The Life Of Normal-Taro

Chapter 99: Impending disaster

Chapter 99: Impending disaster

It worked out just as Taro told him. Shivani was kinda worried when she didn't see Charlie in the early morning and was elated when she got to see him with the guys. He was indeed able to capture the attention of her. He thanked Taro for that. Well, he couldn't just straight up say thanks to him because of Shivani's presence, however, he did throw out a thankful glance towards Taro, who looked at him with a smug smile on his face. Although M'Baku didn't like the looks of it, he thought of not messing with him for that day and enjoyed the moment with Shivani.

The lads then headed for school. Shivani kinda didn't want to leave M'Baku alone, however, Taro forced her to do so by saying that he'd mess up with her attendance record if she doesn't come, which turned out to be a great threat in her eyes. Normally, M'Baku would've been angry since Taro was taking away his precious time with her. However, this time around, it made sense to him. He did this to create a distance between the both. Only then would someone know the value of something. And if he wanted to get pampered by Shivani just like before, he had to do this. He couldn't act like an obsessive person anymore... Slowly but surely, the yandere dog of the Holy Land household turned a new leaf and became a more docile existence.


M'Baku was pretty happy when he returned to #306 in the evening. He spent quality time with Shivani. The first thing she did when she returned home was to search for him. And when she saw him, she petted him like crazy, which made him inwardly giggle with happiness. Although she did start talking about the events that happened in school that day, which included Taro as well, M'Baku didn't mind it because he got the attention he was looking for and was more than happy about it. So, for him, it was more productive than any other time he spent in that room before.

"You look pretty happy." Taro, who saw a smile on M'Baku's face, asked. Seeing a smile in a species that looks like a dog, was a bit difficult to take in. After all, the only thing that M'Baku did before him was barking. It was a weird, yet refreshing change.

"Yea, I kinda am happy, I guess" M'Baku replied.

"What? She patted you for an extended period or something?" Taro asked, chuckling.

"In fact, that's exactly what happened." M'Baku told him the truth, not knowing that Taro meant it as a sarcastic remark. Even if he knew, he would've said the same reply. Anyway, the answer that M'Baku gave made Taro a bit embarrassed.

"Hey, it seems like you're straight-up changing into a dog with each passing day." Taro replied, cackling once again. He meant it as a sarcastic comment this time as well, however, yet again, M'Baku took it differently.

"Hmm, that does seem like a genuine possibility, doesn't it? Never would've thought that would end up happening though. Me acting like a dog from this planet? That thought itself was absurd. However, here I am, acting like one, with no regrets." M'Baku smiled even more brightly, showing off all the teeth that he had.

Seeing this sight, Taro sighed. "So, what's up with you? What did you see in her that made you like her to this extent?" He asked. Although he was told that M'Baku held affection towards Shivani, he never knew what kind it was or why it existed in his mind in the first place. So, he was intrigued.

"Well, I see my daughter in her, I guess? Kinda innocent and a good person. I miss her so much, you know?" M'Baku looked at a random star far away in the sky through the window as he mentioned it. One could see the longing of a father to meet his child.

"... That makes sense, I guess. Whew, I was kinda worried that you were actually into her or something." Taro sighed, this time, it was one of relief.

"What do you mean?" M'Baku had a strange look in his eyes as he questioned Taro's words.

"Ah, you see. Seeing your clingy behavior and all, I thought you held another feeling something different from familial love. More like, a romantic one, I guess? I was worried that it might end up becoming unrequited." Taro replied.

"Dude! What kinda bullshit are you even spouting, you evil being? I'm a family man all along. I have a wife waiting for my arrival back in my home along with my two sons and a daughter. So, don't you dare think up something like that!" M'Baku literally barked.

"Okay, chill! I didn't know that now, do I? Hell, I don't know anything about you other than that you were the first one in #306." Taro raised his voice as a form of retaliation.

"I see I can't blame you for bearing those kinds of thoughts since you weren't aware of it. Anyway, I don't get attracted to any other species other than canino, for your knowledge." M'Baku replied.

"Well, the dogs in this world are kinda like canino, so" Taro was about to say something, however, he was quickly cut off by M'Baku.

"Are you freaking kidding me with your comparison? Sure, they might look the same as us in some aspect To hell with it, they really do look like us in a complete sense. However, that's where the comparisons end. The dogs here severely lack intelligence. Yes, they are bright, but they can't solve the problems that humans solve, right? That in itself is a major difference from us. We can do that easily. Scratch that. We can do stuff much better than these humans ever do!" M'Baku spoke with obvious pride in his voice. He truly believed that he was better than humans while acting as a pet of a certain human.

Anyway, Taro didn't want to dwell on that topic any longer, so he decided to put an end to this. "Is that so? Hey, don't you think it's raining a bit much today? What's up with this?" Taro asked, trying to change the topic discreetly. However, he didn't know that this rain was the sign of an impending disaster.


Next day. Taro was in the staff room with his head down. He felt bored. So, he wanted to go out and walk around for fun. However, when he looked outside from the window, he knew that wish of his wouldn't be fulfilled anytime soon. It was raining. Scratch that. It had been raining since last night. Although it rained nonstop, it was less intense in the beginning stages, so no one was annoyed by this other than students who had the Physical Training classes that day. With rain pouring the way it did, students were asked not to play football , unless those were done in the indoor stadium. So, the usual football-playing kids crowded in the indoor stadium to play badminton and basketball, which irked the ones who play those every week. However, they couldn't do anything about it since the football kids were a bit of rowdy that they didn't wanna mess with. So, they willingly gave up their spot and instead picked the spots of kids playing games like carrom and chess, leaving them with nothing.

However, when the intensity of the rain increased ever so slightly that the water droplets started leaking into the indoor stadium as well, the rowdy kids ended up taking the place for carrom and chess as well. This ended up leading many kids back to class, where they decided to make paper planes and play book-cricket. Hearing that the other kids were having fun while they were playing the boring game of chess, the rowdy kids decided to thwart their fun over there as well, which annoyed the other kids very much.

While Taro saw this event happening on the school grounds, he just sighed. He couldn't care less about these events. The rain took his ability to work hard and all that was left was a lump of alien meat who didn't want to do anything Well, he did want to walk to get this laziness off him. However, if he did that now, he would ruin his dress that he ironed in the morning. And that was something he wanted to avoid. He didn't want to get himself drenched with rain, however, he wanted to walk as well. He tried walking around in the indoor stadium, but the trickling rain made him get back to the high school block. Then, he remembered how long the corridor was, so he decided to walk there. That's when he realized that the corridor wasn't actually that long, but it just felt like that because he walked with someone else.

"Ha When will this rain end?" Taro sighed as he looked at the downpour.


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