The Lowest-Ranked Hero Has Returned

Chapter 17 - Mental Training (2)

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

Chapter 17 - Mental Training (2)

A few days had passed since I started researching the stigma amplifiers with Professor Jade.

The weekend flew by as I immersed myself in the research, and Monday had arrived before I knew it.

There was only one class scheduled for Monday.

It was the most important required course that all third-year cadets, regardless of their major, had to attend: "Practical Combat Training."

This course significantly impacted the overall cadet rankings and marked the first step toward becoming a "Hero." As such, "Practical Combat Training" had several unique characteristics.

First, it took absolute priority over other classes.

In other words, if the schedule for "Practical Combat Training" changed or extended, any missed classes would be considered an excused absence.

Second, the course did not hold anyone accountable for injuries or fatalities that occurred during training.

While minimal safety measures were in place, the instructor would not face any consequences if an accident resulted in loss of life.

After all, this institution wasn't meant to produce scholars or professionals but to train "Heroes" who would fight on the frontlines after graduation.

The third characteristic was the length of the class.

Unlike other classes that typically lasted 2-3 hours, "Practical Combat Training" occupied the entire day on Monday.

Lunch breaks and rest periods were at the instructor's discretion, which meant that, in the worst-case scenario, we might not even get a lunch break, much like the outdoor training we had previously endured.

In other words...

"Today's lesson is on 'mental training.' If any of you fail the test after the morning session, you'll continue straight through the afternoon without a lunch break. Consider yourselves warned."

Despite my busy schedule over the past few days, I had been looking forward to having a nice lunch with Iris.

However, to do that, I first had to overcome the obstacle known as Professor Lucas.

‘Seriously, can’t you at least give us time to eat?’

I sighed deeply as I glared at Professor Lucas standing at the podium.

"No lunch break and a full day of class..."

"This is inhuman!"

"We already went through hell during last week's outdoor training!"

I wasn't the only one groaning about not getting a lunch break.

The cadets all glared at Professor Lucas, silently cursing him for not being like the other instructors who supposedly gave frequent breaks.

"What? Do you have a problem with that?"

"N-no, sir!"

"We have no complaints, sir!"

Of course, our complaints didn't make a difference.

"Jeez. It’s not like I want to push you all to the brink by making you skip meals."

"Huh? But during the outdoor training..."

"That wasn’t my fault. You guys just failed to prepare properly. Am I wrong?"


Silenced by the undeniable truth, the cadets pressed their lips together.

In the ensuing quiet, Albert raised his trembling hand.

"Um, Professor... You mentioned earlier that we won't get a lunch break if we fail the test, right?"

"That's correct."

"So, isn’t that the same as skipping a meal..."

"I said there wouldn’t be a lunch break; I never said you'd skip a meal."

With a sly grin, Professor Lucas pulled out a transparent container from his pocket and placed it on the podium.

Inside the container was a green liquid of unknown origin.

"This is a special juice I made myself. Just one of these will keep you full until dinner."


The cadets' faces turned pale as we stared at the ominously glowing green liquid, which was bubbling for some reason despite not being heated.

"Um, Professor... What exactly is that?"

"Hm? I just told you, it’s a special juice I made myself."

"No, I got that, but... what’s in it?"


"No, seriously, please tell us."

"Albert, are you curious about what’s in this juice?"

"Uh... Yes, sir. I-I’m curious."

"Then come up here and have a taste."


Albert’s face froze in fear.

"N-no! I’m not curious at all, Professor!"

"But you just said you were."

"I take it back! I’m not curious!"

"Alright, then let's decide fairly with a vote. All in favor of Albert having a taste, raise your hand."

Every single cadet in the classroom raised their hand.

Of course, I raised mine too.

"You... traitors!"

Albert began trembling as every hand in the room went up unanimously.

Professor Lucas approached Albert with measured steps.


"Don’t be so dramatic. It’s not like this will kill you."


"Yeah... It probably won’t kill you. Maybe."


Albert let out an undignified scream as he tried to escape, but Professor Lucas grabbed his shoulder and forced the juice into his mouth.

"Gah! Ugh! Cough!"

Albert’s eyes widened as he involuntarily gulped down the special juice.

"Ugh! Bleh!"

"Don’t you dare throw up."

"W-what on earth... What could possibly taste like this...!"

"Do you know what food is made entirely of protein, Albert?"

