The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 7: Body Refining Path

Chapter 7: Body Refining Path

Body Refining Techniques are also separated into several stages. After opening the meridians, an expert can absorb natural Qi and use it to gradually transform the body. These stages are achieved in the following order;

The first stage; Warrior Stage. At this stage, one's skin and bones would be as resilient and strong as steel increasing physical power for offence and defense. Life span of a hundred years.

The second stage; King Stage. In addition to the previous stage, one's body would be resistant to fire, cold etc. one would also be able to generate unique aura which brings about explosive increase in body strength speed and agility. Life span of three hundred years.

The third stage; Emperor Stage. In addition to the previous stage, one would possess extreme healing and high regenerative abilities. Life span of five hundred years.

The fourth stage; Awakening Stage. In addition to the previous stage, one would awaken bloodline traits which will grant an expert divine power, enabling one to sense elemental energies to obtain elemental Laws and one would be able to regrow lost limbs due to increase in regenerative ability. Life span of a thousand years.

The fifth stage; Ancestor Stage. In addition to the previous stage, one's bloodline is traced back to its ancestor and transform into the body of its ancestor's bloodline, this then gives flight ability. Life span of five thousand years.

The sixth stage; Samsara Stage. In addition to the previous stage, one's body will be purified by nirvanic flames which will shed the mortal nature of the expert and the expert will then be able to revive from a drop of blood as long as his soul isn't shattered. Life span of ten thousand years.

The seventh stage; Divine Stage. In addition to the previous stage, one's body will be purified by lightning and ascend to divinity. One's body will be akin to immortal treasures giving the body the ability to create an avatar, clones and to directly manipulate elemental energy. The expert at this stage will also stop aging which approves the saying; "The younger a Divine expert appears, the more talented and dangerous the expert is."

Each stage is also further separated into One star to Nine stars. At the peak of every three body refining stages, one would have a single chance to absorb any beast core type and gain the innate battle abilities of that specific beast.

The tribulation of Body Refiners follows the below sequence;

Emperor Stage Blood Revival: the blood of the expert will corrode the meridians, bones, muscles and flesh following which they will explode and reform in the order: Flesh, Muscles, bones and meridians.

Samsara Stage Rebirth Flames: the bones, muscles and flesh of an expert will be smelted by nirvanic flames while the blood will be incinerated and new ones will be formed from the smelted samsara bone marrows.

Awakening & Ancestor Stage Acknowledgement: the expert would need to earn the approval of the ancestor of the bloodline in which he trains.

Divine Stage Divine Blade: this involves summoning a lightning blade that will sever the body in half which leads to the creation of a single avatar and both bodies would then regenerate the severed limbs.

"Hong'er, the body refining tribulations are extremely excruciating and one might die in the process if one wasn't careful. Moreover, it is a hundred times more difficult than Qi refining." Min Tian said seriously.

"Grandpa, I'll first train a body refining technique. Afterwards I'll train Qi refining techniques." Min Hong said. "The two paths can be simultaneously trained in. By then I'll pick the path I'm most skilled in, and that will be my primary path."

"Moreover, weren't you worried that my body is too weak and I might harm myself from training in the Qi path? Since body refining doesn't have that risk, I'd pick this path first then when I get to the Qing stage of body refining, I should be strong enough to train in the Qi path." Min Hong explained in one breath.

"Alright!" Min Tian nodded with a broad smile. "The body refining path is extremely valuable and thus our Min Family only have seven manuals in total. I would let you make your choice". Min Tian spoke.

"Moreover, our Min Family only has three meridian unlocking techniques, I would also let you decide whichever is best for you". Min Rou added happily.

"We don't have many body refining techniques because, in the entire Min Family everyone trains in the Qi path, except your fourth uncle; Min Jin and his son; Min Gui. Then, your first uncle; Min Bolin, trains in both body and Qi refining path, which makes him the strongest of my children". Min Tian explained.

"Grandpa, how strong is mom compared to my four uncles?!" Min Hong asked one of the questions his mom always avoided.

"Ha ha!" Min Tian laughed loudly. "Min Rou, your son wants to know the power rankings of our Min family" Min Tian said with a mischievous grin, while Min Rou also smiled in response to Min Tian's teasing.

"Well, let's start from the top, I'm currently at the 9 Star Dan Formation stage whilst the rest are ranked in the following order;

Your First Uncle: Min Bolin 4 Star King stage and 4 Star Dan Formation.

Your Third Uncle: Min Lei 8 Star Dan Formation.

Your Mother: Min Rou 7 Star Dan Formation.

Your Second Uncle: Min Chen 7 Star Dan Formation.

Your Fourth Uncle: Min Jin 4 Star Emperor Stage."

"Your third uncle is currently in cultivation seclusion as he is trying to breakthrough to the 9 Star Dan Formation Stage, and only when he succeeds will we the Min Family be able to clash with the Zhou Family in the 'Battle for the Central Region'." Min Tian summarized.

"Also, you should pay attention to your cousins. Although, they are way ahead of you now, I believe you would not lag behind them in any way. They are ranked in the following order with age;

Your First Cousin: Min Jiao 8 Star Qi Creation. (10)

Your Fourth cousin: Min Gui 3 Star Warrior Stage and 3 Star Qi Creation. (11)

Your Third Cousin: Min Kong 6 Star Qi Creation. (11)

Your Second Cousin: Min Fang 5 Star Qi Creation. (10)

"They're the most outstanding genius of this third generation and will be your rivals in the future when the selection examination for the coming of age ceremony begins five years from now." Min Tian explained as he looked at Min Hong's shocked expression.

"Min Qing!" Min Rou shouted towards a room in the corner.

A beautiful figure fluttered like a butterfly and appeared at the entrance of the room where the trio were currently discussing. She clocked seven a month ago. She was currently wearing a light-colored cloth and immediately she walked in, a refreshing breeze followed her as it spread across the entire room.

"Eeh! Min Qing, you've reached the 4 Star Qi creation stage?! Min Tian stared at the little girl with a baffled look before turning to see Min Rou also looking at him with a startled expression.

"Aye!" Min Qing responded as she beamed with joy, while Min Hong was also smiling at this demon of an elder sister.

The reason why they were all startled was because, with this substantial cultivation base, she already became the youngest person to reach this stage, since the Min Family was created. A seven-year-old 4 Star Qi Creation cultivator.

"Haha Haha!" Min Tian laughed uproariously. "The heavens indeed have eyes; it seems I have not been forgotten". "My youngest grandson is about to start cultivation while his elder sister has broken a record in our Min Family". Min Tian laughed as his nose suddenly became itchy.

"Woah!" "Min Hong wants to begin cultivation?!" Min Qing was surprised that her little brother has decided to embark on the road of immortals.

"Right! Min Qing, I'd like to trouble you to make a journey to the martial arts section of the Main Library," Min Tian said. "Take this token and bring the abridged versions of all the body refining and meridian opening techniques. Your brother wants to use them."

"Brother, wants to train in body refining path?!" Min Qing thought to herself before responding with a, "Aye!" and then gracefully left the room.

Min Hong took a deep breath as he calmed his eager heart and waited for his sister to return.

The first reason he wanted to train a body refining technique was because he knew that due to his feeble body, his grandpa wouldn't allow him to train in Qi Refining. Self-study? He didn't have the confidence.

The second was that the body refining path had some very powerful benefits.

To kill a body refiner was more than a hundred times more difficult than to kill a Qi expert. Normally, body refiners of the same stage, could totally dominate a Qi refining expert!

They possessed both superhuman strength and strong self-preservation abilities.

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