The Legendary Fool

Chapter 108: Mayhem

Chapter 108: Mayhem


Almost one week later…

Tom’s expression was calm as he balanced himself on the bough of a particularly tall tree. It would not be long now, he knew. Soon, the contingent of academy students that would include a girl with fiery red hair and burnished orange eyes would arrive, complete with three academy professors that included the duplicitous one.

Professor Neliel, Valeria Nezaria, the only child of Lord Ramav Nezaria and a second professor that belonged to the Nottrakon Family would all be converging at the same point in fabric of space and time. A grand confluence of fates that would determine what the future of the Syrelore Kingdom would look like.

A future that was inconsequential in the grand scheme of things perhaps, but mattered to his friend all the same.

Tom closed his eyes and expanded his sense of hearing as much as he could, confident that he himself would not be detected.

Not after the investments he had made.


Physical: 50 (+4)

Mental: 50 (+4)

Proprioception: 50 (+4)]

But that wasn’t all, of course.

[Congratulations, Legendary Ability {Shroud} has leveled up from Level 8 to Level 10!]

[Congratulations, Legendary Ability {Fool’s Gold} has leveled up from Level 1 to Level 4]

[Fool’s Gold, Level 4

To the [Grand Illusionist], the greatest illusion is one that is indecipherable from reality. One’s grandest desires amplified to the point where they lose themselves in the depths of their mind. One’s greatest fear made so visceral that the battle is won before the swords are drawn.

To [The Fool], the greatest illusion in the world is to deceive the very laws that govern this land. To make the impossible, reality.

To give shape, form and weight to an illusion.


Record any [6] non-living, non-consumable weapon, equipment or item within [25] levels of the Soul Card’s current level and upto a maximum of [Rare] rarity. Recreate an illusion that can mimic upto 40% of the object’s ability and copy a maximum of [2] skills.]

While it was disappointing to discover no new subskills after he had leveled his Legendary Ability Shroud to the milestone of ten, Tom was still satisfied to know that the effectiveness of both his sub-skills had increased. Sub-skill Homebound had a shorter cooldown while sub-skill Moh-Maya’s odds at aiding him in copying memories while in the realm of Yul had improved.

As for Fool’s Gold, Tom couldn’t be too disappointed in the changes to the ability given that he had only invested three upgrade points into it. Forty percent of the original object’s effectiveness would win him no battles, but Fool’s gold was an incredibly versatile ability that had just gotten its recorded slots increased by 1.

For now though, Tom doubted that he would need to rely on external items to win his battles.

Even his Uncommon card, Lifeblood’s augmentation, the ability that he had been relying on to win most of his battles, had seen diminished effectiveness after his Strength and Proprioception had reached fifty points.

He could still use it to move faster, but Tom feared that he was seeing the limitations of the Uncommon rank. From what Aleph and Zirel had told him, Common cards had a level cap of ten, uncommon cards a level cap of twenty and Rare cards went up to a whopping 30. As for higher rarities, Tom assumed that they had no idea.

A few of his common cards had been maxed out already and while Lifeblood was still far from that milestone, Tom didn’t expect it to be transformative. As for Blood Scion, it’s value to him was already dropping, as his own body had become a more lethal weapon than the blood of slain enemies ever could be.

It was a melancholic feeling, to find himself outgrowing the cards he had been relying upon for his survival.

While Lifeblood could still be useful to him, the common cards had outlived their value to him.

Tom’s expression tightened as his senses detected the shuffling of footsteps in the distance, flitting through the forest with astonishing speed.

‘Footsteps… more than one,’ Tom thought. ‘Professor Neliel had expected there to be a single assassin, but he had never received confirmation on the matter. The Nottrakon Family sure is thorough.’

Tom signaled to Aleph and Zirel, who were undoubtedly watching him from their own concealed positions, before he mouthed, “There’s more than one assassin.”

There was no acknowledgement or movement to confirm that they had received the message, but Tom was nevertheless sure that they had. Such was the trust they had built with each other after conquering the most difficult sector in the Zelez Dungeon.

He leaned backwards, concealing himself even more thoroughly in the shadows cast by the boughs and thickets of leaves above him.

Minutes ticked away before the first of the procession was visible.

Professor Neliel led the procession, with the students walking behind him in groups of twos and threes. The second traitor alongside the unwitting processor had taken their places at the tail end of the formation. This way, they could claim that they had been doing their jobs competently.

It seemed like the matter of Zirel’s resurgence, his crimes and most of all, his suspected conquest of the Zelez Dungeon’s final sector were being concealed for now. Or maybe he wasn’t deemed enough of a direct threat, bearing no relation to the academy students on the way to give their practical exams.

Either way, Tom still hated how well the professors that were responsible for the safety of their students were orchestrating their murder, noble scion or not. The way the procession was organized, no blame would fall on either of them— they had placed themselves in the line of fire, after all.

Tom’s keen gaze fell on a girl that sported fiery red hair cut short.

Then, he blinked.

