The Love That Remains

Chapter 91: An ordinary life with my Aisa

Chapter 91: An ordinary life with my Aisa

"Jun." Bae Jaemin picks him up in a bear hug. "I have missed you so much..."

"Where is Fang Aisa?" Wang Mei glares at him. It's been a year since Fang Aisa disappeared. She has been waiting for them diligently. "You brought her back, right?"

"Yes." Sung Jun smiles at her. "She is upstairs."

Wang Mei tries to run upstairs, but Sung Jun stops her. "You can't go there. She is cultivating. If you disturb her at this time, it will destroy her entire cultivation."

"Cultivating right after coming back?" Wang Mei frowns. "She should have met me first."

"It turned out that way." Sung Jun sighs. "I am not happy either, but she needs to become a god."

"A god?" Bae Jaemin eyes become round. He stares at him. Sung Jun looks different. There is an otherworldly aura around him. It means that they have become an immortal. Upstairs, energy vibration is strange indeed. It's not spiritual energy. It's something dark and haunting. He isn't aware of how someone becomes a god, but it shouldn't feel like this right. "I thought that you have to go to heaven to become a god."

"She has taken an untraditional road." Sung Jun chuckles at the thought. His wife will be a demonic goddess. Somehow, it suits her. Anyway, she has always been his goddess. "I have called you for an important task."

"Of course." Bae Jaemin furrows his brows. "Why else would you call us? Did you call Aunty Sung?"

"I have. She is on her way." Sung Jun is happy that everyone is reuniting. Fang Aisa will be happy once she comes out of the room. "Fang Aisa's family is also coming. I have a list of people here. I want to invite them all to our wedding ceremony."

"What?" Wang Mei's ears perk up. "You want to marry again?"

"Yes, we do. We didn't have a wedding ceremony." Sung Jun gives her the list of people. "You can call anyone who was associated with Fang Aisa. Prepare for her favorite food at the wedding. We have to do it the way she likes. Since she isn't here to tell us what she exactly wants, it will be up to us."

"Don't worry about that." Wang Mei folds the list. There is excitement on her face. "I will call all the members of our gang. Grandma will be happy too. My sister and brother will come too. She likes dumplings a lot. I will prepare a dumpling cake."

"I didn't know that there was a dumpling cake." Bae Jaemin licks his lips. "Mei Mei, we also didn't have a wedding ceremony. Do you also want?"

"Isn't it too late to say it now? It has been years since we got married." Wang Mei scowls at him. "This is Fang Aisa's day. Don't talk about us now."

"Sorry, Wife." Bae Jaemin looks at her with heavy guilt. "We will have a wedding ceremony with our child."

"You have a child?" Sung Jun is surprised. "Already?"

"Not yet." Wang Mei sighs. "It's been only a month since I got pregnant."

"I am so behind." Sung Jun looks upset. "I have to work hard a lot to catch up with you, Hyung."

"Catch up on what?" Bae Jaemin laughs. "Sung Jun, you are now an immortal. You and Fang Aisa have all the time of the world."

"Do we?" Sung Jun wonders thoughtfully. "I want to live an ordinary life with my Aisa. I don't know what is coming. I want to be with her every day. Immortality is fine only if she is with me."

Wang Mei gives him a nod. "I am leaving. There is a lot to prepare. Wedding is tomorrow?"

"It should be prepared before she becomes a god," Sung Jun tells her. "Do your best."

"I will help her." Bae Jaemin follows Wang Mei. Before he leaves, he stops at the door and turns around. "Sung Jun, don't disappear again. I won't forgive you if you do."

"I won't." Sung Jun promises him. "Go. Don't make a mistake. I will have your head if anything goes wrong at the wedding."

"I love you too, my younger brother." Sung Jun makes a face when Bae Jaemin gives him a flying kiss.


Jar'Golen, the devil, glances at the moon. After absorbing the cores of nine demon lords, he has succeeded in becoming a low-tier devil. Before he goes to the realm of devils, he wants to meet his lovely daughter, Dabria.

