The Legendary Ghost Hunter

Chapter 28: Operation: Exterminate

Chapter 28: Operation: Exterminate

By the time Archon was finished his story, the 154th Squadron all realized that none of them had taken a single bite out of our rice. Some of them drank a little of the soup, and that was it. After hearing that tragic tale, they weren’t exactly in the mood to eat either, but Finn still did it anyway since he didn’t particularly have a mood.

Right after eating, Archon strode up to the wall and pulled down on chain switch of some sort, dropping down a map that was originally rolled up on a rod hanging from the ceiling. The map showed District A in detail and had various red pen drawings over it — the marks of previous operations.

“According to Heartbeat, the location of Alpha Lupi’s hideout is here,” Archon said, taking a red marker nearby and drawing a circle over a building in some slums in the southeastern part of the city. “Fanatic, does this bring back some memories, by any chance?”

The short boy who was no older than a middle schooler pushed his square glasses up the bridge of his nose and stood up, the bright gleam of the light above them reflecting on his lenses.

“Indeed it does… that, is where I used to live.”

“Correct,” Archon replied, turning back to the map. “Back then, I found you in this region of the District… which was why I assumed you would know something about it.”

“I know that area very well,” Fanatic said confidently, walking up to the board and taking out a long thin rod from his white lab coat’s pocket.

Pointing at the place Archon had just circled, he continued. “There is a secret way to infiltrate this building — from above. When I was younger, I used to play hide and seek with some of the other kids who lived in these slums with me. This was a spot I found by chance.”

Fanatic’s scientist outfit and glasses paired with his academic aura almost made him seem like a professor as he stood up there, explaining the plan to us.

“On the roof of this building, there is a vent entrance. That used to be my prime hiding spot during these hide and seek games — no one was ever able to find me. Every time I finished using it, I would screw the gate back on slightly so I would be able to use it again next time. In other words, as long as no one else touched it during all these years… we should still be able to sneak into the building from there.”

“I don’t know how powerful Alpha Lupi is right now, unfortunately,” Archon said with a sigh. “Since the strength of the enemy is unknown to us, sneaking in using Fanatic’s plan is the best option.”

“Before that, I have a question.” Finn raised his hand. “If someone from the guild really found out about what you did… how come you weren’t kicked out?”

Archon’s actions were more than enough to earn him an exile sentence from the guild — it was truly a mystery how he was still here, and even managed to establish his own Squadron, and with Melvia in it as well.

“I… nearly was,” Archon murmured uncomfortably. “Almost all of the influential figures of the guild wanted me exiled or even dead to atone for my sins. But the Guildmaster… she vetoed all of their proposals, allowing me to remain in the guild. I was kicked out from my original A-Class Squadron, but I was able to stay as a Phantom Slayer. Eventually, I formed my own Squadron, but was stuck with the label of D-Class.”

“… Hm.” Finn fell silent.

He could see where the Guildmaster was coming from — Archon was quite powerful on his own, and he also possessed the Blacksmith Angelica that was quite rare according to Iris. It made sense that she would want to keep him in the guild as a tool.

“That’s why I said earlier today I’m not allowed in her presence,” Archon laughed self-depreciatingly. “The guilt would be too much for me to bear.”

‘It seems… he doesn’t realize the Guildmaster just wants to keep using him because of his Angelica…’ Finn thought in his head, but decided to refrain from saying this out loud.

“Hold on,” Storm interjected. “Will there be mines in their new hideout as well?”

“It would be safe to assume so, yes,” Fanatic replied. “If they had mines set around at their old base, there’s no reason for them to not do the same in their new one. Thoughts, Archon?”

“I agree,” Archon said with a firm nod. “And knowing those bastards… they probably have even more security measures set in place after that failed raid we did last time. I would expect things like tripwires and all sorts of traps. Hell, I wouldn’t even rule out lasers as a possible defense mechanism.”

“How big is the vent?” Iris asked hesitantly.

“This…” Fanatic trailed off. “I didn’t think of that beforehand… you won’t be able to crawl through with your legs, and if you rode Finn, you wouldn’t fit…”

“Oh…” Iris murmured disappointedly, a dejected look on her face.

“In that case…” Finn spoke up, sitting in a thoughtful gesture. “Why don’t we hit them with a flank attack?”

“What?” All four pairs of confused eyes converged on Finn, awaiting an explanation.

He sighed. “Think of it like this: putting Ivis aside for now, if we were to attack from the vents like what Fanatic suggested, there is still a chance that they could detect and surround us, correct? Since they have more numbers, if that were to happen, we would be done for. However, if Ivis and I sneak in from the front while you guys scurry through the vents…”

At this, Archon’s eyes lit up. “Ah, I see! That’s clever indeed… essentially, you’re telling us to purposely make as much as noise as possible to attract all of their forces to us without making it seem suspicious, while you strike from behind from the front entrance, where they least expect it…”

“Huh… if it’s like this, then we can hit them from both sides, making us the surrounders rather than the surrounded,” Storm analyzed. “That could work.”

“I agree…” Fanatic murmured. “I didn’t even think of splitting up…”

“Good goin’, Finn, thinking of something before prof here!” Octane cheered in praise, the shock and despair from earlier replaced by newfound vigor and determination.

After that, the five discussed the plan in more detail and arrived at a solid, precise course of action.


“Alright, with that, it’s decided,” Archon said once they were finished, placing his hand down on the table with a determined look in his eyes. “We won’t have Reaper with us, but there’s no time. Tomorrow night, we set out. Remember, team — we only have one try. One tiny screw-up… and we fail. Melvia dies. Are you ready?”

Octane grinned. “‘Course. I’m always ready.”

Storm nodded firmly, hellbent on revenge, and pulled his black gloves tighter. “I haven’t killed humans before, but… perhaps, it’s finally time to do it — there’s a first for everything and everyone, after all. This is mine.”

Fanatic folded his arms and closed his eyes. “You’re going to be the ones doing the actual fighting… how can I say I’m not ready?”

“I’m all set as well,” Iris added, a smirk on her face. “This will be not only a good opportunity to get stronger, but also a chance to hone my teamwork with Finn.”

“Agreed,” Finn said, last but not least. He fished out the tiny dagger Archon had given him when he first woke up here and stabbed it into the table. “It’s about time… for my first proper mission.”

After confirming our resolve with his own two ears, Archon smiled and cracked his knuckles.

“Alright, Squadron 154… I hereby name this mission — Operation: Exterminate.”

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