The Love That Remains

Chapter 100: Catch The Cat (7)

Chapter 100: Catch The Cat (7)

Reis has been enjoying his quiet and relaxed days when he feels goosebumps down his spine. He looks up at the sky with a frown. "Did she already?"

After he threw Bae Ri Na in the sage realm, he had missed the little annoying creature a bit. He wouldn't admit it even if heaven is broken down. There is no doubt that he also hated the girl. She made his life chaotic. He didn't get a good nap since she appeared in his life.

He pulls the red rope around his neck. This annoying thing is indestructible.

He visited the god of marriage who was scared beyond words when he saw the heavenly level red string of marriage around the neck of the god of time. It was then he realized that the treasure was stolen. Nothing could be done about it after the deed was done.

Reis has been furious beyond words. If the girl was on earth at that time, he would have killed her. Luckily, he threw her to heaven before his temper became worse. He is still angry because the girl used the same trick on him that Sung Jun used on Fang Aisa.

"Don't tell me..." He realizes. "That shaman was behind this."

Then, Fang Aisa and Sung Jun must have known.

Feeling upset, he takes the human form. He looks at the rope and pulls it hard. In the next moment, Bae Ri Na is standing in front of him. She has been using the same trick to pull him toward her, but she is too weak to pull a primordial god against his wishes toward him.

Reis scans the girl in front of him. He didn't expect that she could cross 10 mountains with her strength. She has a strong will.

Bae Ri Na is also scanning him from the head to the toe. She isn't scanning his strong will. She's eating him with her eyes. It's been so long. She needs her dose.

The god and the sage look at each other for a long time.

"I won't love you," Reis tells her with a cool voice. "You have used underhanded means to tie me to you. You can't win my heart like this."

Bae Ri Na jumps with happiness. "So, you thought about whether you would love me or not in the future. It means that you considered me for a moment. I am so happy."


"You are the god of time." She walks closer to him. "We have all the time in the world. I will keep chasing you until you turn around and love me back. "

Reis doesn't say a word for a long time. It must have been hard to cross the 10 mountains. He didn't have to cross them because he was born as a primordial god. But, he has seen humans who have crossed them.

It's been years since he tossed her to the sage realm.

She still looks like a woman in her late twenties. Her skin has the glow that immortals receive only after being accepted by heaven. Her grey eyes are twinkling with glee. He knows the reason behind her happiness.

He suddenly asks, "You won't chase me after I turn around?"

She blinks at him. "When you turn around, we won't waste time running around. We will make babies."


Where does this shamelessness come from? He's not used to it.

Bae Ri Na takes his silence as the signal that he doesn't mind her moving closer. She takes small steps toward him. Reis is in deep thought. He seems to be thinking hard as if he is trying to solve a big problem. She takes a seat beside him and holds his hand.

He doesn't jerk her hand away. He only glares at her. "You got the courage to hold my hand after becoming the 10th rank sage? You are still nothing compared to me."

Bae Ri Na chuckles a bit. This God won't admit that she has moved his heart. Her eyes glitter mischievously. She squeezes his warm hand and leans closer. She takes his lips suddenly. This time, he doesn't push her away. He doesn't kiss her back either. The man is stubborn and proud.

"I gave you an inch, you take a mile." Reis pushes her away in annoyance when she doesn't stop kissing him. The girl is brazen.

She doesn't try to kiss him again. Though she wants to eat him, she decides to take it slow. The god isn't used to it. "I am a greedy person."

"How did you cross the sage realm with your greed?" Reis raises his white brow. "You should have failed."

Is this woman right to become a great sage? She is certainly not right to become one.

"My love for you is stronger than any mountain." She winks at him. "Are you going to make babies with me now?"

It's clear that he doesn't intend to make her chase him anymore.

Reis snorts and turns away. "Keep wishing."

Bae Ri Na sighs. "I am your wife, after all. When are you going to perform your husband's duties?"

Reis scolds her, "You only think about one thing."

"I also think about other things." She bats her eyes coquettishly. "Let's go. I want to introduce you to my family. They should know about my husband."


That means meeting Fang Aisa and Sung Jun.

"Don't feel awkward." Bae Ri Na can sense it. "Everyone knows. Come with me now. If you don't come, I will find the god of sex and steal the most powerful love drug that can be used on a primordial god."


What kind of threat is that? It won't work on him.

"I get it that you are shy." Bae Ri Na continues, "You probably become a dried spell after being alone for a long time. That's probably the reason why your wife is still a virgin after being married to you for so long."

The grievances in her voice are obvious.

"I wonder how Soo Han would react after knowing that I am still a virgin. I heard that he already got married to his long-time girlfriend. He has five kids now. I have lost to him. The god of time can't even take responsibility as my husband."

