The Mad Tycoon of Rome

Chapter 199: The Gallic Civil War 5

Chapter 199: The Gallic Civil War 5

< Chapter 199. The Gallic Civil War 5 >

The landing of Marcus and the six legions that followed him was very timely.

Originally, according to the Roman law, a general leading an army in the east could not bring his legion north of Brundisium.

But this law had no effect on Marcus, who belonged to the Triumvirate.

Even so, if it had been normal times, many people would have felt uneasy about his actions that contradicted the traditions of Rome.

But not this time.

The Romans welcomed Marcus, who had landed with his legion, more than anyone else.

It was because of the statement he announced on a large scale as soon as he arrived in Brundisium.

Caesar and Sextus should stop this wasteful civil war and engage in negotiations right away.

Most of the citizens sympathized with Marcus’s official request for a truce.

Now, due to the civil war, public opinion on Caesar and Sextus was deteriorating at the same time.

The first person to be criticized was Sextus.

It was obvious to anyone that Sextus’s surprise attack in the beginning was a hasty act.

It did not look like a normal procedure to attack the other side by reversing the charge of treason without any reason.

Cicero criticized it day after day, saying that it showed that Rome’s legal system was completely broken.

“Is it logical to attack first and then find evidence? If you accept this, there is no need for a trial. Just kill anyone you don’t like and then present the evidence. Sextus’s illegal act must be held accountable. And the senators who agreed with him should also not escape criticism.”

At first, some senators who did not agree with this also began to voice their criticism after Sextus retreated from Gaul.

After losing in the battle in Hispania, this tendency became even more severe.

Of course, Pompey’s party did not just sit back and watch.

They claimed that the cause of this civil war was Caesar’s behind-the-scenes work to swallow up Sextus.

Among the aristocrats, Cato often agreed with Pompey’s party’s claim and gave frequent speeches.

“This civil war has revealed Caesar’s ambition to the world! He had no value for the sense of comradeship as a fellow populist, or loyalty as a friend’s son. He is a person who can use and stab anyone in the back if it is for his own power. That is Julius Caesar!”

Anyway, the masses were always affected by incessant agitation.

This persistent speech was enough to form public opinion that Caesar was also responsible for this civil war.

Caesar, who was more sensitive to Rome’s trends than anyone else, heard all this news.

Sextus also felt a lot of pressure from his declining popularity as time went by.

In fact, both of them had thoughts of wanting to stop fighting at this point.

Caesar proved his strength once again by easily crushing Sextus.

Sextus also captured Massilia and pressured Caesar with effective troop deployment while being pushed back.

If you look at it, it could be said that Caesar had a decisive victory, but Sextus could also be seen as having saved his face at least.

The timing was now the best time to put down their swords.

But neither side could bow their heads first and ask for negotiations.

The one who proposes a truce first here could give the impression that they surrendered.

They wanted to stop fighting enough, but they had no reason to do so.

In such a situation, Marcus’s presence acted as a good excuse for Caesar and Sextus.

“In response to the opinion of Marcus, my political partner and important collaborator, I will consider negotiating.”

Sextus and Caesar took this attitude of reluctantly negotiating by looking at Marcus’s face.

Marcus entered Rome himself and actively played the role of mediator for negotiations.

He also stationed his legion at a considerable distance from Rome so that the Romans would not be anxious while he was doing this.

Cicero, who wanted to end this annoying civil war as soon as possible, went out to the city gate to greet Marcus.

“I’m glad you came. If you were a little later, many Roman citizens’ blood would have flowed in vain.”

“Thanks to your letter, Cicero. If it weren’t for that, I would have arrived in Rome much later.”

“Your decision to bring your legion from the beginning also worked well. You gave Caesar and Sextus a good hole to get out of.”

The astute Cicero knew why Marcus had landed with such a large force.

Once the civil war broke out, it would not be easy for both sides to stop even if Marcus came alone.

At least if they don’t stop fighting now, they have to give a signal that they will intervene themselves if they don’t listen to him. Then both sides would have a reason to listen.

Marcus attended the Senate meeting and passed a resolution to officially stop the battle between Caesar and Sextus.

And in the process, he learned that Caesar had three legions stationed in Germany because of the Slavs who had pushed in from the northeast.

He judged that the situation was not good and moved to Massilia by boat, citing the reason that he would mediate the negotiations.

Sextus opened the gates of Massilia in time for Marcus’s arrival.

Eventually, Marcus, Caesar, and Sextus sat at the negotiating table together for the first time.

Since both sides wanted to stop fighting at this point, it was not difficult to draw a reasonable agreement.

Caesar did not pursue Sextus’s responsibility for attacking him any further, and Sextus also agreed not to dig up any more evidence of Caesar’s behind-the-scenes work.

And he had to immediately return Massilia, which he was forcibly occupying, and cede some of the mining rights in Hispania to Caesar.

