The Life Of Normal-Taro

Chapter 204: The story writes by itself!

Chapter 204: The story writes by itself!

"Yea, let's go to our stay." Thankappan urged as he felt like he was being the odd one out.

"Nah, nah, fam. It's freaking great as you said. So let's just look around a bit more." Gibli suggested.

"But, that is unfair!" Thankappan cried.

Initially, no one batted to the MIB agent's pleas. However, once his voice got super annoying, they had no choice but to give in to his request.

"Fine, to our stay then!" Gibli raised his voice as he said that, which made it crystal clear to hear for people in his near vicinity and even for the ones further away from the Arkian.


"This is the stay you talked about?" Taro asked as he stared at the room that he just received.

It wasn't bad or anythingrather, it looked just like their room in Holy Land for which they pay an approximate of five thousand rupees. So, paying ten thousand rupees for a room like that just for a single night seemed extremely idiotic in Taro's eyes. And it wasn't just he who thought so.

"Don't you think it's a bit on the normal side?" Gibli voiced his thoughts.

"Ah, that's the charm of this room, don't you think?" Thankappan asked with a smile on his face.

"Uhh Yea?" Gibli had nothing more to say since he was confused more than anything.

"I think what the Arkian meant by what he said was Don't you think that this room looks a bit cheap for a room that we paid ten thousand rupees for?" The plankton asked.

"Huh Who in their right mind would pay ten thousand freaking rupees for a room like this? With that kind of money, I can get an actual resort to stay in!" Thankappan looked towards them in shock at what he just heard.

"Wait, you didn't pay ten thousand rupees for this then?" Kunjan asked.

"Of course not! I paid a thousand for a single night." Thankappan replied.

"Ha, your confidence earlier is justified now. You knew you would get a cheap room, didn't ya?" Kunjan asked.

"Yup. The manager is a member of the WPP. We've met up with each other quite a few times, so yea We build a friendship and stuff and told me that he'll give me a reduction if I'm ever to stay here. Of course, I never did plan on coming here, but now that I got a chance like this, I felt like it was a good chance to use it." Thankappan explained.

"Wait a minute. You joined WPP the same time that we did. So, how come you have friends in WPP that we don't know of?" Taro jumped into the conversation and asked.

"Well, you see. The thing is that I never stopped going to WPP conventions after the one time that we did because I felt like it would benefit me someday. While you guys just loitered around, I thought of spending my time productively, if that's how you wanna think of it as." Thankappan replied.

"Nah. Hearing a political leader speak of random shit that you don't even care about and being forced to clap to it is hardly productive. But it did help you in this, so I can't deny that it was productive either." Taro shrugged.

"I was promised a resort experience and stuff. I'm robbed!" Gibli cried as he heard of it.

"Let me think about it for a second. I never promised such a thing to begin with. Rather, it was the planktonsorry, #69420 who deduced it that way when he searched it on the internet. It's not my fault. I didn't feed you any lies. The internet preferred to talk about expensive resorts than normal rooms and hype you up. Blame the internet, not me." Thankappan argued.

"True that." The plankton agreed with him just that once because it was he himself that caused this disillusion in Gibli's mind.

"Ha You never told that, huh? Now I feel sad." Gibli sighed as he took a seat.

"Don't worry, my man! We're not here for the resorts. We're here for the view. Think of all the things that we're gonna see tomorrow!" Just as Thankappan said those words, someone knocked on their doors. "Oh, it's the food!" The MIB agent jumped up and headed towards the door.

On the other side of the door was the friend that Thankappan mentioned, holding on to their food.

"Heyo, Thankappan!" The man waved his one hand.

"Hey, Sasi! How are you doing, my man?" Thankappan shook Sasi's hand as he got on with the pleasantries.

"I'm doing great! By the way, I'm so sorry that I couldn't lead you to your room. I was away when you came in, so I had to make others do that. And since I couldn't do that for you, I took the responsibility of supplying your food." Sasi spoke as he dangled the food before them.

"Ah, man! No worries. I still get the discount for the room, right?" Thankappan asked.

"Ah, you still worried about that? Don't worry. I don't back away when I give a word. Unless you're staying for a whole freaking month or something, the discount will stand." Sasi assured.

"Great! This room is pretty nice as well. Reminded us of our own room back home." Thankappan smiled as he spoke.

"Fantastic! By the way, what about the others?" Sasi asked.

"Oh, I haven't introduced them to you yet, have I? These are my roommates and fellow WPP members- Sadanandan, Gibli and Kunjan." Thankappan replied.

"Humm, any WPP member is like my family. So, if you ever wanna return to this place, you're more than welcome to do so." Sasi spoke.

"We'll remember that." Kunjan replied. He meant it in a nice way, but the way he sounded and looked said otherwise.

"Okay." This made Sasi retract a bit with his offer.

Seeing this, Thankappan dragged Sasi aside. "He didn't mean it as a threat or something It's just that he talks like that. So, don't feel intimidated." The MIB agent spoke.

"I didn't get intimidated! Not at all!" Sasi tried defending, but the slight shiver that coursed through him said otherwise.

"It happens. He's an intense figure to talk with. Once you talk with him long enough, his hard exoskeleton would be removed and you'll be able to see his chill side." Thankappan said as he patted Sasi's shoulder.

"As I said before, I'm not intimidated!" Sasi argued.

"Okay, okay. I get it." Thankappan spoke, giving out a knowing smile.

"I" Sasi thought of defending himself a bit more, but thought of it as useless, so he turned towards an entirely different topic instead. "Did you see the waterfalls? Oh, I guess not, since you got straight to here, righ" He asked.

"Nah, we briefly stopped by and looked around. Pretty nice atmosphere, don't you think?" Thankappan asked.

Hearing this, Sasi looked at his friend in shock. "You did what?" He asked.

"We looked around. Why? Is there any problem in doing so?" The MIB agent asked.

"Hmm, you might not have heard of it since you aren't from here. But there's a fairly new rumour going around. It's about a fairly huge creature lurking around in this area. It's not like an elephant or something. It's more like a human, but not a human at the same time. No one's seen its face, however the one's that caught its eye accidentally was chased indefinitely and was only saved since they somehow got out of the particular region where it resides." Sasi explained.

"So, this creature doesn't go out of its designated area, huh?" Thankappan asked.

"Yup. It's always been the south side of the waterfall." Sasi replied.

"Hmm, is that so? But we didn't saw any creature there though?" Thankappan shrugged.

"You were there?" Sasi was even more shocked once he heard that.

"We kinda were. I don't know if you were talking about the exact coordinate thing when you talked about this creature, but we were South-ish, yea." Thankappan nodded.

"Oh, dear God! Wait a minute. I believe the temple nearby is still open since the priest there sleeps near the temple. I'll have him do some pooja to ward off evil spirits and such." Sasi spoke as he started rushing away from them.

"Wait, didn't you say that it was a creature?" Thankappan asked.

"I don't know! No one's touched this creature. So, as far as I'm concerned, it could be a evil spirit bound to that particular place." Sasi replied. "What the hell am I still doing here? I'll head to the temple. What are your birth starsnah, screw it. I'll do it in my name." Sasi spoke as he ran away then.

After Sasi left, there was an awful lot of silence in the room for one minute exact.

After one minute, Thankappan opened his mouth. "Guys, do you believe in evil spirits and stuff?" He asked to which everyone shook their head no.

"You're the human here, aren't you? Do you believe in spirits like that guy?" Taro asked.

"Nope. That means there are a bunch of people who don't believe in spirits in here and a creature of unknown origins. The story writes by itself, don't you think?" Thankappan asked.


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