The Life Of Normal-Taro

Chapter 157: Cardinal

Chapter 157: Cardinal

"How long do we have to walk? Hell, why are we even walking? Just tell us the coordinates and we'll get there." Thankappan sighed as he walked.

He wasn't tired or anything, but was simply bored. He tried surfing on the internet whilst following Scarlet, but his phone shook so much while he tried doing so, hence it wasn't a viable option as well.

"It's not a place that some maps can show you." Scarlet spoke without batting an eye towards Thankappan.

"Well, it does exist on this planet, right? Then it would have a co-ordinate. And even if we can't get to it since it has a secret passage or something, we'll still be able to get to its entrance, right?" The MIB agent asked.

"... I just don't know how to send the coordinates to you." Scarlet decided to be truthful this one time.

"Is that so? Too bad. It would've been way simpler then." Thankappan muttered.

"Or if you increase your pace ever so slightly, we'd have a simpler time as well." Taro jumped in with a suggestion of his own.

"Hey! I'm doing this for your own sake! Well, a bit for me as well. I mean, can't have the person who's gonna fix my ship be totally gassed out once he reaches the ship, right?" Scarlet shrugged.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that since-" Taro was about to say something, but was cut short by Thankappan.

"Ah, thank you for your concern. We're of extremely weak constitution after all." Thankappan sighed.

Upon hearing this, Taro shot a glare at Thankappan, who asked him not to worry about it.

"Hmm, seems like the dude isn't aware of Taro's antics or the fact that he's a Wadorian. It isn't a good idea to pull out all the cards early, right?" Thankappan thought as Taro continued with his glare.

After a few more minutes of walk, Scarlet suddenly stopped and started pulling out some of the weirdest moves that they've ever seen.

By the end of this "performance" a gate popped up out of nowhere.

"Let's get in, shall we?" Scarlet asked as he took the lead in his territory.

The other two nodded along and followed him. However, the walk was not yet done. They had to move for another five minutes, before they were met with another gate like structure. But this time around, Scarlet didn't have to do any weird dance move of sorts.

"We don't have to walk for another five minutes, right?" Thankappan asked.

"Not really. It's right here." Scarlet replied as he pointed towards an enormous mass in the dark area. "Meet Cardinal. My personal ship." 

Scarlet turned on the lights, and they could finally see it. A bright red spaceshipif we could even call it that. 

What they saw before them was just scrap. It was destroyed to an unimaginable extent.

"Hmm, I now understand why we missed this ship." Thankappan spoke as he coursed his hand through the ship.

"And why is that?" Taro asked.

"Because we just might have mistaken it for a meteor or something. I mean, in no way, shape or form does this piece of garbage look like a spaceship." Thankappan answered.

"Hey, it's a treasured comrade of mine! Don't badmouth it!" Scarlet warned.

"Sheesh, fine!" Thankappan scoffed as he walked away from the Cardinal.

Without taking another glance at Thankappan, Scarlet looked straight at Taro beside him. "So, can you fix it?" It was a make or break question at that point.

Taro remained silent for quite some time as he inspected the exterior part of the ship. He sighed. "I don't know. I don't have an answer for that. I can only say something once I get a look of the inside part as well." He answered.

"I see. What are you waiting for then?" Scarlet asked.

"Your permission to disassemble, I guess. And since you've given me that just now, I'm gonna look at it as well." Taro gave out a smile as he went on to work on the Cardinal.


While Taro was having the time of his life with the Cardinal, the atmosphere around the other two was extremely awkward.

"... Hey!" Thankappan tried breaking the ice between them.

"..." However, Scarlet wasn't bulging since he was so focused on what Taro did.

"I said hey!" Thankappan spoke, while flailing his arms around.

"I heard that. I'm not deaf." Scarlet sounded extremely annoyed as he said that.

"Then why didn't you reply?" Thankappan asked.

"Because I didn't feel like doing so." Scarlet gave out his honest reply.

"Hey! I'm trying to build a conversation here! Cooperate with me, will ya?" Thankappan asked.

Scarlet sighed. "So, what is it you wanna talk about?" 

"Your nameI really thought you were a girl." Thankappan spoke.

"Hmm, I'm one though." Scarlet replied, much to Thankappan's surprise.

"Wait, a minute! You're not a man then?" He asked.

"Ha No, I'm a man as well. The gender constrictions on your planet is weird for me." Scarlet replied.

"Wait, does that mean-" Thankappan wasn't given a proper chance to express his astonishment as Taro interfered.

"The crimson planet residents are androgynous." He replied.

"Yup. But I'd suggest you concentrate on the work before you rather than the conversation behind you." Scarlet spoke.

"Yea Will do!" Taro sounded enthusiastic as he said that, but his face said otherwise.

"Wait, what pronoun should I use while addressing you then?" Thankappan asked Scarlet.

"Anything you like. Him, her, they It wouldn't make much difference." Scarlet replied.

"Then is your mum androgynous as well?" He asked.

"Well yea! She's the one who gave birth to me, so I call her mom rather than dad." Scarlet answered.

"Hmm. I got a doubt, though. So, if your mom copulated with your dad and your dad happens to bear a child this time, would that child be your sibling or step-sibling?" Thankappan asked.

"Yea, we'll be siblings then. Even though the roles are reversed, we still have the same parents, so" Scarlet shrugged.

"Humm. If you lot are done with your talk, then shall I tell you about the Cardinal?" Taro interfered and asked.

"Ha Please do." Scarlet replied. They looked really anxious to hear what Taro had to say.


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