The only opinion that was not easily coordinated was the treatment of Sextus in the future.

“I don’t know about anything else, but Sextus can’t stay in Rome. He has to show some remorse for causing such a mess.”

“Whether I’m in Rome or not, it’s none of Caesar’s business.”

“What are you talking about? If you’re in Rome, you might try to sway the Senate and pressure me like you did this time. I have no reason to take that risk.”

Caesar re-evaluated Sextus’s danger through this incident.

Sextus would have been fine whether he was in Rome or not, but now it was different.

Sextus, who had gained experience from this civil war, could be a significant burden to Caesar if he stayed in Rome.

The gap between Caesar, who wanted to nip the sprout of anxiety in the bud, and Sextus, who knew his intentions well, was not easily narrowed.

Marcus sided with Caesar here.

Not because he thought Caesar was right, but because he needed to block all borders thoroughly in the current situation of Rome.

“It seems fair to me that Sextus should leave Rome for now. You and I are not staying in Rome either, so it’s not a strange picture for Sextus to go to another region.”

“Ah, but Marcus…”

“Of course, it would be better to add one condition. If Caesar or I return to Rome, Sextus can also return at any time. And the validity of this agreement… How about five years?”

“That much…”

It was acceptable to be unable to enter Rome for five years on condition.

Besides, if there were various exceptions, the burden on Sextus would not be that great.

He could just think of it as a time to solidify his base in Greece for five years.

Caesar also wanted to drive Sextus out of Rome to show that he was the real winner, so it was a satisfactory result.

“Then let’s agree on that and write a formal agreement.”

Marcus watched with satisfaction as Caesar and Sextus stamped and signed their seals.

He entrusted Caesar with the Germanic region, took charge of the eastern provinces himself, and sent Sextus to Greece. 

Then he could block all border lines for now.

The most dangerous side seemed to be Caesar’s side, but considering Caesar’s ability, there was no one else who could match him in Rome.

Even if nomads poured in from the north, Caesar would be able to stop them somehow.

What Marcus had to do at this point was to trust Caesar and build a system that could cope with the worst-case scenario.


While a storm of chaos swept through Rome once again, the situation in Alexandria was as peaceful as usual.

“The tea tastes amazing today.”

Publius enjoyed the sea view from the palace as usual and smiled contentedly.

He enjoyed the beautiful scenery and drank tea during the day and wine at sunset. He liked this leisure very much.

Marcus had hurriedly gathered his legion and returned to Rome, but he did not follow him this time.

He was enjoying a special vacation as a reward for completing his mission as an envoy to Han Dynasty.

He also had a good excuse for taking care of Marcus’s family who stayed in Alexandria.

Publius received almost no less treatment than Pharaoh in Alexandria.

He was not only Marcus’s brother but also the husband of Berenice, the former Pharaoh.

She had once been deprived of her rights, but now she had regained all her rights as a royal.

So it was natural that Publius’s status also rose accordingly.

The magnates of Alexandria tried hard to please him, and the nobles also contacted him to have a meal with him somehow.

Of course, Publius did not behave badly because he was not a power-hungry person.

But he couldn’t help but feel good about the situation where he was praised wherever he went.

Above all, he was happy that Marcus, who always bossed him around and gave him heavy tasks, was gone.

“The rest is so sweet. I didn’t know it would be like this. I wish the trouble lasted a little longer and my brother came back as late as possible.”

Then this heavenly day would last forever.

His heart swelled with a simple dream.

But his dream burst like a bubble at the absurd voice from behind.

“You’ve grown a lot.”


He turned around in surprise and saw the shadow of a person who was lightly carrying his luggage.

“Brother! When did you come back?”

“I just came back. I heard you were enjoying your vacation very comfortably. You seem to have wished that I would come back later, but I’m sorry I came early.”

“Hey, it was just a joke. Why are you reacting like that? But did you solve the problem well? It wasn’t a small matter if there was a civil war.”

“I managed to settle it. But that doesn’t mean there’s no problem at all. Your vacation is over now, so get ready to leave right away. I’m going to leave Alexandria tomorrow and go back to Antioch. You should resume your duty as the cavalry commander as before.”

He was shocked by the words that came out of the blue.

The civil war was over, but why did he have to move so urgently?

“Look, brother… I’m still on vacation, so it’s a bit…”

“Really? Then you can take over my acting governor duties instead. I just have to add one line to your title…”

“I’ll get ready right away. There’s no one else who can be the cavalry commander of the eastern legion but me.”

He had been lenient lately, and he noticed that his brother sometimes acted up.

Marcus quickly got up from his seat and threw one last word at his brother who was packing his luggage.

“You’ve had enough vacation, so now it’s time to work. Behave yourself.”

< Chapter 199. The Gallic Civil War 5 > End

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