The Life Of Normal-Taro

Chapter 207: Park

Chapter 207: Park

Park Sinyim; Taro's best friend for oh so many years. Taro claimed that the creature was that person. However, he had no way of proving it before the fight or after. He had put it all on belief, hoping that it would work out the way he wants to.

But for that to happen, the creature had to reveal himself. And that didn't happen. Taro hoped for Park to reveal almost instantly and hug it out or something. Therefore, he never expected the hesitation from his best friend's part.

While the hesitation continued, Taro was confused by his own right. "Now wait a minute. If he is indeed Park, how come he knows Malayalam. I mean, I haven't turned my translator into Wadorian yet, then how?" He questioned in his mind.

It didn't take him much to get to the bottom of it though. If Park was taken in by the MIB, then he would've got a decent translator. But by the looks of it, it didn't seem like that would've been the case.

However, even if he wasn't taken in by MIB, Park had his own translator since he was an hero academy alumnus. But Taro couldn't strike out the possibility of it being damaged, so there was that too. Therefore, Taro was in a conundrum. He had no answers this time. He just had faith on his friend.

Well, that's when the possibility of translator being damaged popped back up. If that was the case, then there was no chance in hell that Park understood what he was saying, which meant that the power of friendship is real and they were able to communicate due to that is what Taro would've liked to believe, however he knew that such things were utter bullshit, so there was that.

Anyhow, he turned off his translator in the hopes that the creature is his best friend. "Hey, buddy! How are you doing?" Taro asked.

"Why is it that you look slick and I look so ragged, huh?" The creature finally spoke.

"Hell yea! I knew it! Damn man! I missed you!" Taro went for a hug, but Park stopped him from doing so.

"Dude, you see me, right? I haven't bathed in a hot while. So, don't hug me like that!" Park warned.

"Oh, screw that!" Taro said as he hugged his best friend tightly.

"Eww. I feel disgusted for you dude!" Park cried.

"Hmm, so care to explain what's going on here?" A voice came out of nowhere. Both of them looked around but they saw no one. "Look down, Taro. I'm here." Both looked down to see the plankton frantically waving his hand trying to catch their sight.

"Hey, it's a plankton! Is he your friend, Taro?" Park asked.

"Yup. He's #69420." Taro spoke.

"Nice. I'm Park Sinyim." Park introduced himself.

"Ah, care to explain what's going on right now? Why is your friend here? And how is your friend here?" The plankton asked.

"I would like to get an explanation about it as well." Taro replied.

"Me too." Park nodded his head as well.

"Weird. So, what you're telling me is that you have no recollection of how you reached here, huh? Hmm, you never told us how you got here, did ya? Should've thought that something was off back then." Kunjan spoke.

"Well, I didn't say anything because I myself have no idea about it. One day, I was at Wados and the next thing I know is that I'm in this planet. Weird, I know." Taro replied.

"I have the exact same experience as well." Park joined in.

"I assume you two were together when whatever it is that happened." Kunjan spoke.

"Yup. We were drinking in the amusement park and we ended up here." Taro replied.

"Huh Weird circumstances to get transported. I mean, what happened that you suddenly got to here?" Kunjan asked.

"I don't know, man. The last thing I remember was this guy doing some stupid shit and me trying to save him, unsuccessfully of course." Park replied.

"Wait a minute. You tried to save me? Huh, somehow, I remember those events differently." Taro spoke.

"How do you remember it then?" The plankton asked.

"Let me think. We were drinking and then something happened to the rollercoaster and then" A piercing pain struck Taro as he tried remembering the rest of the events.

"What happened?" Park held Taro's hand in concern.

" I don't remember. I can't seem to remember what happened back then. Whenever I try remembering it, a pain comes by. What am I supposed to do now?" Taro asked.

"Ah, I guess that happens. I mean, it's a vague memory of a drunken night. Of course, it will be hard for you to remember." Kunjan theorized. "Anyhow, whatever happened that day is the reason that you're here is what I want to say, but I'll seem stupid if I said that out loud like I did right now. As long as you can't remember the stimulant for your transport, we can't get the easy way back to your planet." He added.

"Yea, I'll try my best to remember it then." Taro nodded his head as he replied.

"You do that. Meanwhile, I wanna ask something to your friend here." Kunjan shifted his attention towards Park.

"Go on. I'm listening." Park spoke.

"How the hell did you get stuck here? Why didn't you contact MIB? Hell, they would've contacted you, right?" The plankton asked.

"First of all, I don't even know what MIB means, so I can't contact them. I don't have a proper means of communication as well, so there's no chance of them contacting me. And about how I got stuck here, well, I don't know. I woke up and voila! Here I was in this place with no idea how I got here. I tried communicating with the people here, but the people got scared shitless when they saw me coming, so I decided that I'd do a routine patrol looking for a person who can actually understand me. And seems like lady Luck is on my side that I actually got to meet my best friend. Or else, I might've been stuck here for the longest time. Damn, I don't even wanna think about it right now." Park sighed as he concluded his point.

"Damn, that was simply lucky, wasn't it?" Kunjan looked amazed as well at this revelation.

"True that." Park nodded his head upon hearing that. After all, he met his friend in the randomest way possible.

"So, what are you gonna do now?" Taro asked.

"Well, I gotta take a bath now, so if you can make that happen, it would help me a big deal." Sinyim replied.

"Dude, wait. I got a few questions now. You don't have a functioning translator with you, right? Then how come I can talk with you? And two, how the hell can you say what you just said when you are in front of a freaking waterfall?" Kunjan asked.

"Okay, I'll answer the first question first. I do have a functioning translator, but it doesn't have whatever language that Taro spoke to me just a few moments ago. In your case, well it seem like you turned off your translator for some reason and that's the thing. And what the hell is water supposed to be?" Park asked.

"Wait, before anyone answers that, I have another question as well. Are we speaking in my language now?" The plankton asked.

"You just realised it right now?" Taro asked.

"Honestly, yea. We've been talking in way too many languages these days that it takes time for me to realise which one is which." Kunjan answered.

"Oh, dang. Anyway, back to what you said. How can I explain this? Wait. It's like" Taro stopped and turned his translator off the one time and spouted something in Wadorian that only Park understood.

The plankton could've always turned the translator back on to hear what he said, but he decided to give them a bit space after invading their personal space. Also, he knew that Taro was talking about the water substitute in Wados, so he wasn't intrigued about what Taro said.

After a few seconds, Taro turned the translator back on. "You get what I mean now?" He asked.

"Had I known that earlier, I would have bathed myself once or twice a day for fun." Park sighed. "Well, it's the past. Let's look into the future. I'mma take a dip in the waterfalls and clean myself up then." He said as he ran towards the waterfalls.

"It's weird. How the hell did he survive for months here? Do you guys have like an extra metabolic pathway or something that acts as a reservoir of energy? I mean, that would explain it." Kunjan spoke.

"That would be really convenient for the given situation, wouldn't it? But no, there's no such thing. We just have to ask him on how he survived once he returns from his bath." Taro spoke as they waited for the alien to return.


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