The Legendary Fool

Chapter 18: Confrontation

Chapter 18: Confrontation

Were it not for [The Shadows] ability allowing him to see in the darkness, Tom wouldnt be able to keep pace with the [Eflinclaws] pace. If it was not for the [Elfinclaws] insistence in continuing to let out a searching howl every few minutes and deliberately slowing its pace, hed have to sprint to keep up with it.

The next twenty minutes tested both Toms willpower and focus the other beasts hed stalked, hed knew to be weaker than himself by a safe margin. With the female [Elfinclaw] though, all bets were off his heart rate had spiked when hed accidentally stepped on a dried branch, causing a crunching sound to echo out in his immediate vicinity. Thankfully, the beast didnt seem to notice as it let out another howl a minute later, perhaps too consumed by concern and dread at the thought of its missing mate to notice.

Tom had been increasingly cautious from that moment onwards, causing him to fall behind by a rather significant margin. Another five minutes passed as he was forced to increase his speed by a notch in an effort to catch up, his efforts proving fruitful as only a little over a dozen meters separated him from the [Elfinclaw].

Suddenly, Tom stopped.

In his frenzied pursuit, hed lost track of just how much distance hed covered. Which was why he was utterly shocked when he saw a small mountain-like structure protruding from the ground, its exterior an azure crystalline coating that projected a luminescent sheen around the immediate surroundings. His eyes bristled at the sudden burst of light, his visage flinching away for a few seconds.

The interior, oddly enough, seemed to be ordinary rock, atleast three misshapen holes punched into its surface that led deeper inside.

If Tom had to guess, the structure looked more like the aftermath of a battle than something naturally shaped but whatever happened here seemed like it had taken place long ago and more importantly it was shelter.

His gaze shifted to the bloodied, half-eaten carcass of what looked like a [Symiril Tusker] lying next to one of the entrances, a trail of blood stretching into the distance indicating that the [Elfinclaw] had dragged the carcass here.

Tom didnt interrupt the [Elfinclaw] as it began to patrol around its lair, though from its casual movements it didnt look like it expected anyone to challenge its sovereignty especially considering that the carcass had remained where the [Elfinclaw] had left it, likely untouched from its lack of alarm.

Tom braced himself, thankful for the little time hed been granted to formulate a plan. In his left hand, was his newly acquired [Elfinclaw Bone Shield].

[Elfinclaw Bone Shield, Common.

Requirements: Physical 5, Proprioception 4

Description: Crafted from the remains of a Level 3 Elfinclaw, this well-crafted bone shield provides good protection against physical attacks]

The shield itself was rather morbid, comprising of two interlocking layers of bone that had been sheared from both ends until they were perfect, if varying strips of rectangular fragments. Surprisingly, the ghastly construction left behind no visible gaps in the resultant kiteshield that was formed and Tom was both sickened and grateful for one particular addition long sinew forming a tight forearm strap that seemed to be tailormade to his specifications.

The reason Tom was grateful was because he could simply slip on the shield on his left arm, whilst his free left hand could still carry the bulk of his [Deck Cards]. His right hand carried the [Water Propulsion] card, Tom aiming to use the same strategy of stun and kill, except this time he didnt dare engage in close quarters combat.

Hed experienced the result of that engagement the first time, well enough.

After one final confirmation that he had everything he needed, Tom began to creep forward extremely slowly, giving the [Elfinclaw] plenty of time while he positioned himself.

Because he had one advantage in this confrontation.

The [Elfinclaw] had to eat. The question was only a matter of when, and Tom was willing to wait. There was plenty of meat remaining on that carcass, and so far he had not seen any flies swarming it so far, he hadnt seen any flies at all, sorely missing the thrum of insect life that wouldve made his forest escapades a little less lonely.

Half an hour passed, Tom struggling to keep his focus as the pangs of hunger grew a little stronger, but persevering nevertheless.

Finally, the [Elfinclaw] stopped.

Tom was not zoologist, but from its demeanor it looked worried, but not devoid of hope he supposed that the beast hadnt shown much fear so far, making other predators of equal strength unlikely and no body had been found yet, so its mate could simply have extended itself too far on a hunt.

Mewling, it slowly approached the carcass, giving its surroundings one final cursory glance before tearing into the Tuskers tender flesh.

Toms lips were parched, a light tremble afflicting his hands as he held the [Water Propulsion] card aloft, knowing that he couldnt afford to miss.

He would get one shot at a clean hit.

Fuck, Tom thought to himself, as he took a deep breath.

Dont miss, you bastard.

Tom felt his SP drain as it seeped into his [Water Propulsion] card, before his arm jerkect back abruptly. A jet of water shot through the air, striking the [Elfinclaw] squarely in the skull. The beast was pushed back by two meters, its eyes shut, likely from the impact of the water.

A translucent silver glow began to coalesce around the beast, but Tom paid it no heed as he fired the second shot.

He missed.

Despite being unable to see, the beast dodged with frightening speed, easily faster than the previous [Elfinclaw] by a non-insignificant margin. The beast still couldnt see, but it didnt have to, as it simply threw itself to the side.

Tom would aim again, but the beast kept frenziedly zig-zagging backwards, unable to see the threat but still doing a fine job at evasion.

At this rate, the [Elfinclaw] would escape.

Tom couldn't allow that. If he let the beast escape now, this base would never truly be his. The threat of the [Elfinclaw] would always be lingering in the back of his mind, and when he least expected it... the beast would strike from the cover of darkness.

It looked like [The Lunar] increased movement speed. While that was tricky to deal with, it was not impossible.

An idea struck him. An idea that was as unexpected as it was cruel.

Tom wasn't a cruel man.

He didn't want to become one.

But the Elfinclaw had begun this fight.

He.... would simply end it.

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