The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 592: Dao Release; Space-Time Style = Omnipresence!

Chapter 592: Dao Release; Space-Time Style = Omnipresence!

He spot Shen Bing instantly, who was already behind him, swinging Little Bing aggressively towards his back, but Min Hong simply smiled and stood there, pressing the center of his back a little inwardly to ensure that Shen Bing's strike didn't touch his spine;




"What the-!?"

Little Lin, Old Man Li and Little Wu were stunned by Min Hong's actions;

They could obviously tell that Min Hong had spotted Shen Bing earlier and with his speed could have at least blocked the attack with Little Lin, but instead, he allowed the strike to land

Even Shen Bing was stunned as she watched him plunge into the dirt, she knew Min Hong would obviously not do anything without a reason, but she couldn't figure out why he'd do that to himself;

But she didn't care either-ways as that counted as a full forced hit from her, and she didn't expect Min Hong to be standing up any time soon, at least for the next one month

"That was a one hit wonder!"

Little Bing joyful voice floated out in the grasp of Shen Bing who was still slightly baffled by Min Hong's actions;

'To think he only riled me up to take an unrestrained blow from me; Is it that he loves pain?'

'A masochist, perhaps?'

But just as she was about to turn around;


Little Lin was the first to burst out of the dirt as she bellowed at Min Hong;

"Master, at least when next you want to use such a trick, give me a heads up first!"

She screamed into the dirt where they had both been smashed into earlier;


"A trick!?"

"I thought as much"

Shen Bing, Old Man Li and Little Wu blurted simultaneously;

"Tone it down, Lin!"

"Now asides three shattered ribs, I now suffer from ringing ears"

Min Hong blurted out of the hole of dirt he was in, as everyone saw a hand covered in amour pop out of the hole and grab onto the level land, and then, a head covered in a hood with a mischievously smiling mask popped afterwards;

"If it didn't fool you too Lin, then it wouldn't be a trick now, would it?"

Min Hong added as a Yellow Spirit Ring spun to life around him, before four overlapped wings flapped out of his back


He erupted into the sky as Little Lin swooped over to stand beside him and berated him;

"You had me worried sick just now, you know!?" She said before adding a snort;


"Alright, alright I wouldn't do that again"

Min Hong added as he rubbed her hair before freeing his neck joints with an aggressive shake of the head;



His neck bones croaked in pain from the sheer impact of their unorthodox landing

[So Master what was the trick about!?] Little Lin asked;

[It's my amour; it requires me to suffer damage from my opponents first and gauges their strength, before it then provides a level of resistance to their attacks on my behalf] Min Hong revealed;

[Eh?] Little Lin was stunned by such capabilities;

[So, how does that measure now?] She asked;

[Well, it is 20% decrease in damage received per each difference in cultivation stars]

[So, since I am equivalent to a 2 Star Immortal Stage expert, and she's at 6 Stars, there is a 20% decrease in the amount of damage I would suffer from her attacks from now henceforth] Min Hong explained;

[Wow, that's almost like the Guardian Shield!] Little Lin exclaimed in wonder;

[But that's not all] Min Hong added;

[Eh!? There's more!?]

Little Lin wasn't wowed by the ability of the amour per say, but was instead wowed by the fact that such battle equipment of unknown popularity and fame could actually deliver such overpowered buffs;

[Yeah, as it wouldn't let me suffer any loss, it also compensates me with an 80% boost in damage dealt] Min Hong dropped what appeared as a bombshell to Little Lin;

[Quick, master Let's test it out!]

Little Lin was so eager, that if she could, she would wear the amour herself and test it firsthand, but Min Hong didn't disappoint her as well;

[Alright Are you ready!?]



Min Hong erupted towards Shen Bing, stunning everyone as they felt he would be looking to defend and evade all through the battle to last five minutes, but now, it seemed like they were sorely mistaken, and that made them even more interested in the battle!

"Dragon Slayer Staff; First Stance Chaotic Soul Clobbering!"

Min Hong bellowed as he grabbed Little Lin with all the power residing within every inch of his Body and Qi;

"Hmph! Let's see what an attack from a 2 Star Immortal Stage feels like!"

Shen Bing snorted and with a stomp mid-air which caused the ground to explode despite the distance, she bolted towards Min Hong, also grabbing Little Bing with all the strength in her body, looking to smash Min Hong and his attacks back into the dirt, to declare superiority;

But just as they were within ranged, the corner of Min Hong's lips abruptly curled upwards into a mischievous smile as he whispered to Shen Bing;

"Dao Release; Space-Time Style = Omnipresence!"


Shen Bing blurted as Min Hong abruptly vanished from her sight as the hair at the back of her neck stood in warning of impending danger;

"Too late!" Min Hong's whisper floated into her ears and then;


This wasn't a 'Boom', and neither was it a 'Bang', it was a Bang with an insane amount of 'Ka' behind it which goes to signify just how much force was used in the strike

The shockwave from the strike alone, shattered space as Shen Bing dropped into the dirt like a doomsday missile!


Little Wu's wide mouth drew in a gasp of air as shock rippled through his mind like a missile was detonated underwater;

Old Man Li was shaken to the depths of his core;

"What was that, just now!?"

He managed to mumble as he looked to Min Hong who was being hugged and cheered by Little Lin;

"Hehe, I told you"

"I figured that if my total battle prowess lies at in the 2 Star Immortal Stage, then an 80% boost to that should at least tip me over into the 3 Stars" Min Hong revealed with a smug smile;

"That's wonderful master So, your opponents would only sense that you possess a 2 Star Immortal Stage prowess from your aura, but won't know the power of your attacks now rival a 3 Star Immortal Stage expert!"

Little Lin joyfully revealed her idea of the Feng Shui Amour's capabilities whilst Shen Bing finally began to pop out of the dirt

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