The Legendary Ghost Hunter

Chapter 116: The Storm Is Coming

Chapter 116: The Storm Is Coming

[Main plot starts up again here, bringing back some old characters. But if you did skip the past few side chapters, I would like to just say again I highly recommend reading them if you have time, since they help provide an immersive experience in this novel’s world.]


– The House of Crimson Moons, Main Entrance –

A lone boy walked up the steep road upwards leading to a mansion at the top of a hill. He wore a dark blue cloak with a hood that hid his face, and his ocean-blue eyes shone like dazzling sapphires within the blackness of night.

His name was Derek. Derek McLan. But he abandoned that name long ago — now, he goes by his alias: Storm.

He had spent the past week thinking. Contemplating. What should he do?

He considered going back to Archon and Melvia. They had, after all, taken care of him for so long and saved him from death. But unfortunately, his ego wouldn’t allow him to. He already made the decision to turn his back on that squadron. On that family. Going back now would be far too embarrassing.

Storm needed to show them… show them all just what he was capable of doing. He needed to show them his verdict, his determination.

That determination, over time, became hate. Hate directed towards his previous squadron, hate directed towards Archon, Melvia, Fanatic, Octane, Iris, and most of all… Finn. Jealousy can drive someone onto the brink of insanity, and that was exactly what was happening to Storm right now.

He once had everything taken away from him by the Ghosts. He wasn’t about to let the same thing happen again — at the hands of a mere human, no less. The squadron was so nice and peaceful until he came along… but what Storm failed to realize was that it wasn’t Finn who caused this to happen. It was his own, burning jealousy.

It took him a week to finally settle on a course of action. His grand plan. In the meantime, he lived off the money he had received from Heartbeat, and there was still plenty leftover. Indeed — he never used the money like Finn had instructed. Turned out to be a good thing, huh? For him, anyway.

And now, he would begin the first stage of his plan — exposing everything there was to be exposed about Finn Thresher, and his powers.

At the metal front gates of the manor, Storm stood. Beside it was a little cubicle post, where a man sat inside.

“… What is your business here?” He asked.

“Tell the patriarch I’m the substitute truck driver from last time,” Storm replied coldly. “He’ll let me in.”

“The patriarch? Sorry, we don’t have a ‘patriarch’ here. This place is home to the CEO of-“

“Yes, yes… all that crap. I’m a Ghost Hunter, here to join the House of Crimson Moons. And I really don’t feel like saying the whole secret code, so just tell your patriarch that I’m here.”

“You…” The man’s eyes widened a bit in rage, but in his earpiece, he heard a voice.

“Let him in.”

It belonged to Heartbeat, naturally. The man, left without any other choice, sighed and opened the gates.


“Hmph,” Storm snorted before heading inside.


Having been here once already, he was familiar with how to enter and navigate his way through the front hall. It was even easier with a butler of some sort guiding him, and very soon, he found himself in the same room he had spoke with Heartbeat last time. The chandelier in the room was turned off, and the only source of light was the moon’s white rays, entering through the open curtains of the vertical windows.

“Greetings, patriarch,” he said, bowing.

Heartbeat, red eyes shining like glistening blood, took a sip of wine from his glass and gestured towards the seat across from him.

“Take a seat.”

Storm did as told, seeing no reason to refuse. After sitting down, Heartbeat set the glass of wine on the table and laced his fingers together, leaning back on his velvet chair.

“Welcome back. Where is… your friend?”

He was, of course, referring to Octane. Storm, however, had already cut all ties with his previous squadron, Octane included. Before coming here, he already made that decision.

“He’s not my friend anymore. It’s just me now.”

“…” Heartbeat carefully observed Storm for several moments, then smiled.

“You’ve changed, since the last time I met you.”

“Does that bother you?”

“No, no… quite the opposite, in fact,” Heartbeat said with a soft chuckle. “I like this version of you… better. But the change isn’t small. Care to enlighten me on what caused this to occur?”

