The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 74: Scary Hyung (1)

Chapter 74: Scary Hyung (1)

I'm sure I've seen this before...?

The Administrator of the [Integrated Dimensional Community].

The full-body armor in the photo that the Oradge uploaded before was similar in shape.

Is it real? Is it actually real?!

The Oradge?

YongYong's mouth wouldn't close.

Well, I mean...

The Oradge.

A being trailed by countless rumors.

A being who shocked everyone by innovatively changing the Integrated Dimensional Community.

One could feel fragments of his greatness from the new items sold in the community.

The self-proclaimed Cosmic Emperor.

What kind of person is he really? Is he truly the Emperor of the Universe? And what kind of being is the Emperor of the Universe to be able to play with the [Integrated Dimensional Community] like a toy?

A figure surrounded by all sorts of questions.

ㄴah, the screen is breaking up again.

ㄴwhy is the connection like this? YongYong, where on earth are you?

ㄴOradge! Why is the server like this! Do your job!

ㄴwho was that just now? Even through the screen, there was some extraordinary aura... LOL

ㄴyeah i felt it too.

ㄴhuh? I didn't feel anything at all

ㄴfrom what I saw, only those who are somewhat skilled would be able to feel it.

ㄴso you're saying you're somewhat skilled, huh?

While the community was abuzz with various comments about the man in golden armor, YongYong had no time to pay attention to that.

All his nerves were focused on the man as if being sucked in.

The man in golden armor grabbed one of the long spears spinning around him.

The moment the man gripped the spear, YongYong felt a chill.


All he did was lightly grip the spear shaft, but...

Why do my legs feel weak?

Is this how a lowly creature feels when facing a Dragon Fear?

Although those in the community didn't seem to properly sense the man's presence and thus didn't notice...

Was it because YongYong had felt the overwhelming presence that had been crushing his soul earlier?

He was certain that this man was the Oradge.

Opposite this man was a giant centipede monster roaring fiercely.

I-It's huge!

Even though he himself wasn't small when he returned to his dragon body…

Even he wasn't that big.


It felt like seeing a crawling mountain range.

Carapace that looked harder than steel.

Pincers sharper than swords.

Deadly poison dripping from its mouth.

A body as large as a massive mountain range.

The ground shook with each of its movements.

How do you even catch that?

Considering how he had to struggle so much to defeat even goblin-sized monsters in the fog...

Even if size didn’t necessarily mean strength...

One thing was certain.

That thing was fucking strong.

It was undoubtedly a monster straight out of myth.



When the centipede monster raised its body, there was no end in sight.

Just how big is it?

It merely raised its long body, but it cast a shadow over the entire area, blocking out the sky.


ㄴoh! It's connected.

ㄴugh! tf is this gross ass image?

ㄴcall a Bluadge! take it down!

ㄴis YongYong crazy?

ㄴwhat did I just see?

ㄴwh-what is that?

ㄴis that its actual size?

ㄴmaybe YongYong shrunk?

ㄴYongYong you bastard, if you're messing with us adults, ur dead

ㄴah, it's disconnecting again.

The community connection was still unstable.

At that moment.


The man in golden armor holding the spear moved.

...A throwing spear?

Considering the size of the centipede monster, the spear was not even the size of a needle.

Wasn’t this like David and Goliath?

A small human facing off against a giant mythical monster.

Even if it's the Oradge, isn't this too much?

Even goblin-sized monsters withstood YongYong's 8th Circle Magic, Hellfire. Then what about this centipede monster?

However, the moment the spear left the man's hand, YongYong realized.

Holy shit!

It wasn't the time to worry about the man.

He needed to take care of himself first!


YongYong hurriedly deployed an Absolute Barrier and stacked various Shield Magics.

The blue metal spear thrown by the man split the air like an arrow.



The blue metal spear, pushing aside all the air and creating a massive current, fell like a meteor.

The spear, which would have been smaller than a needle compared to its opponent, pierced through the hard carapace as if it were tofu.


Following the trajectory of the spear, massive waves of energy spread out in layers, forming circular rings.

The fog that hadn't budged despite YongYong's efforts instantly dissipated, clearing the view.


And right after the spear touched the ground.

A massive explosion occurred, and the ground began to flip over.

In an instant, the air contracted, pulling in the surrounding air towards the explosion center and rising towards the sky.

Following that flow, a massive current gushed up, and white flashes colored the surroundings.

And a giant cloud blooming in the sky.

Then the shockwave rushed towards where YongYong was.


The massive boom that followed immediately after…


YongYong's appearance after witnessing all of this was no longer normal.

"Uh... buh..."

They say you can't even speak when you're too shocked.

YongYong, who had been fluttering like a storm in a teacup, barely opened his eyes and looked around.

The surroundings had already been completely overturned by the effects of the explosion, and fog was rising again over it.


