The Life Of Normal-Taro

Chapter 107: Torturer to Admirer

Chapter 107: Torturer to Admirer

After Thankappan scared off M'Baku, he got back to John and this time around wasted no time to just flash the neuralyzer on him.

"Is it done?" Taro asked as he slowly took his hands off John's eyes.

"Yup, he's in a trance now. So before I force him to wake up, make sure to untie him and stuff." Thankappan ordered.

"But, what if he remembers everything anyway and maybe acts before us as if he forgot everything?" Gibli posed the question.

"Hmm, we'd be screwed then. Hope that isn't the case and the Gods are with us on this!" Thankappan muttered.

"Damn. I never knew you believed in God." Taro chuckled. He knew that every planet has their own version of Gods just like his planet had. However, when the citizens of the said planet comes face-to-face with an extraterrestrial being, their faith in the God that they worship usually disappears. So, it was kinda weird for him to see a man who deals with aliens on a day-to-day basis, hoping that God would help him.

"Well, I don't. It's just that at times like these, there's no one else more reliable than the one above. I mean, there's nothing much we can do but to hope for a miracle, right?" Thankappan asked.

"Yea. I guess that makes sense. You call out God only on times when you need a miracle." Taro replied.

"Yup. That's right!" Thankappan nodded his head. "Now, the ropes. Loosen it slowlylike, really slow." He ordered.

Taro squatted down and went to work with the tight knot that was in John's hand. Meanwhile, Lonappan stood there, trying to plan out a credible lie about the situation.

"Ah, got it! Okay. John, you and Kunjan were having lemon tea. The plankton thought that it was getting late and went out to bring everyone back home. He went to Shivani's room and brought back M'Baku. After that he headed towards the school to bring the rest." Thankappan took a breather before he continued.

"However, that was when the problem began. M'Baku didn't like how you were just sitting there drinking lemon tea and was extremely bored as wellso, as to nag you, he tried messing up everything in this place and hence this mess. He then knocked you out with your own mug. The last scene you saw before closing your eyes was M'Baku going back to sleep after wreaking all the havoc. The end." Thankappan concluded to which the aliens applauded, since his story making skill was insane under such a pressured situation.

"Now, since this shit is dealt with, let's go meet the most important piece of this puzzle!" Thankappan spoke as he walked towards the door, however stopped midway for some reason. "M'Baku, I know you're out there trying to hear the conversation. So, why don't you just get your ass out here since you know your role already." He spoke in a voice so commanding that M'Baku had no choice but to resurface before him.

"Are you sure about it? I'm a terrible actor, you know? I might just mess it up and trigger his memory back." The canino warned.

"Well, how hard is it for you to plop back into the ground and just lay down completely still? You acted like a fucking dog before Shivani all this time, didn't you? So, don't say that you lack acting chops!" Thankappan spoke.

"I mean, acting like a dog is kinda simple because canino is the same as them in some sorts." M'Baku spoke.

"As if! Do caninos piss when they see an electric post too? No, right? But you shed your shame and did it before Shivani, didn't you? And I'm not here asking you to give out an Oscar worthy performance. Just go down to one corner and just lie down and do absolutely nothing!" Thankappan barked the orders.

Rattled by the MIB agent's words and the previous actions that he got to see, M'Baku agreed to do it without much of a fuss about it. Now, all that they had to do was to put the plan into action. For that, they took the rope with which they tied John and nimble footedly walked back to the front of the door. They would soon set the plan in action.



It was all dark for John. He couldn't get a clear memory of what just happened. Something did, but he couldn't get a hold of it. He knew that he wouldn't get the answers he was looking for if he was to close his eyes like right then. So, he attempted to open them, revealing his beautiful red eyes which complemented his unreal blonde hair.

He looked around and all he could see was a colossal mess. Newspapers, lemon tea that had been integrated to the floor and shards of glasses and the writhing pain in his back. It was a horror to even walk in such a situation.

Seeing this, a question arose in his mind.Who did this? No matter how much he raked his mind, he couldn't find the answerthat is, until he spotted M'Baku sleeping peacefully in the room's corner as if nothing happened. He then remembered it. Him having tea; M'Baku ruining it; them getting into a big brawl and in the end, him eventually losing because the canino pulled off a dirty trick by hitting him with his mug rather than his own hands. 

Although he couldn't remember the exact scenes of these events, which kinda felt suspicious to him, he could describe it no matter how many times he wanted. Anyway, it enraged him. He knew how much the plankton cared about the interior of the room since he's the one who does all the work. So, he thought that there was no excuse for either of them to give to the plankton when he returns home.

While he was contemplating what to do in this situation, he heard a loud thumping by the front door. No, he had actually been hearing it ever since he woke up, however he noticed it right then. He knew for a fact that it was the plankton and the ones who went to the school that were banging the door. This meant that he had no time to clear up the mess before him. He was so angry about it that he glared at the canino for a few good seconds before opening the door. What he didn't notice was the sweat drops pouring out of M'Baku who couldn't handle the pressure of such a situation.

"Yo, John! How are youOh, my God! What's up with this mess?" Thankappan brought forth his A-game when it came around to him acting surprised.

"Ah, you see. Me and that bastard had a slight miscommunication and ended up having a really small fight." John replied, giving out a light chuckle.

"Damn, if a small fight brings in this much havoc, I don't wanna see you in a massive fight!" Thankappan laughed. 

"Massive fight" John mumbled as if he was missing a huge point.

Everyone in the room noticed it and tried their level best to deviate John from his actions and thoughts. The first one to actually act upon it was Thankappan, who tried rectifying his own error. "Hey plankton, what do you think about it? I mean, you're the one who's always doing the major chores, right? I thought you'd have an opinion about it!" He shifted everyone's attention to the plankton, including John's.

"Ah, #69420! I'm sorry. We messed up. Shouldn't have done that. It's totally our fault." John bowed his head and apologized. 

Meanwhile, the rest of them sighed because they could successfully deviate John from triggering anything. Now, everyone looked towards the plankton, hoping that he wouldn't mess it up after everything they did.

"Hmm, I'm fine with it! I mean, it IS a mess, however it's nothing that we can't just clean up. So, don't worry about it." The plankton spoke with a bright smile on his face.

Seeing the goodwill from the plankton, John's eyes were almost brimmed with tears. He felt as if the plankton was an angelic existence, since he gave him a lot of lemon tea and now, he was saving his as well. In his eyes, no one seems to do things like that. However, had he known about the fights they had, he wouldn't have been thinking so highly of the plankton.

Kunjan's situation was exactly the opposite. Seeing the one who vowed to torture him look at him with utmost respect was something that he couldn't handle. He tried averting his eyes from him, since whenever he saw the look dawned on John's face, he would subconsciously be reminded of the sinister look that he showed him just a few hours ago.

Meanwhile, the happiest one to come out from this exchange was Thankappan. Not only did he save the day, he did it before Lonappan came to know about it. He also saved himself from a potential screw up that happened earlier. So, to see everything going according to plan was just sublime for him. He felt peaceful after this event. He hoped that this peace lasts long. He didn't want another mess up to happen anytime soon.


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