The Legendary Fool

Chapter 49: A new path

Chapter 49: A new path

The fully-visualised Control Glyph crumbled moments after Tom successfully fired off the flame lance. [The Fools] aura receded even faster than it had come to his aid, to the point where Tom was forced to wonder if he had simply imagined it. He wore an incredulous expression upon his face, the tips of his fingers tingling as he thought back upon the sensation of dominion he had exerted upon his [Deck Card].

Only after experiencing a new realm of understanding could Tom see the flaws in his previous combat style. Lacking in both finesse and skill, he ratcheted a [Deck Cards] potential to the maximum each time he was required to utilise it never once considering that his actions were akin to cracking a nut with a sledgehammer.

A surge of urgency pulsed through his veins, rousing Tom from his thoughts,

Remember it, He commanded none other than himself, that sole desire dominating his consciousness in that moment.

He greatly doubted that [The Fools] assistance would be so easy to solicit a second time.

Remember that sensation.

Envisioning the Control Glyph in his consciousness. Reaching out to the Deck Card. Directing its energy through specific pathways. And finally, allowing the energy to expand outwards after the modulation was complete.

Hold onto it, damn it!

A bead of sweat rolled down his side, his eyes shut as he forced himself to recall every aspect of the process he had followed to achieve control over [The Flame] card. The Control Glyph wished to elude him yet, but Tom had stubbornly latched on and refused to let go. It was not his desire to survive in Artezia that drove him, but his own will instead he had glimpsed at a greater truth and now refused to allow himself to slip back into ignorance.

That belongs to me.

Perhaps it was greedy to demand a power that Aleph had required years to master. Perhaps it was selfish unnatural unfair. But at the same time, Tom wasnt the person he used to be. His will, honed through treacherous encounters would not wilt when faced with a challenge. What others thought or may think held no sway over him. He desired the Control Glyphs power.

He would make his [Deck Cards] submit to his will.

Ten minutes later, Tom opened his eyes.

Alephs azure eyes met his own as he let out an exhausted breath.

For once, her usual carefree expression was replaced by a serious one.

How did you do that? Aleph asked, all traces of composure slipping away as her eyes conveyed the shock she was feeling.

I, Tom trailed off as he tried to think of a plausible explanation..... dont know.

Alephs gaze sharpened at his response.

Then why do you have that cocky grin on your face?

Tom blinked. He really was grinning from ear to ear without having realised it.

I guess I lucked out, Tom blurted out, seeing no other way to justify the veritable miracle that had just taken place.

Im supposed to believe that? Aleph asked.

Well, Tom replied with a light shrug. I couldnt repeat that feat even if you asked me to. But experiencing that once. it probably saved me years of effort. Now I know that the way I was using my Cards was completely wrong. Thank you, Aleph.

Without any hesitation, Tom offered her a deep bow.

Haah, Aleph heaved a drawn-out sigh. I didnt expect someone normal or entirely sane, for that matter, to accept my proposal but this is beyond my expectations. Managing to use the Control Glyph on your first try. just who are you?

Nobody important.

Rubbing her head in exasperation, Aleph gave him a pointed look.

How long do you think it would take for you to master the Control Glyph? She asked, letting the matter of his identity drop for now.

Two months? Maybe three? He answered after giving it some thought.

Alephs eyebrows twitched at his response.

Uh, Aleph? Why are you smiling like that? Tom sceptically voiced his concern.

Forming a proper team from the rejects of the Nameless District and challenging the Zelez Dungeon was always going to be one hell of a longshot. But with your. monstrous talent and my experience. we can do it. We can win, Alephs gaze glistened with a fire that she had been lacking before. Desperation was a powerful motivator and repeatedly facing challenges that were considered beyond her had allowed Aleph to grow far beyond what her peers were capable of.

She had forged on against unfavourable odds time after time but there were certain challenges that could not be surmounted by willpower alone.

The hardest sector of the Zelez Dungeon was precisely one of those.

The path Aleph had been treading was one of destruction either her enemies would be destroyed, or she would. Years had passed and what had been a path once born out of desperation became the only way she knew.

Now. a different path had opened up before her.

A dangerous one.

Hope. was dangerous. To allow hope into her heart was to invite disappointment. That was a lesson that life had taught her well.

Yet, it was also the path she saw leading to victory.

They could truly conquer the Zelez Dungeon.

But thats still a long way off, Aleph chuckled as she formed another crystal sword in her free hand. For now, all I need to do is keep coming at you until you master the Control Glyph.

Seriously? Tom protested as he parried her slash.

I never jest.

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