"Isn’t that... chicken breast?"

"Hah! This is a high-protein ingredient that makes chicken breast pale in comparison!"

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]


Professor Lucas pulled out another container from his pocket.

Albert, barely holding back his nausea with his hand over his mouth, stared at the jar.

Inside, something was wriggling.


"Oh no, they're not just bugs. These are edible beetle larvae, raised with the Republic's top-notch cultivation techniques."

"So, bugs, right?"

"Once it's in your stomach, it's all the same nutrients."



Albert slumped into his chair with a look of utter despair.

Though he had managed to avoid vomiting, the pale color of his face made it easy to guess just how horrible that "special juice" must have tasted.



A heavy silence descended over the candidates.

A strong determination not to drink that juice at any cost filled the room.

"Good, now you all have the right look in your eyes."

Professor Lucas grinned as he stepped back to the podium.

"As I mentioned earlier, today's lesson is about 'mental fortitude.' This is just as important as physical training regarding real combat."

He continued, glancing toward the classroom door, no matter how strong one's body is, they can't defeat their enemy if their mind breaks.

"Today's lecture will be special, with a guest lecturer from the Department of Magic: Professor Morpheus."

"Professor Morpheus?"

"You mean the master of illusion magic?"

Professor Morpheus was a hero from the Holy Kingdom, known for his mastery over all kinds of illusion magic.


The door opened, and a young man with deep brown hair entered.

He looked so young that he could almost pass for one of the candidates, but heroes tend to age slowly, making it hard to guess their age by appearance alone.

"Nice to meet you, candidates. I'm Morpheus, and I've come to assist with today's mental fortitude training."

With a warm smile and an elegant movement, Professor Morpheus bowed.

From his first appearance, he seemed entirely different from that bastard standing next to him (Professor Lucas), causing the candidates' expressions to brighten.

"The exercise is simple. Each of you will come forward, and if you can endure the illusion I cast on you for one minute, you'll pass."

"...Just endure it?"

"Yes, that's all."

The candidates tilted their heads at the unexpectedly simple conditions.

No matter how realistic an illusion is, its impact is usually reduced if you know it's an illusion beforehand.

Plus, you don't even have to fight the illusion; you just need to endure it for one minute.

- This seems easier than I thought.

Such thoughts inevitably crossed the candidates' minds.

"Phew... That's a relief."

"I was scared we'd have to drink that beetle juice for lunch."

The candidates sighed with relief, patting their chests.

"Heh heh heh."

Professor Lucas smirked at the candidates.

"Professor Morpheus, how about demonstrating the illusion magic on someone first?"

"Sounds good. Is there any candidate who would like to experience it?"

"It seems Albert here is eager to volunteer."

"Wha—? No, I didn't say—! Aaack!"

Albert, who was grabbed by the scruff of his neck, was dragged to the podium by Professor Lucas.

"Don't be too scared. It's just an illusion after all."

Professor Morpheus spoke gently to the trembling Albert.

"Now, sit in this chair, close your eyes, and relax."


Following the professor's instructions, Albert sat down in the chair.

Professor Morpheus placed his hand on Albert's forehead.


"Agh! Aaaaargh!"


Albert screamed as he fell backward out of the chair.

It happened in less than ten seconds, far from the one-minute mark.

"Hah... Hah... This is...."

"Are you alright?"

Professor Morpheus extended a hand toward the fallen Albert.

"Get... get away from me! Get away!"

Still in a daze, Albert slapped the professor's hand away and curled up into a ball.

"Please... spare me... I don't want to die."

Albert trembled and whimpered.

Professor Morpheus shrugged, stepped back a few paces, and waited for Albert to come to his senses.

About a minute passed.

Still curled up on the floor and sobbing, Albert slowly raised his red face.

"Are you feeling better?"

"...Y-Yes, I'm sorry."

"Haha, no need to apologize. Most candidates react similarly the first time they experience my illusion magic."


The candidates' expressions, which had shown relief earlier, stiffened again.

"Now... Who's next to experience the illusion magic?"

Professor Morpheus smiled as he scanned the candidates.

The smile, which had seemed kind at first, now looked more like the grin of a grim reaper.

"Let's see... Ah, how about the candidate with the gray hair over there?"

Professor Morpheus's gaze settled on me as he looked around the room.

"Would you like to give it a try?"

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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