don't mind staying behind since I have nowhere to go either-ways" She revealed as Min Hong nodded;

"Surely, they would all return with me" He reassured her;

"I also have nothing else and plan to go wherever he goes, so that we can raise this child together" Mao My looked at her protruding tummy and rubbed it as she looked towards Gu Ming with a slight blush;

"Is that what you desire?" Min Hong asked Gu Ming who nodded like a famished beggar who was asked if he needed food

"Done" Min Hong granted

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