Storm sulked and turned away with a sigh. “To put it bluntly… I was betrayed.”

“Oh? Betrayed?” Heartbeat leaned in closely, curious. “Tell me more.”

And so, Storm did. Every single detail, beginning with how Archon and Melvia were both still alive. The entire plan to rescue them… Finn’s powers… everything. Storm knew the consequences of this — there was a chance Heartbeat would kill him on the spot for lying to him, and also relentlessly hunt down Archon and Melvia both.

But he didn’t care. Not anymore. All he wanted to do now, was destroy Finn. That hatred consumed him. He was utterly convinced Archon and the others betrayed him by taking Finn’s side in that incident.

And if they betrayed him, well… he was going to do the same back to them.

Instead of exploding in rage like Storm had expected, however, Heartbeat merely laughed after he finished his story. Storm was confused, of course, and furrowed his brows.


“Oh, nothing. I am just laughing at myself for actually being fooled like that,” he replied, waving his hand casually.

“Are you going to hunt them down again?” Storm asked.

Heartbeat fell into thought, taking another sip of his wine. “Hm… yes, but not now. I have been ordered by the guild to deal with this Emperor-level Ghost hiding within the District, you see. Once that is done and over with, I will begin my rebellion — and crush those two while I am at it.”

After several seconds, he continued with a smile.

“Oh, but don’t worry… I’ll leave the rest of that squadron for you yourself to handle.”

“I appreciate it,” Storm replied briskly, clenching his fists.

“As a thank-you for all this wonderful information you’ve provided for me, I will make you a high-ranking member of this squadron,” Heartbeat said, resting his elbows on the table. “And in return, you will serve me unconditionally. How about it?”

Storm blinked several times, not expecting this extra benefit.

“I… I accept.”

Heartbeat, having received consent, smiled sinisterly.

“Good, good… Sully here will take you to your living quarters. Sleep well tonight, and come find me in the morning.”

“Yes, patriarch,” Sully — the boy who had led Storm here — said, then circled around the table and stood by Storm’s side.

Storm stood up, preparing to follow Sully away, but-

“You and I are quite alike, you know,” Heartbeat suddenly said, causing Storm to stop and turn around. “We both know the feeling of being betrayed all too well.”

“… Is that the real reason why you decided to make me a high-ranking member?” Storm asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Correct. So… don’t let me down, Hurricane.”

Storm narrowed his eyes. “Hurricane…?”

“Indeed,” Heartbeat said with a faint chuckle. “New squadron, new person, new alias. You are like an uncontrollable storm, wild and ruthless, fueled by jealousy and revenge. I know you wish to be independent, so I won’t even ask you to call me patriarch. Just Heartbeat is fine. In my opinion… Hurricane is a fitting title for someone like you, no?”

Storm glanced down at his own hand and clenched it tightly.


Narrowing his eyes, he turned around and followed the boy named Sully away, disappearing from sight. Heartbeat, watching them go, raised his glass of wine and took another sip, draining it empty, while recalling everything Storm — or rather, Hurricane — had just told him.

“Finn Thresher, huh? The ability to wield multiple Angelicas and steal others’… how curious.”

He was far more interested in this Finn person than Hurricane. To Heartbeat, Hurricane was nothing more than a tool to attract Finn to him, one that could be disposed of as soon as the job was done. But if he could turn Finn his… the possibilities were endless.

On the other hand, Hurricane, now reborn, held a steely passion for revenge in his blue eyes, completely oblivious to the fact that Heartbeat only saw him as a tool to get closer to Finn.

He was done being weak. He would become strong, stronger than their wildest imaginations. And then… he would show them.

‘Prepare yourself, Ace. I’m coming. And when I do… you’ll meet your end. I’ll prove to everyone… that I’m stronger than you. Better than you.

And as for Archon and Melvia… hmph. They can watch from hell.’

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