The Legendary Ghost Hunter

Chapter 93: The Baron Hunt

Chapter 93: The Baron Hunt

Elder Hua led the group to the Main Hall of the squadron, where Lei, the patriarch, was waiting.

“… Oi, what’s goin’ on here, old pal?” Jim asked without a care in the world. “What’s this I hear ’bout a bloody emergency?”

“It’s regarding the Baron Hunt,” Lei replied darkly. “I’m afraid… it will have to be moved up.”

“… How come?” Qi Ling asked, frowning in confusion.

“I just received news that multiple Outbreak portals have opened up all across the District. Whenever Ghost Hunters manage to get to one of them, another one opens in a different location. We believe that this is the work of the Emperor hiding in this District, taunting us.”

“It’s the same thing that happened 5 days ago…” Iris noted, furrowing her brows in thought. “Our squadron was summoned to help subdue the Outbreaks as an emergency operation…”

“Indeed. It seems that this type of occurrence happens every 5 days, each one being more threatening than the last,” Lei concluded. “In fact… the one that began happening just now was severe enough to alert me.”

“Last time, it was just the small fry,” Fanatic muttered. “If even an S-Class Squadron was called this time, then…”

“Worry not, it can still be handled,” Lei replied. “I’ve already dispatched Hunters to help with the situation… but 5 days from now, when the next phase comes through, we may not be enough. Therefore…

“We have to take down the Emperor within 5 days from now?” Tian Long muttered. “That’s…”

“Difficult, yes. But we have no choice if we want to protect this District,” Lei interrupted. “As we speak, the Squadrons assigned to the other Barons are already on their way to their respective Dungeons. The Thousand Dragons Sect does not back down from a challenge — so tell me, Hunters. Are you ready?”

With determined expressions on their faces, Finn and the other members of Squadron 154 nodded firmly. Qi Ling, representing the Big Five, did the same.

“Heh,” Jim chuckled, seeing their responses. “Us Ghost Hunters live by fightin’ the impossible. What’s a mere bloody challenge?”

“Good,” Lei said, closing his eyes. “In that case… we set out at 9 PM tonight. For now, go eat dinner in the cafeteria — for it may very well be your last.”


After returning to the cafeteria, the group ate in silence. The news they received from Lei weighed down on their minds, especially that final message.

“Man… I could’ve done without the whole ‘may be your last’ thing,” Octane muttered after a while.

“Ha! That’s just how Lei is, I’m afraid,” Jim chuckled, downing an entire glass of beer in one gulp.

“Jim… you seem so carefree despite the news we just got,” Fanatic pointed out. “How?”

“Well… let’s just say this ain’t nothin’ compared to what I’ve been through,” he replied, smiling faintly and looking off into the distance. “I’ve done countless bloody Baron Hunts, lost countless brothers. After a while, ya just get used to it, y’know?”

“O-Oh, er… I’m sorry,” Fanatic hurriedly said.

“Heh. Don’t worry ’bout it, kid. Just focus on what’s comin’ up, yeah?”


“… Master, I know you said most Dungeons have some sort of parkour section to them, but could you tell us more?” Qi Ling asked, hesitating a bit before using the term ‘Master’.

Luckily, even Jim knew this wasn’t the time to fool around as she genuinely wanted a proper answer.

“Hm… well, all the bloody Dungeons I’ve seen got their own unique, reoccurrin’ mechanism to them,” Jim said. “All Dungeons come with puzzles that need ta be solved ta move forward — the mechanism needed for the first puzzle will help us solve the other ones, is what I mean.”

“And there is no way to figure out what the mechanism is for this Dungeon without actually going inside, huh…” Pang Zi muttered in disdain.

“Actually,” Jim cut in. “There is, my friend.”


The group collectively stared at him (minus Finn who couldn’t stare) as he rubbed his nose smugly.

“Ya see… every Baron is tied to the Emperor its servin’ under. Emperors live in somethin’ similar to Dungeons, ‘cept they’re called Temples instead. Now… based on the info we got so far, we should already be able to make a prediction on the general theme of this Emperor’s Temple.”

“The info we have so far…” Iris sank into thought, furrowing her brows and placing her fingers on her chin. “We know these Outbreaks are being caused by the Emperor, and they occur every five days…”

“Every five days at what time?” Jim prompted, a crooked grin on his face.

“… Night,” Finn finished. “Those Outbreaks automatically disappearing when morning strikes… it means that his power is only active when the sun is down. This Emperor — he is only strong at night.”

“Not only that, but he also needs time to regenerate his energy, hence why the attacks are spread out five days from one another,” Iris added. “In other words, we have to strike him as soon as possible before he gains all his power back.”

“Good work,” Jim complimented with a broad smile. “Now, this is all speculation still, but I’m about 99% certain this is the case. This bloody Emperor is… somewhat different — his power is very unbalanced. Stronger than most other Emperors at night, but weaker in the daytime. That can be both a curse and a blessin’ for us.”

“In which case… the best solution here would be to take down all the Barons tonight, then immediately attack the Emperor tomorrow morning,” Qi Ling concluded. “We’ll be on a timer… as soon as night falls, we’ll be in trouble.”

“That would be correct, young lady,” Jim chuckled. “But unfortunately, a Baron Hunt will tire y’all out. The Temple Raid will have ta wait until Sunday.”

“… I see. So this Dungeon we’re about to go into will be night-themed, huh?” Finn murmured.

“I can imagine it will be quite difficult to see inside, then,” Iris said. “Though… not like that’s going to bother you, Finn.”

“U-Uh… Master,” Octane called hesitantly. “I-I’m… afraid of the dark…”

“Relax,” Jim responded, patting him on the back in comfort. “Ya got an experienced S-Class Hunter leadin’ ya. You’ll be fine.”

“Y-You’re an S-Class…?” Tian Long asked, the first time he was hearing about this.

“Of bloody course! Why’d ya think Lei let me teach ya?!”


“Anyway.” Jim took a deep breath and stood up. “Ya guys ready? I dunno ’bout you, but I can’t wait to go in there and kick some bloody ass.”

The group had all finished eating, so they stood up as well.

Pang Zi — Rampager — cracked his knuckles, Tian Long — Draco — had a bold smile on his face, Qi Ling — Frostbite — had an icy determination in her eyes, Yun Xin — Clairvoyance — remained calm and collected, while Si Shen — Death — looked as empty as ever.

On the other side, Fanatic had a serious expression unfitting of a middle schooler, Octane did his best to grin like usual, Reaper’s single eye display shone a bloody red, Ivy climbed onto Finn’s back, and Finn — Ace’s heart was filled with a single emotion: hate.

“… We’re ready, Master.”

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