His sweet daughter did turn out like him. Betraying him. Imprisoning him. Then, using her own daughter's soul to bind him. He has even died a human death with Fang Aisa. Luckily, Fang Aisa was reborn back in time instead of reincarnating in the future. Her seal was also broken. Jor'Golen could have left then, but he was too weak to leave. Besides, Fang Aisa was with a primordial god. If he had made a move, that God would have killed him instantly.

Dabria is quite capable. She has always been ambitious. She wants to open the gate of the unbreakable prison and free everyone. She wants to rule the world using them.

There is a fortune in every misfortune. Dabria's last move helped him. He was free from Fang Aisa's body. He regained back his original strength. He was even able to have revenge on his father and the other demon lords.

He is a Devil now. A Devil.

When he enters Dabria's lair, he sees no one. Everything in the room is in disarray. The circle is incomplete. He frowns and touches the ground. The memories of the place sink into his mind. Dabria is gone. Sung Jun and Fang Aisa have sent her to the unbreakable prison.

He grits his teeth. That's not what he wants. He needs to know the spell to open the unbreakable prison. He would have dealt with Dabria after she has opened the gate. Fang Aisa and Sung Jun have spoiled his plans.

He flies toward Sung Jun's house. He knows it from Fang Aisa's memories. He has been inside her since her birth. There is a thick layer of dark energy surrounding Sung Jun's house. It smells like Devil's cores. His eyes gleam red. It must be Fang Aisa who is cultivating to become a demonic god.

He can't let her do that. Those cores are his. It should be him. Fang Aisa is a fool with a soft heart. She is not like Dabria in any way. The devil's cores are wasted on a person who wants to have an ordinary life.

"You are early." Sung Jun is holding the death scythe in his right arm and a spirit rope in his left hand.

"Boy, I will let you go this once since you have helped me back there." Jar'Golen bars his teeth. "Leave quietly."

"You want to say how I nearly helped you killing my wife?" Sung Jun eyes him coldly. "If I had known, I would have never done it."

"Well, you didn't. You can't blame yourself for that." Jar'Golen laughs in a low voice. "I will let you and my granddaughter go. Just give me the devil's core. There is no point if she becomes a demonic god. Is it? She is too good to become one while I deserve to become one."

"If she wants to become one, I won't stop her." Sung Jun smiles at him arrogantly. "I will stop you, grandfather in law."

He throws the spirit rope at Jar'Golen. The devil avoids it by jumping up in the sky. He reveals his dark twisted form to Sung Jun in an attempt to scare him away. This form can usually make people die of a heart attack.

"I am glad that the only thing that my wife inherited from you is your demon blood." Sung Jun lets out a breath of relief.

"You!!!" The devil chokes out the words. Is this the time to be relieved about such things? "I will eat your core. You will forever become one with me."

"I see why she loves to eat." Sung Jun nods his head, smiling. "She must have inherited this from you."

Inside the mansion, Reis is watching everything. He looks at Fang Aisa who has only been able to process half of the devil's core by now. It will take a few hours before she can absorb them all. If she is disturbed before that can happen, she will fail to become a demonic god.

He is not worried. Jar'Golen is only a clown. He can easily take care of him. He will let Sung Jun play with him for a while.

Outside, Sung Jun throws the rope when Jar'Golen is furious beyond words. The spirit rope wraps around Jar'Golen tightly. Sung Jun plays him around like a spinning top.

"Stop it!" Jar'Golen tries to break the rope, but it's too strong. Defeating a lowly immortal should be easy, but this boy is not wielding the immortal energy. He is wielding the direct energy from heaven. Jar'Golen's dark skin is scalded as the rope burns deeper into his skin. "What is this?"

"Nope." Sung Jun shows him an almost smile. "You have nearly killed my wife. Do you think that I will let you die easily? I can't let my wife's crystal stay inside you. It's time to take back what you took away from her."

"I am your grandfather in law." Jar'Golen hollers. Nobody outside the perimeter can hear his screaming voice. "If you kill me, she will hate you."

"I doubt it." Sung Jun looks at the Death Scythe. This scythe will be helpful in performing anatomy on devils. "I am not killing you. You are an immortal. I will just take back her crystal and send you to the place where you deserve."

"Nooooooo!!!" Jar'Golen screams for help, just like the demon lords and his victims screamed for help once. Nobody is there to help him.

Reis watches this all. For once, he is also impressed by Sung Jun.

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