The Legendary Ghost Hunter

Chapter 35: Beating Heart

Chapter 35: Beating Heart

– Phantom Slayer Corps, 154th Squadron Lair –

After Finn and Iris both took showers and brushed their teeth, Storm, Fanatic, and Octane woke up and did the same, then came down to the living room.

“Mornin’, Finn, Miss Ivis,” Octane waved. “Is Reaper back yet? Oh, and where’s boss? I want to see aunt Melvia again!”

“About that…” Iris looked away uncomfortably. “He still hasn’t returned. We’re worried something may have happened last night, when Archon delivered Lupus’s body to Heartbeat.”

“What? Boss still isn’t back?!”

“That bastard…” Storm gritted his teeth and began heading in the direction of the teleporter, but Finn cut him off with a few words.

“… Where are you going?”

“To beat that dirtbag down. Where else do you think I’m going?”

“One, you don’t even know his location, and two, do you think we can just charge in there without a plan?”

“Archon may already be dead by now, and you’re here calmly analyzing the situation?!” Storm roared, grabbing Finn by the collar and pulling him out of his chair.

“Mhm. And if we go in now, all of us will end up dead. Your point?”


“Calm down, Storm!” Fanatic cut in, grabbing his shoulder. “Did you forget what Archon taught you? Don’t let your emotions get in the way of your rational thinking!”

“Shut up!”

“Storm! Relax,” Iris interrupted with a stern gaze, which somehow actually managed to make Storm stop his tantrum. “Finn is right. Use your head. Let’s suppose we did know Heartbeat’s location. His squadron would definitely outnumber and overpower us with ease, especially since we don’t have Reaper here with us.”

And as if on cue, the hidden entrance leading to the teleporter room slid open, revealing a cloaked figure with a single glowing robotic red eye beneath its hood and holding a large, worn-down metal scythe.

[R34P3R-44, reporting for duty.]


“The first thing should do is head for the guild,” Iris said as the six of them discussed on a course of action. “There, they can provide us with info on where Heartbeat’s lair is. Archon never told us, so this is the only way.”

Octane immediately rushed into the teleporter. “I’m on it!”

“Hold on,” Finn stopped him. “We should all go together.”

“What? Why?”

“I doubt the guild would just overlook a squadron capturing the leader of another without permission from higher-ups. If we talk to the Guildmaster, we should be able to resolve this without even needing to fight.”

“Good idea,” Fanatic agreed. “We can’t take on Heartbeat’s squadron alone — we have to rely on the guild for this.”

“Tch… fine, let’s do it your way,” Storm reluctantly agreed. “A shame I can’t punch that bastard with my own two hands, though.”

The six of them headed into the teleporter together, with Iris still in her wheelchair. With a bright white flash, they were warped to the front entrance of the Phantom Slayers Headquarters, up high in the clouds. They hurriedly rushed in, receiving numerous awkward gazes from other Phantom Slayers. That was to be expected, given Iris’s wheelchair state, Finn’s scarred eyes, and Reaper’s existence.

Iris glanced towards the elevators, but there were far too many people waiting for them. That meant there was only one way to go.

“Finn, the stairs — to your right, twenty meters.”

“On it.”

Finn let Iris climb onto his back and immediately headed for the staircase, the four others following him. But after climbing several floors, Octane’s stamina was already out due to his asthma and Fanatic looked like he couldn’t keep going either. Storm began slowing down as well, panting heavily.

“… Storm and Reaper, go back down, see if you can find out Heartbeat’s location. Iris and I will take care of this.”

“What…? I can still keep runn-“

“There’s no point. You four shouldn’t have come with us in the first place — only one of us need to go.”

“Tch… fine. I leave things up to you, then.”

[Instruction: Received.]

Finn nodded firmly, grateful Storm had calmed down a bit from earlier and thus was so obedient, before quickly turning around and continuing to sprint up the stairs.

With his enhanced physical capabilities, very soon, he reached the thirtieth and final set of stairs.

“This is it, Finn,” Iris said firmly. “The door is right in front of you.”

After some feeling around, Finn found the door handle and attempted to pull it open. But…

“… It’s locked.”

“Damn… I guess this floor is off-limits from the stairs unless we receive special permission…”

But suddenly, the two heard a clicking sound from the door in front of them, signaling that it was open.

“What the…” Iris trailed off.

Finn furrowed his brows in thought.

“… Seems like someone knows we’re here.”


The duo soon arrived at the large, exquisite white and gold doors that they had walked through just two days earlier. Finn knocked on the door gently, heart somehow feeling unsettled.

The last time he felt something truly shake him up and make him nervous like this was when he was rushing towards his own home, chasing after the Phantom. But the feeling he felt right now, despite the calm, quiet atmosphere… it was unexplainable in words.

“Come in,” the light, female voice from inside the room said softly.

Finn pushed open the doors and entered, Iris still riding on his shoulders. The Guildmaster sat in her royal seat on the other side of the room, resting her head on her hand while leaning to one side.

“Why, welcome back.”

“… Sorry to disturb you like this,” Iris said, opening the conversation. “We just have an urgent matter to speak to you about…”

“Oh? Do you have any idea what I have to deal with every day?” The Guildmaster laughed mockingly. “I’m sure you’ve heard about the Perfect Outbreak recently. I’ve been getting tons of calls, paperwork, and interviews about it. What makes you think you, members of a mere D-Class squadron, have the importance to demand me intervene in your so-called ‘urgent’ matters?”

“… We don’t,” Iris replied firmly after a short hesitation. “You’re right — we’re not important at all, compared to all the matters you have to deal with every day, Guildmaster. But even so… you are the only one who can help us in this situation. Even if we may get ignored, even if we may get rejected, we still have to try — for the sake of our leader.”

At this, the Guildmaster’s originally neutral and somewhat scary expression slowly curved up into a smile.

“I like the boldness and bravery. I was testing your resolve just now — if you backed down there and tried looking for an alternative, I wouldn’t have helped you. But someone who recognizes their weakness and turns that into their strength… that is someone worth helping.”

She sat up straight, placing both elbows on her table and crossing her hands before resting her chin on them.

“Now then… I can spare a little bit of time, I suppose. Tell me about Archon.”

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