Next to her was a man Tom recognized quite well. Pale skin, high cheekbones, emerald eyes— that could only been Zenakris Renain, keeper of the Uncommon [The Umbra] card.

A student who had struck terror into Tom’s heart on their first encounter, a student who he had used Maya on only to find himself almost overwhelmed. Fate had come full circle and this time, it was Zenakris who seemed so… weak before Tom, before Thomas Lowe, an ordinary dude from a small town in Texas.

‘Don’t worry Zenakris, I repay my debts,’ Tom thought, as his lips curled upwards in amusement.

It was Zenakris’ appearance that had let him sneak into the academic city, Renovia, letting him meet and partner up with Aleph later on.

Zenakris might never know it, but he had been a benefactor to him.

Tom’s gaze sharpened as he noticed that the shuffle of footsteps had gone eerily quiet. His senses picked up on a build-up of energy and a moment later, Tom moved.

He wasn’t surprised to find that he had, in one leap, reached Valeria Renain before the assassins had.

Unauthorized duplication: this tale has been taken without consent. Report sightings.

Zenakris’ eyes went wide in surprise while Valeria’s expression contorted in shock, but neither of them were quick enough to reach the blur of grayish-black that streaked towards them.

Tom’s expression was calm as he assessed the threat, discerning that a thin, elongated needle had been thrown, aimed at Valeria’s abdomen. He wasn’t sure if it was an artifact or card ability that powered the needle, but the energy powering it was enough to make his hair stand on end.

He stood his ground, however, as the needle drew closer and closer.

“Mirror World,” Tom whispered under his breath moments before the needle would’ve caught him in the abdomen instead of Valeria.

Tom remained unabashed as the very fabric of space seemed to unwind to reveal a rectangular mirror, its surface smooth and reflective.

The needle that was meant to end Valeria’s life sunk into the mirror, leaving nary a trace as it disappeared in it’s entirety without leaving so much so as a scratch on the mirror’s surface.

Tom’s lips curled upwards before he spoke one word in retaliation, “Counter.”

The grayish-black streak was returned to the vicinity of where it came from with a similar amount of force.

Tom hadn’t expected the counter to strike the would-be assassin, but he was curious about its effect.

So he watched as the grayish-black needle struck a tree. Tom blinked as he watched the life force drain out of an entire tree in a matter of moments, before it’s desiccated husk crashed onto the ground with a loud bang.

‘Holy shit,’ He thought, not at all having expected such a vicious poison.

“We’re under attack— Scatter!” Professor Neliel bellowed just as he had registered that the plan had gone awry.

The Academy students seemed well trained as they did not hesitate beyond the initial fog of war, before taking off in different directions.

Except Valeria, who stood there dazed and Zenakris, who charged at Tom a moment after.

“Who are you?” He asked, as he put himself between Tom and Valeria, his right hand glowing ominously with a congealed mass of shadows.

Tom’s hand reflexively shot forward, wrestling Zenakris’ left arm away from him and to the side.

“Now, now, that’s no way to treat someone that just saved your life,” Tom protested, not letting up his grip as he did so.

“Unhand him,” Valeria protested, as she finally snapped out of her reverie.

“Fine,” Tom replied, though he complied with enough force to send Zenakris a few steps back. “ Surely you understand that the poisoned needle was meant for you?” Tom asked Valeria, his voice carrying forward a composure that he had, at some point in his otherworldly journey, began to own.

“It appears to be so,” Valeria replied through pursed lips.

“I’m glad that you understand,” Tom replied, as the sound of battle echoed in the direction the assassins had fired from.

Aleph and Zirel had begun the fight and unlike Tom, they had no qualms when it came to eliminating their opponents.

“Now,” Tom continued. “I saved your life. If you want to keep it, you need to come with me,” He hurriedly explained.

“Why should she—,” Zenakris began to protest, only to be cut off by Valeria.

“Stop,” She told Zenakris, her tone carrying an air of finality. “You said they were after me. Does that mean they will let Zenakris go?” She asked.

“Yeah,” Tom replied. “Tell your friend to get out of here while he still can.”

“Valeria, I’m not—”

“Zen, you need to go,” Valeria replied, her tone far sharper than any blade. “You told me about your dream. You’re not going to fall here, the assassin’s aren’t after you. Go, now!”

Their gazes intersected.

Zenakris turned away first.

“How can I trust that guy? How can I leave you with him?” He asked, his tone impassioned even as his eyes scanned the foliage for any threats.

“I think you know the answer to that one already,” Tom replied, his attention split between Valeria and the professors that were congregating towards them.

“Zen, if he wanted me dead, he could’ve just let it happen. Neither of us can fight you off, can we?” Valeria asked, her tone sounding resigned.

“No, but I didn’t go to all this effort just to see you harmed. I know it’s a bit much to ask, but trust me,” Tom offered, his tone mirroring his genuine intentions.

“Shit, shit, fuck!” Zenakris screamed, before slowly stepping backwards. A moment later, he broke off into a sprint, disappearing into the forest’s foliage.

“Identify yourself!” Professor Neliel bellowed as he walked towards Tom, a total of six golden blades carved from the earth floating around him in an arc.