ㄴcan I breathe a bit now?

ㄴwhat the fuck was that?

ㄴHe threw a spear and a nuclear explosion happened.

ㄴmom i wanna go home.



ㄴI'm speechless.

ㄴcould that be... 'Him'?


ㄴthat shimmering orange light....

ㄴI thought the silhouette looked familiar.... Wait. Let me go find that photo.

ㄴit's probably deleted by now tho?

ㄴso YongYongie got cocky and ended up being dragged away by the Oradge?

The comment section, which had been quiet as if frozen for a moment, began to scroll up.

ㄴthis is insane, what the hell is this!

ㄴthe Oradge? that’s the Oradge?

ㄴdid YongYongie meet the Oradge?


ㄴYongYong, hurry up and come to your senses and start streaming!

ㄴyeah man, hurry up and spill the tea about what you saw firsthand!

ㄴthe screen just keeps flipping and flashing so we can't see anything properly!

ㄴkyah our YongYongie met the Oradge too. Has he finally made it?

ㄴHe is the Supreme Dignity.


ㄴis that the dimension where the Oradge is?

ㄴis that the Oradge everyone's been so hyped about?


Of course, even this was soon cut off due to the unstable connection.

"YongYongie feels like dying."

A groan uttered out of habit.

There wasn't a spot on his entire body that didn't ache.

Groan groan groan.

He wanted to just sprawl out and sleep like this, but…



YongYong got up.

Ah, well, that was because… How could he just lie down after encountering the Oradge!

Swish swish-

Looking around, he saw a round machine about the size of a head floating in the air, emitting a blue force field amidst the wasteland background.

"Uh uh..."

Right. He remembered.

The metal machine that flew towards YongYong when he felt his life was in danger from the aftershock.

If it weren't for the blue force field emitted by the metal machine, he might have already returned to the embrace of mana.

"O... radge?"

It's real. It's the Oradge!

If a being of that caliber isn't the Oradge, who else could it be?

He couldn't think of it any other way. The throwing spear too.

Awe and fear washed over him like a tidal wave.

"I-I guess I can't even dream of running away."

The metal machine.

It seems to have some kind of marking.

-if u run, u die.

The machine emitting the blue force field seemed to be saying that.

This is not the time for this.

YongYong hurriedly straightened his posture.


He tidied up his appearance and knelt down, sitting respectfully.

A posture he had never taken in his human, or rather, dragon life.

Is this posture correct? Did I make any mistakes?

He tried to imitate the posture humans take when showing extreme respect.

Tidying his hair, even using magic to wash his face.

As YongYong was bustling about, a heavy voice reached his ears.

"Hm? Why are you doing that?"


YongYong almost screamed.

Barely holding it in, YongYong lowered his gaze 45 degrees and greeted 'Him' with a solemn mindset.

"Greetings! I am the Community's cutie talent 'FlameYongYongie'!"


"It is an honor to meet the great Ora... Administrator!"


ㄴfuck this is driving me crazy! why does it keep cutting off!






ㄴThis is insane.

ㄴare you....

For a moment, the community connected and someone's face was captured head-on.

ㄴare you kidding me...

ㄴwhy is he so handsome.

ㄴkyah! oppa!!

ㄴthat’s crazy

ㄴfuck life really is unfair.

ㄴThe gap between us is so big that I don't even feel jealous.


YongYong ended the broadcast while sweating profusely.


I forgot to turn it off!

Surely he won't just chop me down for broadcasting without permission, right?

Tremble tremble-

Perhaps he noticed YongYong's extremely nervous appearance?


A comfortable laugh escaped from him.

Am I saved?

"That’s right. So you're YongYongie."

"Yes, that's right!"

"Right. The one who kept doing things he was told not to do."


YongYong's face turned pale.

No, no...!

He couldn't think of any excuses.

"I-I'm sorry!!!"

YongYong quickly performed a full bow he had learned from the community.

"Hahaha. It's a joke."

As he cautiously raised his head, he could see the man's silhouette obscured by the backlight.

"I have something to ask."

"Yes! Ask me anything!"

"Can you connect to the community?"


As expected of the Oradge!

To ask about the community even in this situation!

"I-It cuts off, but it connects occasionally!!"

"Really? Why can't I connect, though? Anyway, that's good. Send a message to my account. And to Virdel too."


"Oh, and."


For some reason, YongYong swallowed hard.

The man spoke to YongYong in a comfortable tone.

"What are you capable of doing?"

Somehow... although he was smiling, it felt like facing the scary hyung1 from the neighborhood?

"Your answer?"


He’s somehow scary!

"I, I!"

YongYong hurriedly began to speak.

He spilled everything, from what he could and couldn't do, starting from his birth to his growth process.

Somehow, it felt like he had no choice but to.

Mom! I'm scared!

    1. An honorific used to address an older male.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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