The Mad Tycoon of Rome

Chapter 142: Assassination (2)

Chapter 142: Assassination (2)

Intaphrenes could not hide his anxiety, wondering if Marcus had noticed something.

It was because Horshid had emphasized Marcus’s ability to the point of annoyance beforehand.

If he was really that outstanding, he might discover something suspicious with just a glimpse of a flaw.

With that thought stuck in his head, it was hard to calm himself down.

“You don’t have to be so nervous. If you think about it, it was really a ridiculous thing. Anyway, how is Shahanshah doing? I heard that the nobles of Ctesiphon are still in contact with Parthia.”

“Of course they are, but that’s only for courtesy…”

“Don’t misunderstand me. I don’t think you are colluding with Parthia. Parthia is an ally and a valuable trade partner of Rome. It’s natural that there are various matters to exchange letters with.”

“Yes. I can’t help but worry about my subordinates who are still mostly relying on trade with Parthia. Parthia’s internal situation is not very stable right now, so I’m having a headache too.”

“The turmoil of an ally is also a problem that I can’t just watch as a governor. Especially when it’s a province like Mesopotamia, which has not been annexed to Rome for long, and is right next to it.”

Intaphrenes’s eyes shook slightly at Marcus’s meaningful words.

Interfering with the domestic affairs of an ally for the sake of the stability of a province was one of the methods that Rome liked to use.

Intaphrenes hastily added an explanation.

“What I mean by unstable is that the power structure that changed and reorganized after Shahanshah’s death has not settled down yet. I think the chaos will subside naturally over time.”

“That’s good to hear. I’ve been too busy lately to pay attention to Parthia, our ally. I’m relieved that they’re okay. I should send a letter of greeting to Shahanshah soon.”

Marcus continued to talk with Intaphrenes about several topics after that.

After finishing the conversation, Intaphrenes and Horshid politely said goodbye and left the office.

He didn’t know how many times he had suppressed his rising anxiety during the long conversation.

“You did well.”

“Horshid, are you sure this was the best way?”

“You agreed that we had to see the governor and gauge his reaction once we came to Syria. Are you getting nervous now?”

“But…he seemed to know something, no matter how I looked at him. He said too many things that could only be seen as trying to provoke our reaction. He must have noticed something.”

Intaphrenes was clearly losing his coolness due to anxiety.

If he failed, not only himself but also his family that had lasted for hundreds of years would be uprooted, so it was understandable.

But he should have anticipated this situation when he decided to assassinate.

How could he think of killing one of the highest authorities of Rome without this much determination?

Horshid began to suspect that Intaphrenes was not the mastermind behind this.

Which meant that there was a high possibility of another hidden hand.

“Calm down and sort out your thoughts first. As I said before, you have to assume that Marcus knows some of our movements. But on the other hand, it also means that he doesn’t know our intentions completely.”

“What do you mean?”

“If our plan was completely exposed, we wouldn’t be able to walk around in one piece. We would have been beheaded or imprisoned long ago.”

“Maybe he knows everything already, but he’s watching us to get solid evidence. I heard that the current governor is a person who deals with everything rationally and doesn’t punish criminals without clear proof.”

Horshid unknowingly frowned.

‘He’s not very strong-minded, is he? Why is he so nervous?’

It was true that Marcus had put more pressure on Intaphrenes than Horshid.

But he didn’t see any reason for such a desperate reaction.

Horshid’s voice came out with a hint of irritation.

“How many times do I have to tell you? The governor may know that we are aiming for something, but the possibility of assassination is less than a penny.”

“…How can you be so sure?”

“That’s because there is no reason for us to do such an absurd thing like assassination. To be honest, there is no justification for it either. How can he guess our plan when there is such a gap between reality and logic?”


Intaphrenes opened his mouth blankly at Horshid’s scolding.

When he thought about it, he was right.

Those who think rationally tend to fail to predict the actions of those who act in complete contradiction to rationality.

Horshid gave Intaphrenes a confident look and patted his shoulder.

“Don’t worry. I was also doubtful of my ears when I first heard this plan. How do you think others would react? They won’t even be able to guess, I’m sure.”

“…That’s a relief, but…I can’t tell if you’re comforting me or mocking me.”

“Think of it as both.”

Horshid smiled lightly and hastened his steps.

The place they were heading to was a large mansion guarded by numerous soldiers.

Intaprenes, who followed closely behind, tilted his head and asked.

“But do you think Surenas will really cooperate?”

“I see it as a fifty-fifty chance. But judging by the fact that he is still surrounded by soldiers like this, it is certain that he has not been captured by Rome. We can decide after we see if he is someone we can capture or not.”

“But even if we capture him, I don’t think he will be very useful if he is watched by the soldiers.”

“That’s why we can make him do something conspicuous to attract their attention, or there are many ways to use him. And if he doesn’t seem to be persuaded, we can sacrifice him as well.”

Intaprenes nodded his head with a satisfied expression.

“Surenas, who had a grudge against Rome after a long captivity, collaborated with the radicals and plotted to assassinate the governor… It sounds plausible.”

“And it will be more convincing if we say that he harbored resentment for his king being treated like a spectacle in Rome.”

Horshid and Intaprenes approached the soldiers guarding the mansion door and requested a visit.

It was unlikely that those who were plotting something would reveal themselves so boldly.

Surenas was not in a situation where his contact with the outside world was restricted, so the soldiers obediently opened the door.

They signed the guest book and entered the mansion. 

They were surprised by the fact that the surveillance was not very strict.

They must have maintained this state for quite a long time, so the soldiers on guard must have loosened their tension.

