The Love That Remains

Chapter 60: The strings of fate are in her hands again

Chapter 60: The strings of fate are in her hands again

Sung Ki-Woong is speechless. He could never guess this in his dream. The person who taught her the black art is a god.

He curses the gods in his mind. Gods usually didn't interfere in the worldly matters unless there is something big involved. Now, he knows that Fang Aisa is a god's representative. He is even more against the idea of her as his only son's wife.

She is Dabria's daughter. She has demon blood running through her veins. She carries a curse.

Her firstborn child will also carry that curse and the Fang seal. She practices dark arts. She is a god's representative. She is too arrogant. She isn't beautiful. She is not good enough for his perfect son. Now, he thinks that being a god's person is a hundred times worse than being Dabria's daughter. How can he let his only son being involved in the schemes of gods? He will never allow it.

Sung Ki-Woong has no idea that his son is already involved in the schemes of gods whether Fang Aisa remains in his life or not. In the battle between two gods, Sung Jun and Fang Aisa are pawns. Though Sung Jun is not in contract with Fate, her fingers hold the strings of his fates

Nobody can see the blind woman standing on the top of the stairs and watching them with a sadistic smile.

Eight years ago, it was her who tried to kill Fang Aisa when she found out that she was chosen by Reis.

Things didn't go out as planned back then. Fang Aisa fell into the pool as the sorcerer planned. But her body couldn't be eaten by the water demon. It was Sung who saved her. The sorcerer had managed to obtain her soul, but he had used a lot of magic in the ordeal. However, Fang Aisa managed to escape the prison. She even sent his precious sentient being away.

When the sorcerer was mad and useless to Fate, she did what she had to do. She twisted the threads and he met an ugly fate. Leaving a loose end was unacceptable to her.

Reis had ruined everything for her when he turned back time. The end was so close. The world could be wiped clean and started over. That's all she wanted. Death also thought that it was better if all the living died and the world could restart again. The world needed a reset button. But Reis was against it. That's what started the war game between Fate and Time.

The solution was simple. She had to make him weak. If he was weak, he would obey her. If he didn't obey, she could force him to fall asleep for a while. A human can sleep for a few hours. When gods fall asleep, eras have passed in the human world before they wake up. If Reis go to sleep, she could proceed with her plans at that time.

In the original timeline, she was really close. Sung Jun was one of the main characters in her play. A great war between human and the supernatural world that would have cleaned the world.

In the original timeline, Sung Jun was the council's president. After Fang Aisa died, his story was a tragic one. An excellent king ranked shaman president who made both supernatural beings and humans bow to him. When the war broke up due to her little instigation, he tried his best to calm the situation. She didn't need to do much. In the end, he was betrayed and killed. That fueled war and divided the world more. The world was divided into two groups: those who supported Sung Jun's idea of peace and those who were against his ideal. These also fought among themselves. Cleaning up the world became way easier.

Reis destroyed everything. He had found the soul of Fang Aisa and turned back time. Everything changed then. Fang Aisa's strings of fate were already broken when she made the contract with him. Before that, she tried to kill her using the rogue sorcerer, but she failed. It was Sung Jun who saved her from the demons in the pool. Fang Aisa also managed to escape the sorcerer's prison. When the sorcerer became useless, she twisted the strings of his fate and sent him to the afterlife.

She decided to reconnect Fang Aisa's broken string of fate. The price was high and she would have received retribution. As long as her strings were reconnected, Fang Aisa was easy to control. Back then, Dabria and her people were coming for Fang Aisa anyway. In one way or another, Fang Aisa would have met a gruesome death. In that case, Sung jun would have chosen the shaman path again. History would repeat.

Before she could get her hands on her again, Reis stole her away. She already knew that Fang Aisa faked her death, but she was satisfied because Sung Jun chose the same path. She found out later that Fang Aisa and Reis had been targeting the people who would play important roles in the future. They changed their fates and their paths in lives. Some people never met the tragedies that they should have met. Others didn't meet the people they should have met. Some misunderstandings never happened. Some accidents never happened. Whether it was good or bad, some people's lives were changed forever. In any case, most strings of fates were broken forever. There was nothing that she could do. Reis' next moves were always unpredictable. She could never catch up to him. She couldn't directly confront him either because she was getting weak with each broken string of fate. That left her with one option. Bringing Fang Aisa back to Sung Jun's life to control her and Reis.

To reconnect a broken string, what was better than marriage? It was easier. In both lives, Sung Jun couldn't forget Fang Aisa. He wanted to perform a ghost marriage. Even if they spent little time together in this life, Sung Jun and Fang Aisa are destined to fall in love. In the original timeline, Sung Jun found the god of marriage easily because he was a king ranked shaman and the president of the council. However, it was not easy for him in this life. She had to help him indirectly. She used her strings for Park Inha to come across the information as a 'coincidence'. Park Inha sent the information to Sung Jun. Once Sung Jun and Fang Aisa have married in this life again, it was easier to find Fang Aisa again.

For the last eight years, she couldn't directly interfere. She had to control many people from Fang Aisa's past. She tried to use Wu Xiang, but he turned out to be a failure because he failed to recognize Fang Aisa when he met her once in Country Z. She was so upset that she also killed him by making him meet an accident. To let him live was troublesome.

Wei Si Si was better than Wu Xiang. It was a lot of work to make their paths cross. In the end, it was worth it. Not only that she recognized her, but she also clicked her picture and sent it to her old classmates. The picture managed to reach Sung Jun. After that, she didn't have to do anything.

Fang Aisa walked into the trap herself. In one way or another, Fang Aisa would meet her tragic fate and Sung Jun would become the president of the council. Nobody can stop the war.

The strings of fate are in her hands again.

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