Reis can't hear anymore. He pulls her by her ear. He exhales his hot breath in her ear. "Can you handle me as your husband?"

Bae Ri Na becomes red instantly. She trembles weakly. Her knees become weak. She has been chasing him for a long time and he didn't even bad an eye. She even kissed him many times and he didn't react one.

He whispers into her ear once and she is a goner.

She hears him chuckle arrogantly. He grabs her jaw and turns her face to look at him. His warm breath is tickling her skin. She dares to look into his eyes. Her voice is a soft whisper, "Yes."

He leans closer and closer. She shuts her eyes and waits. After a while, nothing comes. She reopens her eyes and finds him looking at her with amused eyes at the bottom of the tree.

"What were you waiting for?" He stretches his hand toward her. "We should greet your family formally. I want to fulfill the first responsibility that I have as the husband of an annoying brat."


"As my wife, you should have pride. You are the wife of the god of time. I assure you that..." He smirks at her with haughtiness in his eyes. "You won't be able to keep your chastity for long."

She jumps off the branch and takes his hand. "How long?"

Her enthusiasm makes his heart delighted. He speaks with a tantalizing voice, "Maybe after you turn into a dried spell."

"That's too long." Bae Ri Na laments. "Don't tell me that you don't have the confidence."

Reis has the urge to choke this girl. Why does she keep saying that he has no confidence in his performance? He can't believe that she mastered the ten perfections of sage.

"Have some patience." He flicks her forehead. "We should meet your parents first and get their blessings. You are a great sage. Do you want to annoy heaven and get into its bad books?"

He doesn't mind breaking laws, but he doesn't want her to get punishments. She's not heavenly blessed. He is not in Heaven's good books. Heaven is moody being.

"Tch!" Ri Na understands what he's trying to say. She's sure that there won't be a problem in getting accepted by her family. They already know who she is chasing. "After we get the blessings, we will go for a honeymoon."

Reis gives in. "Fine."

Bae Ri Na is elated to hear his short reply. They go to see Wang Mei and Bae Jaemin first. They are shocked to see their daughter and her husband appearing suddenly.

"You are the god?" Bae Jaemin steps back and moves behind Wang Mei. Sung Jun and Fang Aisa had told them about Ri Na's interest in the god of time. Then, he heard that Ri Na also went to heaven. His daughter came back, but she directly brought a husband with her.

"You are the one who stole Fang Aisa away all those years ago." Wang Mei tightens her fingers around the hit of the sword.

Reis nods slightly. "I was also the one who saved her life."

Wang Mei's fingers loosen. She turns to her daughter. "You did well. I approve of him."

This is awkward. Bae Jaemin doesn't want to approve, but they are already married. What can he say when the rice is already cooked? "I approve of him too."

Bae Ri Na is excited. Now, they only have to meet Fang Aisa and Sung Jun. Then, Ri Na can go on her honeymoon with Reis.

"I don't approve of him." Ri Na's younger brother, Wang Chuan, glares at her. "Look at him. His hair is white like an old man."

"Your approval isn't needed." Ri Na glares back. "Why are you here?"

The siblings start arguing. Reis sighs and shakes his head. By then, Fang Aisa and her family arrive.

"That's him?" Sung Na Mi furrows her brows. "Elder sister Ri Na always said that he was more handsome than my father."

"Can't you keep your mouth shut?" Her brother chides her. "Does it matter if he is handsome or not? You aren't married to him."

Fang Aisa and Sung Jun ignore them. They come to Reis.

"You plotted this." Reis' voice carries no grudge. "Was my singlehood a thorn in your eyes?"

"It was a little annoying that you wouldn't stop looking at my woman," Sung Jun replies with his almost smile.

Fang Aisa chuckles. It's been such a long time. Her man is still possessive of her. "Reis, I have missed you a lot."

Reis beams at her. "You are living well."

Fang Aisa gives him a nod. "Take care of our Ri Na."

Ri Na busy beating up her younger brother to force him to approve of Reis. Fang Aisa and Sung Jun's children have surrounded them and arguing whether Reis is more handsome than Sung Jun or not. Seeing the chaos, Sung Jun is laughing while Bae Jaemin is sighing. Wang Mei is on the verge of losing her temper.

"She's not your Ri Na anymore. She belongs to me." Reis doesn't like noises much. He walks away from Fang Aisa. He grabs Ri Na's hand and pulls her out of the crowd. "We got out blessings. We are leaving."

Fang Aisa and Sung Jun share a content smile when they see the cat god disappear with his wife.


A final happy ending for all the members from Fang Aisa's family.

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