Surenas, who was reading a newspaper in the reception room, got up from his seat and greeted them warmly.

“Welcome. Intaprenes, it’s been a long time since I saw you.”

“Was it two years ago when we last met? You look well.”

“When did you arrive in Antioch?”

“I just arrived yesterday.”

“You must have come to attend the wedding. But I’m grateful that you came to see me like this.”

While Surenas was talking with Intaprenes, Horshid glanced at the newspaper he was reading.

Surenas felt his gaze and turned his head toward Horshid.

“You are Horshid, right? Nice to meet you. I’m Surenas.”

“There is no one among the Parthian nobles who doesn’t know Surenas. I also saw you once from afar before.”

He was someone he couldn’t even dare to look up to before, but now the situation had changed a lot.

Horshid felt a lot of emotions inside, but he didn’t show it on his face.

Surenas sat down and poured wine into a glass and handed it over.

“I don’t know how long it’s been since I had a conversation in Parthian.”

“Come to think of it, you must have only used Greek until now.”

“Yes. Actually, I have no trouble living with just Greek, but sometimes I want to talk in my native language. It feels refreshing after a long time.”

“I understand. But you said you were under surveillance, but I don’t see any soldiers around.”

Horshid looked around the reception room as if searching for something.

Intaprenes also looked around with surprise.

“It would be unpleasant for the guests if there were soldiers next to them when they received them. They are waiting outside the reception room where they can’t be seen. But they must be listening to everything we say here. There are also soldiers who are proficient in Parthian, so speaking in another language won’t help us avoid surveillance.”

The fact that they were outside the door meant that they were not watching the inside situation with their eyes.

Horshid’s eyes flashed with a cold light as he seized an opportunity easily.

He was about to open his mouth when

Surenas cut out one side of the newspaper he was reading and wrote something with a pen.

At the same time, he casually brought up another topic.

“Have you met the governor yet? I know it’s a bit strange for me to say this since I’m not cooperating until the end, but he is a reasonable and generous person. The reason why I’m living so comfortably as a prisoner is because of his great consideration.”

“Of course. As soon as we came here, we visited him to congratulate him on his wedding. He was very happy with the gift I gave him. Hahaha.”

Intaprenes took the paper that Surenas handed over and checked the contents.

Horshid and Intaprenes looked at each other with astonishment.

<Marcus said that there is a high possibility that you will contact me and told me to decide which side I will join. What are you planning?> Horshid quickly took out a pen and paper from his pocket and wrote a reply. Of course, he didn’t forget to keep the conversation going without interruption with a calm voice.

“The governor also promised to listen to the voices of the local nobles as much as possible when improving the farming methods in the Mesopotamia region.”

<Didn’t he tell you what exactly you are going to do?> <He just guessed that the wedding would be the most likely time if we were going to cause some trouble.>

It was a relief among the misfortunes, so to speak.

As expected, Marcus had not noticed the assassination plan, Horshid was sure.

<And what specific orders did you receive?> <He told me to pretend to cooperate with you and find out what you are plotting and report it. But I am also a Parthian nobleman. No matter how hard I think about it, I can’t accept the words that tell me to stab my compatriots in the back.> <That’s very grateful. Then will you join us in our great cause?>

It was undeniable that Surenas was still on their side.

But his expectation of getting a positive answer was easily shattered.

Surenas shook his head and made it clear that he would stay out of it.

<I just gave you a warning. Honestly, I can’t easily throw away the grace that the governor has given me so far. Objectively speaking, it is against reason for me to give you this warning. I don’t think I can help you any more.>

It was a firm refusal with no room for persuasion.

A hint of disappointment flashed across Intaprenes’ face.

Horshid pushed forward the paper with his answer without showing any emotion.

He looked calm, but he had no intention of letting Surenas go.

If he could use Surenas as a double agent, the success of the plan was almost certain.

<We are not asking you to cooperate with us actively. Just do us one favor. Just hint to the governor that we might do something when the wedding ceremony is in full swing and everyone’s attention is focused. Didn’t you say that the governor expected us to contact you anyway? If you say nothing happened here, you will be more suspicious.>

Horshid and Intaprenes bowed their heads desperately.

Surenas, who had stopped writing for a while, finally made up his mind and nodded.

<I understand. But don’t expect any more help from me. This is the best favor I can give you.>

That was enough for Intaprenes.

He thanked Surenas several times and bowed his head.

On the other hand, Surenas’ face was full of mixed emotions because he felt guilty for repaying his kindness with betrayal.

But he couldn’t do anything about it after he made his choice.

Surenas bid farewell to the two men who were leaving with a cheerful expression.

Maybe it was because his mind was dizzy.

He couldn’t say goodbye easily.


“···Yeah. That’s what they said.”

Marcus, who received the report from Surenas, nodded his head with a strange smile.

“They will make trouble when the wedding is in full swing. It’s a classic but effective scheme.”


Surenas stood still like a statue without saying anything.

Marcus took his eyes off him and sneered.

“I didn’t want things to go this far…”

It wasn’t a very pleasant way to use his brother’s wedding as an excuse to escalate the situation.

He might get scolded once if he found out the truth.

“But, well, I have to do it.”

The dice had already been thrown.

There was no room for reconsideration.

Marcus secretly called Septimus and Spartacus and gave them orders.

The two men, who heard the situation, were surprised but did not question it and followed the instructions.

Meanwhile, Horshid and Intaprenes also carried out their plan with utmost caution.

They had already set up the bait, so they were ready.

Whether it was success or failure, the situation in the East would inevitably shake once again.

And finally, the day of destiny came.

< 142. Assassination > End

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