The Legendary Ghost Hunter

Chapter 70: The Beginning

Chapter 70: The Beginning

– Half an Hour Later –

Archon slowly recovered from the electrocution and faced the reality. After a while of sitting around and contemplating what to do from here, he decided to call everyone down to the living room to hold a discussion, including Finn (who had been doing certain things with Zelestria in his room).

After Zelestria returned to the reality rift, Finn slipped his clothes back on and headed out. Everyone else had gathered there already — with the exception of Storm. But alas, Finn didn’t know that, given that he was blind.

“… Finn,” Iris said hesitantly after he sat down. “Storm… he left.”

Finn raised an eyebrow. “Left? Why would he…”

“I tried convincing him that what happened today was his fault,” Archon explained, before turning away in shame. “It only served to drive him away, further and further away from the right path. I’m sorry, Finn. I never thought he would attack you like that.”

“… You don’t mind me knocking him unconscious?” Finn asked, a bit surprised.

Archon shook his head. “In all honesty… even if Ivis killed him there with her gun, I would have no one to blame but myself. You prevented that from happening, which I am grateful for.”

“But perhaps…” Fanatic took a deep breath. “You’re gonna hate me for what I’m going to say, but perhaps… it would’ve been better if he got killed there.”

“W-Wha?!” Octane, who had been silent until now, exploded in fury. “How could you say that, Professor?! Storm… h-he-“

“He’s going to spread word of Finn’s powers,” Iris cut in coldly. “There’s no doubt about that. He hates Finn to the bone — inviting trouble his way would be the best method of getting his revenge.”

“I… I still don’t get it,” Octane cried. “Why does Storm hate Finn…? They seemed to be on good terms to me…”

Melvia sighed and stroked Octane’s hair. “You’re still too immature to understand, Max. Just because two people aren’t outright brawling doesn’t mean they are on good terms with one another. Eventually, the conflict will rise to a point where only violence can solve it — just like what you saw today.”

“… I still don’t think Storm would try and kill Finn…”

“He did, Octane,” Fanatic said quietly. “We all saw it with our own two eyes. So I want you to make a decision.”

Octane frowned. “A decision…?”

“Yes. As much as you don’t want to believe it, Storm is our enemy now. If Finn and him get into another fight when they cross paths in the future… who will you help?”

“U-Uh, that…”

“Please, Arthur,” Melvia interrupted, using Fanatic’s real name. “You know it’s difficult for Max.”

“… Sorry.” Fanatic turned away. “I just want to get his intentions clear. If he chooses to help Storm, then I’m afraid I can’t trust him anymore.”

“I-I won’t,” Octane replied firmly. “I believe all of you… if Storm really did try and kill Finn, then he’s obviously in the wrong. If we meet in the future… I’ll help Finn and try to bring Storm back home.”

‘Bring him back home?’ Finn scoffed in his head. ‘Too bad, Octane. That won’t happen… because I’ll kill him after I’m done using him.’

Archon sighed. “I’ll… call the guild tomorrow to see if they can launch a search party for him. There’s the matter of that Dragon Eidolon, too…”

“Speaking of tomorrow,” Melvia added. “Just because Derek is gone now doesn’t mean our mission has changed. Or rather — your mission, since Bakris and I can’t show ourselves in public. The meet-up with the other squadron will still be happening, so get a good night’s rest in preparation for that.”

Finn assumed Derek was Storm’s real name, as he’s never heard it used before.

“That’s right,” Archon agreed. “The reason I called everyone here is to tell you not to worry about Storm. Leave that matter to Melvia and I. Fanatic, Finn, Ivis, Octane, and Reaper — you five are to focus on the Baron hunt coming up.”

“Remember, the entire District is at stake here,” Melvia said with a serious tone. “If you fail to get rid of this Baron, an opportunity like this won’t present itself until a good few years from now… and by then, it will be too late. The District will be overflowing with Ghosts.”

Fanatic nodded firmly in response. “Eliminate the Barons, take down the Emperor, and prevent it from summoning any more Outbreaks. We understand the mission.”

“Right. There will still be Outbreaks happening from time to time, but that’s a course of nature,” Archon explained. “With the Emperor-level here, however, the number of Outbreaks will increase exponentially. We must bring it down.”

“We forgot to mention earlier, but you’ll be staying at the other Squadron’s place until the mission is over,” Melvia said helpfully.

“W-What?!” Octane cried in surprise.

“You’ll be fine, Max,” she replied with a warm, reassuring smile. “The others will take care of you.”

“E-Eh? B-But…” Octane appeared really nervous, body shaking. Archon, seeing this, decided to do something.

“… Everyone, follow me. I want to show you something.”

He stood up and headed for the teleporter room. After some hesitation, the five young Ghost Hunters setting out tomorrow followed. Once they were all on the platform, Archon closed his eyes and thought of a certain place. His mana was powerful enough to warp all of them without the others having to think of the destination as well.

Shortly after, the six warped away to a forest of some kind, illuminated by twilight.

“Where are we…?” Iris asked in puzzlement.

Archon, who stood facing the five, chuckled. “Look behind you.”

Finn, Iris, Octane, Fanatic, and Reaper all spun around. All of a sudden, they found themselves staring at a beautiful sunset, orange and magnificent.

“Wow…” Iris’s dual-colored eyes sparkled as she hurriedly rolled her wheelchair out of the forest and closer to the edge of the cliff. The other four followed, with Archon trailing behind them slowly.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” He chuckled. “This place — or rather, that city down there — is where I was born: District N. When I was a child, I used to hike my way up this mountain and stare out at this sunset, every single day.”

“Octane, you’re gonna have to get used to staying at different places as you continue your work as a Ghost Hunter,” he continued with a faint smile, folding his arms behind his back. “Resolving Outbreaks? Shutting down rogue Angelica users? Heh. That’s just the small fry.”

“Y-Yeah…” Octane murmured softly, completely drawn into the massive orange semicircle in the distance.

Archon nodded in satisfaction, then moved on to his next target.


[Instruction: Unclear. Repeat requested.]

Archon chuckled. “Actually… just keep being you,” he said, then turned to the short middle-schooler of the bunch.

“Fanatic. Keep up that good work of yours. You may not have an Angelica, but you’ve saved all of our asses more times than I can count.”

Fanatic nodded briskly in response. “You can count on me, Archon. Now and always.”

Archon smiled. “Good. Now then… Ivis. You’ve grown a lot, from that shut-in, introverted girl I picked up off the street to a full-blown fighter who can kill without any hesitation. And with wings, too, to top it off.”

“Ahaha…” Iris laughed awkwardly. “It’s all thanks to Finn, really.”

Finn, who couldn’t see this marvelous sunset, was a bit bummed out, but Archon merely smiled like an encouraging father.

“… Right. Finn. I know you can’t see, but…”

Placing a rough hand on Finn’s shoulder and patting it a few times, he spoke quietly yet firmly under the brilliant radiance of the setting sun.

“Eyes up, Hunter. This is just the beginning.”

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