The Legendary Fool

Chapter 33: Skill Upgrade Point

Chapter 33: Skill Upgrade Point

That one, Tom confidently pointed at an indigo stained vial with a swirling, intertwining gold mesh that was not only aesthetically pleasing, but ensured that the container would not shatter even if it fell.

Elixir of Soul Restoration, Cygnar, or presumably Cygnar it didnt matter much at this point muttered aloud, his tone sounding rather perplexed. The Elixirs effects were rather mundane compared to all the other offerings available and it was also rather unpopular when it came to sales mostly due to its prohibitive cost. One sip of the Elixir could instantly restore the Soul Power of anyone below Level 15 without any side-effects, making it invaluable in a perilous situation.

Lord Zenakris, are you planning an excursion? he asked, a hint of concern audible in his tone.

Worry not, my father is aware of this matter. You may bill the Zenakris Estate directly if you are concerned, as I have just returned after successfully claiming a Soul Pet of my own from the menagerie and do not have the requisite funds at hand, Tom replied, craftily painting the illusion that he wanted to assure Cygnar that he wasnt doing anything illicit by having him receive payment from his father.

Oh? Cygnar asked, curiosity eminent in his tone. May I know which beast you chose?

A male Elfinclaw that proved to be quite elusive, Tom replied, trying to maintain a flat tone. As if he were not impressed by his own achievement.

A fitting choice, Lord Zenakris, Cygnar congratulated, his expression turning distant as he seemed to consider something. Very well, I shall have one of my assistants visit your fathers residence tomorrow. Now, I am sure you know this already, but I remain duty-bound to inform you The Elixir of Soul Restoration is one of the most powerful Elixirs I am capable of brewing, but that does not mean that it is not subject to limitations. A single bottle-cap of the elixir will instantly replenish your Soul Power and a second dose within the same day will replenish half of your total Soul Power. Any more within the same day though you will risk permanently damaging your Soul. Do you understand? Cygnars voice weighed down heavily upon Tom, giving him the distinct impression that this lesson wasnt learned without someone making that very error.

I understand, Tom replied demurely.

An awkward silence followed as Tom waited for the receptionist to bag up his potions and elixirs up, only to remember that he had his own portable spatial storage, in the form of his [Inventory]. Keeping his hands from trembling, Tom deposited the potions in his inventory one after the other, taking extra care to not drop the potent Elixir.

Well then, Lord Zenakris. I shall see you at the Ebonfaire Gala, Cygnar offered him a light bow, which Tom took as his queue to leave.

Indeed, Tom replied, his heart thumping in his chest as he walked outside of Cygnars Herblore Emporium with all his appendages intact.

He was actually rather disappointed with the Elixirs effect sure it would be invaluable in a life or death scenario, but Tom had been hoping for something a little more.. Arcane. But there was little else he could have done in the situation hed lead himself into he should be thankful that his cover wasnt blown right then and there.

If he was the type to be thankful though, he wouldnt have taken the risk to begin with.

An idea flashed into his mind, but only for an instant.

Tom stubbornly held onto it.

First things first, though.

[Would you like to add [Blade Manifestation] to your Deck Cards? Doing so will temporarily deduct 1 Soul Power for the duration you have it added to your deck.]


[Soul Power 9/39 (45)]

[Blade Manifestation (Common): Level 1


Energy Sword (Level 1): Manifest an energy sword that the user can direct and control with his thoughts. Each Energy Sword requires 5 SP to form and lasts for one hour or until forcibly shattered. Blade Manifestation can be utilised to attack and defend in a 10 metre radius. ]

What a useful ability, Tom thought, acknowledging what may be his most versatile means to attack yet. Admittedly, he was rather disappointed when his reward for surviving turned out to be a measly Common card, but as Tom was realising- the rarity of a card wasnt a be all and end all not, atleast, at his level.

That, of course, wasnt enough to truly excite him. It was time to use the [Skill upgrade point] hed received for reaching Level 3.

[Soul Card: The Fool.

Rank: Ephemeral [Legendary Unique]

Level: 3 [34,671/50,000]

Skill Upgrade Point: 1


Shroud, Level 1

Passive Shroud:

Makes the wielder invulnerable to all detection/scrying/location cards. Displays a False [Player Statistics] screen to anyone with an [Identification] type card.

Active Shroud, Maya

Deceive oneself to deceive the world.

Fools Gold, Level 1

To the [Grand Illusionist], the greatest illusion is one that is indecipherable from reality. Ones grandest desires amplified to the point where they lose themselves in the depths of their mind. Ones greatest fear made so visceral that the battle is won before the swords are drawn.

To [The Fool], the greatest illusion in the world is to deceive the very laws that govern this land. To make the impossible, reality.

To give shape, form and weight to an illusion.


Record any [1] non-living, non-consumable weapon, equipment or item within [20] levels of the Soul Cards current level and upto a maximum of [Rare] rarity. Recreate an illusion that can mimic upto 10% of the objects ability and copy [1] skill.]

On second thought.

Nodding to himself, Tom made the decision.

Level up shroud.

Tom once again felt the presence of that esoteric, yet oddly comforting aura. It felt as if it was seeping inside his body, permeating in every inch of his body-awakening, no, refining something within.

[Soul Card: The Fool.

Rank: Ephemeral [Legendary Unique]

Level: 3 [34,671/50,000]


Shroud, Level 2

Passive Shroud:

Makes the wielder invulnerable to all detection/scrying/location cards. Displays a False [Player Statistics] screen to anyone with an [Identification] type card. Allows the wielder to change any one statistic in the [Player Statistics] screen.

Active Shroud, Maya

Maya, the Infinite Web of Illusions, gives the wielder an ability to peer into the targets memories, giving the wielder the impression that they have truly become their target in shape, recollection and emotionthereby achieving the state of deceiving oneself to deceive the world. Successfully experiencing Maya and finding ones true self allows access to the realm of Yul, the subconscious mind given metaphysical form. Currently, Maya can only be cast on targets within twenty one levels of [The Fools] current level.

The wielder can copy one memory from Yul upon success. Failure, however, condemns the wielder to a state of Zhan- when the targets psyche overwhelms the wielder, they lose themselves and begin to believe that they are the target themselves. Zhan may last for years or decades, without the wielders awareness.

Sub-skill 1: Home-bound

Imbue a thought-concept with your will, allowing it to guide you to Yul whilst experiencing Maya in the targets mind.

Presently only one thought-concept can be created.]

Youre telling me this now?

Tom wanted to scream at the damn [Divine System] but he barely, just barely, managed to restrain himself. If Zenakris psyche had overwhelmed him, he would be condemned to living out the rest of his days believing himself to be a pompous noble who seemed to be on a doomed quest for glory.

How do I know Im even myself and not just someone elses Zhan?

Tom grimaced.

He would make for a pretty terrible target for Maya, wouldnt he?

Taking deep breaths to relax himself, Toms gaze turned to Verranuvas Artifacts.

This better work, he thought, heading for his last stop before he shed this identity.

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