The Legendary Ghost Hunter

Chapter 174: Evelyn's Crisis

Chapter 174: Evelyn’s Crisis

“A dilemma…?” Iris tilted her head. “How so?”

Evelyn pinched her nose bridge and took a deep breath.

“You see… recently, a certain someone has been trying to shut my business down. There are very few people in this world who have the power and influence to do that, but he is one of them. And as for his goal, well… this might come off as arrogant, but put bluntly, he is after my body.”

“That isn’t arrogant at all, considering your actual looks…” Iris murmured.

“Fuhaha,” Evelyn laughed, leaning back in her throne a bit. “You have a sweet tongue, little girl. If only your boyfriend had the same… I would be charmed.”

“This… person you speak of,” Finn began, folding his arms. “Does he wear a diamond pig mask?”

Evelyn blinked. “Oh…? You’ve met him?”

“… Somewhat. We encountered him downstairs, just before coming up through the elevators.”

Finn knew about the mask thanks to Zelestria, who had told him this wouldn’t be the last time he saw that man. 

“Ah, I see… yes, he is the one,” Evelyn said with a sigh. “His name—or rather, alias—is Shining. An odd choice if I do say so myself, but his control over this underground city is undeniable.”

“And… what do you want us to do about it, exactly?” Finn asked, raising an eyebrow. “If he is truly as influential and powerful as you say, there is nothing two people can do to him.”

“Hehe… influential, yes, but powerful, not exactly.”

She didn’t need to say any more for Finn and Iris to understand what she meant by that.

“So… you want us to assassinate him, huh?” Finn snorted.

“Precisely. With your… Ghost powers, that should be easy, no?”

Seeing as how Evelyn already knew everything, there was hardly a reason to attempt to deny anything. It would only be a waste of time.

“… And what would we get out of this?” Finn asked.

“Hm… a night with me, perhaps?” Evelyn giggled softly. Then, seeing Iris’s flustered reaction, she waved her hand in dismissal. “Just kidding, just kidding~ but I promise I will make it worth your while.”

Finn furrowed his brows. “Be specific.”

Evelyn smiled like a professional seductress, then set her cigar down and leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand that wore a thin velvet glove. Her glittering crimson-purple eyes seemed to shine underneath the white lights of the chandelier, entrancing and beautiful. Despite being a mother with a child who was already 16 at the very least, 

“You wanted to conquer the Temple in District B, didn’t you? But in order to that, you’ll need proper, anti-Specter equipment, that can protect you from their mind tricks. Such equipment is not sold anywhere, and is only administrated by the House of Spectra. However, if you help me here… I can get you some.”

“That sounds like a good deal, but…” Iris pursed her lips. “Why us? Or rather, why Finn, in particular? You have plenty of subordinates, do you not?”

Evelyn sighed. “I do, but none of them can make a move against him. I need someone with a specific power in particular. Someone… with the ability to Shapeshift.”

By this point, Finn already had a good idea of what the plan here was.

“You want me to Shapeshift into you?” He asked. “Seriously?”

“Yes,” Evelyn said with a perfect smile. “There is going to be a dance party in three days from now. At the party, seduce him, make him drunk… then strike once you two are alone in a room. Should be simple, yes?”

“Sounds simple,” Finn scoffed. “But how am I supposed to imitate you?”

“Don’t worry,” Evelyn reassured, leaning back in her throne and crossing her legs one over the other once more. “In the next few days, I will teach you how to act like me—naturally. Yes, you are blind, but you managed to solve that little quiz I gave you a while ago, so I trust you have a method of making it seem like you aren’t. With that, it will be a perfect act.”

“… Fine. Just don’t blame me if things go south,” Finn muttered.

“Ahaha… I’m sorry, but I just really can’t picture it… Finn, acting like you…?” Iris laughed awkwardly.

“Fufu… it will be fine. I have a plan—one that involves my Angelica. Feel free to stay here for the night—I already have a room booked for the two of you. Finn, return to this office tomorrow morning at 8—alone. Sorry, Ivis, but…”

Iris shook her head. “I understand. I’ll only be in the way of your training. In the meantime, I’ll just relax. It’s been a while since I’ve last had a chance to do so, after all.”


After being told to report back here tomorrow morning, Finn and Iris left the building, as they still had business left to be done tonight. Finn had received a message from Mavrick, telling him that the armor sets were finished.

On the way there, Zelestria finally decided to speak, having listened in to that whole conversation with Evelyn from earlier.

[You know, darling… I can’t help you see for this upcoming dance party. There are too many factors to consider, and I can’t be aware of everything.]

‘So… I better give this up, is what you mean?’

[Not exactly. I was planning to tell you this as a surprise on our date, but that kept getting delayed over and over again, so…] She sighed. [The truth is, my natural recovery plus all the Souls you have gathered so far make enough for me to heal your eyes.]

Finn stopped walking.

‘… What?’

[I didn’t mean to hide this from you. The truth is, only today did I reach the proper threshold needed to heal your eyes. However, if I do that, I’ll be left in a… unconscious state. All my power would need to be expended, and I would be put into something akin to a coma.]


“Hello? What’s wrong?” Iris asked, tilting her head and looking down at Finn, who was now standing still in one place.

“… It’s nothing,” Finn replied, and hurriedly began walking again. In his mind, he answered Zelestria.

‘… Will the coma be forever?’

[Fufu~ worrying about me, are you? How sweet. Don’t worry, it won’t be permanent, but it will be a while. Of course, as long as you keep killing Ghosts, the Souls you gain will help me wake up sooner as well. So? What will it be? The choice is yours, darling.]

‘Why are you doing this…? Sacrificing your own consciousness to help me.’

[Anything to help my darling.] Zelestria said with a light giggle. [This is a good opportunity for you to get stronger and acquire some nice new gear to take on Specters in the future as well. Remember, the stronger you get, the quicker you can fulfill your end of our deal.]

‘I see… in that case…’ Finn paused. ‘… Do it.’

[Very well. Come into the reality rift tonight. But… how are you going to explain it to Iris?]

‘… I’ll just say I don’t know either.’

[Fufu~ I see… you use that line a lot, don’t you? When you don’t want to answer something, just say I don’t know.]

‘I suppose. Still… this is… sudden news.’

Zelestria chuckled. [Is it? Heheh, my bad, I suppose.]

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