The Legendary Ghost Hunter

Chapter 33: Future Plans

Chapter 33: Future Plans

“Why didn’t you come last night?” Zelestria asked, raising an eyebrow curiously.

“Because I didn’t have anything to spend or have any questions,” Finn said as he scanned over his stats. “What purpose would there have been in me coming?”

“Hm, I suppose that is true. But…” She licked her lips seductively. “Don’t you just want to see me, even if you don’t have anything to do on the system~? Fufufu…”

“Not particularly,” Finn replied coldly, as emotionless as ever. “But I do have something I wish to speak to you about today, hence why I asked to get pulled.”

Zelestria materialized a swivel chair out of thin air and sat own on it, spinning around to face Finn with a wry smile on her face. “Go ahead.”

“It’s about human kills… do they give me Souls to help me get stronger, or is that Ghosts-only?”

“Ghosts only, unfortunately. Killing other humans will provide a better training experience than slaying mindless Ghosts, most of the time, but they don’t directly enhance your Ghost blood. Naturally, they won’t help me recover either.”

“In other words… what I did today was all for nothing,” Finn muttered in frustration.

“Not necessarily,” Zelestria replied, to Finn’s surprise. “While the mission you accomplished today didn’t help you get any physically stronger, you are starting to get closer to your allies. That will be important in the long run. No matter how strong you are, you will always be even stronger with reliable teammates by your side.”

“I suppose. But if they find out I’ve just been stealing their Angelicas, any trust I’ve built up with them will be broken in the blink of an eye. With power like mine, it’s best to remain a lone wolf after gathering the Angelicas I need.”

“Fufu, you underestimate your squadron, Finn.”

“… What?”

“Archon, Octane, Storm, Fanatic, Iris… every single one of them has been through a lot, comparable to yourself. If you think you have it bad, they had it worse. Death… tragedy… betrayal… all five of them were forged out of such things. Most people would’ve just given up if they were tossed into the same past they had to suffer through — yet they survived. They managed to push through and live on, despite all hope being lost.”

“…” Finn fell silent, knowing Zelestria was right. He didn’t know their exact past, but their actions proved it. Slaying Ghosts was a life-risking job. Only those who had already abandoned survival long ago and accepted death for what it was could accomplish this.

“… They’re strong, Finn. They won’t get worked up over you taking their Angelicas. If anything, they’ll be happy for you. You’re lucky to have found such a great home. I’m almost a bit jealous.”

Finn took a deep breath. “I still need some time to think about this. But if I do tell them… since I can’t tell them about you, I’ll just say I’m not sure either if they ask why.”

“Ara~ you remembered your promise.”

Finn snorted. “Even if I told them, I doubt they’ll believe me anyway.”

Zelestria giggled. “Fufu, I suppose that’s true. Oh yeah, you obtained the Blacksmith Angelica from Archon just recently, right? I’d recommend going to the library in the Phantom Slayers HQ as soon as possible to learn how to use it.”

“… If only you could just teach them to me directly.”

“I could, but then the others would be curious as to where you learned them from. Fufu, you can’t say ‘I don’t know’ for this one as well, can you~?”

Finn sighed. “I’m well aware. That’s why I’m planning on leaving this squadron, as soon as I get my eyesight back.”

“But… you’ll have more strength in numbers.”

“Don’t get me wrong,” Finn quickly corrected. “I’ll still stay in the Phantom Slayer Corps — that yields me good rewards such as money, which is always useful. I will also keep in touch with these allies of mine, but only call on them when I need help. I feel… too constrained when being surrounded by others.”

“I see… I hadn’t thought of that. If you work best alone, then so be it. I have no complaints.”

“Well, even if you had complaints, I would’ve done it anyway, but…”

Zelestria giggled. “Fufu~ you’re a bad boy. Though I must say… I like that defiant attitude~”

With all of his questions answered, Finn prepared to exit the reality rift, but then changed his mind.

“By the way…”


“… Did you interfere with today’s mission at all?”

At this, Zelestria raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“I mean… my strategy shouldn’t have worked. Lupus just happened to be standing directly in front of the window? That seems too lucky to just be a coincidence.”

“I agree, but I did not interfere in any way. Your path is yours to take alone. I can help, but I won’t directly intervene. Besides, even if I wanted to, I can’t. The laws of fortune and causality are not for me to overwrite, even if I govern this world.”

“… Really?”


Finn was unconvinced, but Zelestria clearly wasn’t going to tell him anything further. While there certainly was a chance it really was just luck, that was highly unlikely, and Finn never was one to believe in luck.

“But while we’re on the topic…” Zelestria continued with one eye closed suggestively and a wry smile on her face. “The method you used to defeat Lupus was quite interesting, Finn. I never would’ve thought you knew how to do ventriloquism.”

“Childhood friend of mine taught me,” Finn replied briskly. “Speaking of… is he doing fine?”

“Leonardo Castovich, yes?”

“Seems like you did some research on my past.”

“Of course. Fufu, in this world, nothing escapes my eyes… minus the part about you secretly being a ventriloquist,” Zelestria bragged. “But unfortunately… your friend is dead. Killed in the Outbreak that nearly killed you as well.”

Finn’s expression did not change at all at this news, and he merely responded as calmly as ever.

“… I see.”

With that, Zelestria sent him out of the reality rift, staring on as his body dematerialized.

“… Sorry, Finn. In order to renew your hatred for Ghosts and prevent you from trying to return to your old self… I can only lie like this.”

Taking a deep breath, she continued, staring at the neon sunset.

“It’s best you forget about everything from your past. After all… you are not Finn Thresher anymore. Actually, you’re barely even human anymore. Now, you have one identity and one identity only: The ultimate Ghost Hunter — Ace.”

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