The Life Of Normal-Taro

Chapter 120: Millisecond

Chapter 120: Millisecond

"So, where were we again?" Taro asked once he came back to his senses.

"Well, we were previously talking about the Galaxy's hope. However, our initial goal was to send the SOS pod to space." M'Baku explained.

"Oh, yea. I gotta get a nice throw, eh?" Taro sighed as he stretched his arms.

"Throw? You're gonna throw it? Didn't you say that it got an engine?" Thankappan asked.

"Well, then. Don't you remember me saying that the pod needs a bit of elevation to get that jump start?" Taro countered with a question.

"Ah, how high are we talking about?" Thankappan asked again.

"Well, normally it needs an elevation at the point where planes fly. Yea, that would be the ideal height." Taro replied.

"Normally What about now, then?" Thankappan asked.

"Ah, it's evening. This pod works on solar power. There's no sun up right now." Taro explained.


"I'll have to aim for the space." Taro spoke nonchalantly.

"Damn, you speak of it as if that's some effortless task!" It surprised Thankappan. Hell, he was even surprised when he heard about the normal elevation requirements. His mind was begging him to get a helicopter or something to get that level of height. However, now it seemed impossible.

"Hmm, that's because it is." Taro replied.

Thankappan sighed. "Ha. Sometimes I forget that you're actually an alien with a massive amount of power." 

"Meh, it's fine if you forgot about it. That basically means that I am actually blending in." He replied with a bright smile on his face.

"If you say so." Thankappan spoke, as he lightly nodded his head in agreement.

The group of four traversed into a rather barren land. "This land Who's the owner of it?" Taro asked.

"It's the government." Ajish replied.

"Would they get pissed off if a small dent formed here?" He asked again.

"Nah, not really." Ajish answered.

"Is that so? Then I suggest that all of you get a few steps away from me. There's gonna be shock waves." Taro basically ordered, even though he named it a suggestion. No one had any objection to that, so they receded to a few steps back.

Taro looked towards the sky for a few moments before completely relaxing himself. Then it took a weird turn. None of them on the sidelines saw what exactly happened. They knew something had happened while they were intently watching, but all they could see was a relaxed Taro who just came back after doing nothing.

"What the hell happened?" Thankappan asked the returning Taro.

"What do you mean? I just threw the pod into space. Hopefully, it started working now." Taro stared to the sky before he spoke.

The trio looked dumbfounded. It happened in a millisecond. He threw a pod with full force into space within the span of a millisecond. However, Ajish couldn't really believe it even though he knew that Taro was a Wadorian, so he headed to the site from where he threw it, only to see a massive dent that he didn't see before.

It seemed that Taro used a tremendous amount of force behind that throw of his. The dent formed was rather unnatural. Well, calling it a dent in itself was weird. It was more like a crater formed when a planet collides with a meteor. However, Ajish could feel it. Taro was being considerate with that throw of his. Knowing that people were around, he intentionally threw it with a far less force than he normally uses, and that's why the world didn't split into two with that throw of his.

Ajish turned towards Taro, who still looked aloof. All sorts of doubts that the alien had about Taro till that day was cleared by the Wadorian within a single day. Although someone could argue that the Wadorian did it by sheer luck or the gravitational pull of this planet, they would be stupid enough to not understand the precision at which he did it. Anyway, he felt thankful that the parts he supplied were a bit more sturdy than usual parts. Or else, the moment that pod left his hand, it would have disintegrated like nothing.

So, the shop owner had just one thing in mind. If he wanted to see a proper future, he should stick with the Wadorian before him. That's the way of survival.


"I just can't believe it!" Thankappan had his eyes wide open. His surprise from a few minutes ago still hadn't subsided. It was as if his eyes didn't have the right FPS to watch that scene.

"What is it you can't believe?" Taro sighed. It was for the fifth time that the MIB agent was repeating his sentence over and over again. 

"Well, that you threw that pod to space!" Thankappan replied.

"I see. If you don't wanna believe it, then please don't. Why waste your time on this?" Taro asked.

"But-" Thankappan didn't have an answer to it.

Taro sighed yet again. "You know, I can make a rock complete one rotation around the Earth with no hitch." He assured. He wasn't lying about that. He was confident that he could do something like that.

"Umm, don't do that. It'd suck if the rock is to land on someone's head in the midst. That would technically be murder, wouldn't it?" Thankappan asked.

"I mean Yea." Taro agreed to it as well.

"We'll do an actual test of strength someday. I'll check it then." Thankappan replied.

"I see." 

"Damn it. I never thought that you were this powerful, even though you gave us plenty of opportunities to know that already. I don't know Maybe, you actually blend in pretty well. I see you more as a normal human than anything until I see stuff like this." Thankappan sighed.

"Aww, I'm extremely happy to hear such a thing. I would like it if you think of me as a human as well." Taro smiled.

"Hmm, maybe I should treat you as a calamity level threat at times like these. I mean, at least I won't be surprised by what you do then." Thankappan replied with a chuckle as they head back to the Holy Land after a successful endeavor.


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