The Life Of Normal-Taro

Chapter 96: A master plan

Chapter 96: A master plan

In the bakery, Taro came into the realization that he might be used as the cash cow in this situation. After all, he can't let his students pay the bills when he's with them and his roommates are inconsiderate arseholes who would gladly leech off his money.

So, what he wanted to do was to create a situation where he didn't have to pay the bills and not be seen as an inconsiderate bastard at the same time. You see, after the blunder with his smartphone back in the Koma mall when he had just arrived at Earth, Taro had come a long way when it came to money. Rather than lavishly spending it like the others in his group did because they receive monthly "pocket money" from MIB, he had to conserve it like a miser. He learned the value of money and how not to spend it. However, he still doesn't know why MIB's not giving him his pocket money as well. "I mean, I did reconcile with Ponnappan, right? Like, he was all fine around me. Then why do these bastards get the money and not me?" He glared at his fellow aliens who looked happy checking out the bakery.

Anyway, Taro quickly took a seat and urged the others to do so as well, hoping that they didn't order something crazy expensive. However, he didn't realize at the time that no matter how cheap they ordered, the final amount will be pretty hefty. Then there was Thankappan, who ordered the most expensive milkshake to just piss him off. He even followed up and tried to order the same shake for the girls as well, however they politely rejected the offer. They were even worried about how expensive it was and stuff like that. With that, Taro's respect towards his students jumped leaps and bounds away from the respect he had for Thankappan, which basically stooped down to nil at this point. As for Taro, he didn't order a milkshake; instead he tried ordering a cheap lime juice. However, this time around, his students didn't support his point of view and forced him to buy a milkshake instead, which deeply pained his miser heart.

So, even though his mind was going through an internal turmoil of an emotional rollercoaster, Taro felt right at home. He had been depressed for the most idiotic thing until then. Well, he regretted doing so. After all, he was the one who used to run around looking for challenges to face and had this thought that no one or thing could defeat him mentally or physically. However, he was proven quite wrong at that, since a mere news debate was enough to disturb his mental strength. He felt as if he was at the basics then. At least he had something to work on this way. Therefore, Taro made a promise to himself to cover all the bases and make himself invulnerable to almost anything that this world had to offer. The others had no idea that in the following days, they might have to listen to political debates all day long. Had they known it, they would've screamed the heck out.


Taro drank the last bit of milkshake from the one that he had to buy. After all, he had to savor it for every bit of money that he had to spend. The others around his table didn't seem to mind his actions, since they were doing the same thing as well.

Anyway, Taro noticed the waiter carrying the bill and sighed. The time had finally come. He was about to grab the bill that the waiter extended, when someone else grabbed it.

"Huh?" He looked around and found that it was Shivani who did it. "Why did you do that?" He asked, to which Shivani had a confused look on her face.

"Why else? I wanted to pay the bill." She replied.

"Wait, you're going to pay the bill?" The one who asked wasn't Taro. It was Thankappan. He didn't expect this development to occur when he ordered the expensive stuff. He thought that Taro would be the one paying and wanted to tick him off. However, now the situation has changed. He finally realized why the girls rejected getting the expensive one as well. "Damn it! Now I seem like a huge money spending asshole!"

"Ah, you don't have to do it! I mean, I'm your teacher So, I'm supposed to do this at least, right?" Taro uttered blatant lies, with a concerned look on his face. This was the exact situation that he was hoping for. Someone else had jumped up to pay the bill. Although the story progressed the way he wanted, he didn't like how it was the students who offered to pay and not his roommates. And since it was them, he had to spout lies like the one he did, so that they won't view him as a bad teacher.

"Hey, don't worry about that! We noticed that you were a bit down today and wanted to cheer you up. So, consider this as a cheer up and thank you gift!" Shivani replied with a bright smile on her face, while Taro cheered for this development internally.

"Hmm, I guess I can't reject my student's gift now, can I?" Taro sighed. However, Thankappan and co could clearly see the victorious look on his face that he deliberately didn't try to hide. He had basically won. This gift was only meant for him, so the other three were basically leeches. Hence, they took it upon themselves to pay for the stuff they ate and drank, even though the girls repeatedly said that they would do it.

In the end, Taro headed back to the Holy Land as a happy man, not knowing that someone was intensely glaring at him by the time he returned home.


M'Baku was mad. He was mad about how for a fifth day in the row, Shivani came home and began talking about her class teacher without even batting an eye towards him. She sounded excited when she talked about him. M'Baku fondly remembered the times when the first thing she did upon returning home was petting his head. He felt extremely special back then. However, now, he was kicked aside and the one who took the special status in his place was Taro.

M'Baku couldn't understand how calm and unfazed Shivani's mother was when she heard that her daughter was with her class teacher. Like, it's a bad world and the crime towards women was getting high as the days passed. However, here she was, Shivani's mother, who seemed totally fine with knowing that her daughter was with a man who had just been the class teacher for a few weeks at this point. M'Baku really commended the blind trust she had. However, it's too stupid is what he wanted to say if he did want the duo to get freaked out due to him. He didn't have plans like that, so instead of trying to mend the situation there, he started planning sinister stuff to teach a lesson to the crux of the problem, Taro.

For the remainder of the day, M'Baku spent his time tailing Taro without grabbing the said person's attention. He wasn't swift as the wind, however since no one cared about his position, him roaming around nonchalantly wasn't a big deal.

He initially didn't have a plan to execute. And that was he was tailing him, to actually get a plan. However, the efforts mounted for a big nothing. Since nothing came into mind, he went for the simplest of solutions. Physically hurt him. Now, mentally hurting him was something he planned earlier. He was going to turn on the news channel and let him suffer. However, he never would've thought that the Wadorian himself would turn on the television and watch it. This made the first plan to crumble down, since there was nothing that he knew that could mentally damage him.

Although physically hurting him might have seemed like a far-fetched idea, in M'Baku's mind, this was one of the few things that would actually work. The method he went for was suffocation. Like, he wasn't actually planning for a murder, he just wanted him to suffocate t a point that he realizes his mistake of approaching Shivani. However, for doing it successfully, his actions should be restricted. Or else, Taro could just thwart him off with his sheer power. So, the only time he could think of doing such a stunt was when he goes for sleep. However, the Wadorian was a monster who didn't need much sleep at all. So, M'Baku was worried that his plans wouldn't see the light.

However, it seemed as if luck was on his side that day. Since Taro was watching the debate, he was mentally exhausted like the days before. However, he wasn't irked about anything that they said; he was simply tired, so he went early to bed. M'Baku snickered after seeing this scene. He could finally commence his master plan.


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