The two other professors arrived from the other side, their own abilities on full display. The soles of the second traitor’s feet were aflame, in his hands a longbow that was most definitely a powerful artifact, while the last professor’s hands were emanating frost energy that seemed reasonably powerful.

“I don’t identify myself to traitors,” Tom replied with a sneer, causing Valeria’s eyes to go wide with surprise as Tom wrapped his right hand around her waist before breaking out into a sprint.

Tom’s lips curled up into a smile as the trio of professors didn’t immediately chase after him. Instead, the professor whose hands were emanating frost energy stepped away from his companions side, managing to get a frost wall just as the arrow held taut was loosed in his direction.

That left only Professor Neliel, who began chasing after Tom.

“Now, ask yourself why two of your professors are fighting,” Tom muttered even as he ran forward with wide strides. “While a third is running after you like a rabid beast,” He added.

Valeria was silent for a few long moments as she allowed herself to be led forward, Tom’s fifty physical meaning that he wasn’t tired in the slightest as he ran while supporting her weight, even if it did cut down his speed.

“Why do they want to kill me?” She asked, her tone tense but surprisingly collected.

“It’s the Nottrakon Family,” Tom replied in a matter-of-fact tone. “Who else could convince academy professors to betray their own students? Who else could plan such a brazen assassination in the middle of the day?” He asked.

“You’re… joking,” Valeria protested, even as doubt seeped into her own tone. “What could they possibly have to gain…,” She trailed off, as her eyes widened in realization before she shook her head.

“Even if they wanted to kill me, they would not do it so ostentatiously!” She argued. “My father is the king’s right hand. If he were to have me executed so boldly, that would mean war!”

“You’re right,” Tom nodded, before he leapt to the left. A second later, one of Professor Neliel’s golden earthen blades smashed down on the spot they had been standing with vicious fury, it’s special properties causing the ground underneath to cave in and further trap any would be target.

“But what if the assassins were ready to take the fall, carrying evidence that would pin the blame on the Zenari instead?” Tom asked.

“The Zenari… and the Nezaria…. Noble honor and merchant wealth. Aides of the king yes, but also the two Noble Houses that pose the greatest threat to them. Curses, that bloodthirsty king really seeks to manipulate my father in such a vile manner?” Valeria asked, her fear and exhaustion forgotten in favor of rage.

“Seems like it,” Tom nonchalantly replied.

“And you? Who are you? So young and yet so outlandishly powerful… you’re not from this kingdom, are you?” Valeria asked.

“Me, your highness? Oh, I’m just passing by,” Tom flashed a rogueish grin before continuing, “I’m happy to escort you to your father, if that’s where you’d rather be. As long as you don’t forget to tell him that the Nottrakon Family tried to have you assassinated and then the Zenari, framed for it.”

“What grudge do you have with the Nottrakon?” She asked, but Tom had no time to reply as he gently pushed her away from him.

He turned to the right and where he was unarmed just moments ago, a blade flickered into his right hand.

Nvein’s mimicked blade, an uncommon ranked artefact that increased the wielder’s speed upon every successful parry up to a maximum of 40% on his inferior version.

A moment later, an assassin crashed down upon him from the foliage, his entire body emanating a blood red aura as he brought down his shortsword on him.

Sparks flickered as Tom batted away the would be assassin with a wave of his right hand, sending him careening backwards.

Disbelief flashed in the assassin’s eyes as he pivoted to land on the tree feet forward. Wood chips were sent exploding outwards from the sheer weight, or perhaps density, of the assassin’s body.

It took Tom only a moment to conclude that the red aura was letting the assassin manipulate his body’s mass. He could not have leapt at him with such speed if he had been so heavy, yet he had been exactly that heavy when Tom batted him aside nonetheless.

Tom was prepared as the assassin moved with a quickness that should not belong to one so dense, his expression full of scorn as he aimed for Tom’s throat.

The assassin was only slightly surprised when Tom blocked the killing blow with his own blade, as he reached for his waist and pulled free a vial full of noxious liquid, throwing it at Tom.

A mirror swallowed the contents of the vial before it could even touch Tom and he used that moment to press forward.

One strike into the second.

And then a third, a long line across the assassin’s neck.

Tom knew that if he kept going on the path he had chosen, this moment would come.

Now, it had, as the assassin’s lifeless body crumpled onto the ground and he felt none of the crushing guilt he had been fearing he would.

Monsters had tried to kill him and they had died.

Now an assassin had and… he had died too.

Maybe it was adrenaline holding his emotions at bay. But, no… He would feel guilty about it, yes. Perhaps melancholic, as well. But even in his own world, if you went for a man’s throat you had to be prepared to sacrifice your own.

When the system offered him the option to loot the assassin, Tom did not deny it.

Then he returned to a shaken Valeria, who had her sword at the ready.

“Do you know who that was?” She asked, her expression dumbfounded as she stared at Tom, agape.

“No?” He replied.

“That, I’m pretty sure, is the leader of the Nottrakon Family’s Elite Guard. Or… was.”


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