The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 10 - A Hidden Agenda

Feng Mian - the gorgeous girl with long blonde hair looked directly at me and began walking towards my seat, ignoring the stares of all the other students of Class 2-D. She then grabbed the vacant desk that was supposed to be in front of me, and moved it beside mine, placing herself in between Qing Yue and I. She casually sat down-

Wait, wait, wait.

I still haven't grasped the situation. All I could do was stare at her slender body as I subconsciously muttered the words, "Feng Mian"...

Compared to last night, Feng Mian looked even more stunning in the school uniform, which showed off her perfect curves.

...However, I wasn't the only one staring. All the boys were looking in our direction with envy and disgust. The girls were also looking at us with curiousity and confusion. The entire class was silenced by Feng Mian's ridiculous actions.

Mr.Wang, also captivated by her beauty, finally snapped back to his senses. "Erm...Uh...So your name is Feng Mian? I-I see. May I ask what you are doing over there?"

Feng Mian paid him no heed and continued nonchalantly unloading her things from the schoolbag she was carrying, indifferent to all the unfriendly gazes at us. Well, me in particular, as usual. The stares directed at her were probably only of confusion and surprise, or ogles from the boys.

Seeing himself be ignored, he asked again in a calmer tone. "Ahem. What exactly are you doing sitting back there, Feng Mian?"

Feng Mian let out a sigh audible only to me. Then, lifting her head up to look at Mr. Wang, she spoke for the first time since entering the classroom.

"I wish to sit here. Is there a problem?" she said coldly, nothing like her manner of speech yesterday night.

Seeing her menacing stare, a cold sweat broke out on Mr. Wang's forehead. " may do as you please."

I wonder...what got her into this school? Even Mr. Wang doesn't want to mess with her? Or maybe it's just the attitude she's giving off that makes it seem like she's from some powerful, perhaps foreign family. Her blonde hair isn't something you see everyday, after all. Yu An Xue's hair was pink and also pretty rare, but Feng Mian's was even more exotic, if I do say so myself.

"I see. Thank you," Feng Mian replied without a hint of real gratitude, in contrast to her words.

"Wait." An annoying voice I will never mistake for someone else spoke up. "Pardon me, gorgeous lady, but I have a question."

Pfft...'gorgeous lady'. I mean...that's not wrong, Feng Mian is beautiful, no one can deny that, but...damn, that's cheesy.

Indeed - it was Li Yi Fei. Seeing Feng Mian's goddess-like features, he couldn't stop himself from speaking up after witnessing this top-tier beauty sit herself down next to me.

Feng Mian looked exasperated. She let out another sigh and without even bothering to look at him, she replied.

"Yes? What is it?"

"Why does that piece of trash over there know your name when you haven't even introduced yourself?" Li Yi Fei asked, staring intently at me when saying the words 'piece of trash'. "Also, forgive me for prying, but why are you purposely sitting next to him?"

Feng Mian showed no change in her expression, as if she had already predicted this would happen beforehand. "First of all, that's two questions. As for my's none of your business."

"...!" Li Yi Fei was taken aback by her cold words. Deciding that saying anything further would only cause himself to be embarrassed more, he sat back down in his chair in disappointment. "Another cool beauty, huh...Tch."

Li Yi Fei was extremely pissed off at Feng Mian's unwelcoming attitude. I was the only one who noticed his angry expression twist into a evil sneer as he looked at Feng Mian in lust.

"A-Alright! Now that that's over with, let's begin class," Mr. Wang said, sensing the tension in the air.

I looked over at Feng Mian. Noticing my gaze, she also looked back at me. I only spoke one word.


Feng Mian understood what I meant. "...I have a task, and I will complete it."

"The task of stealing the stone pendant?"

"..." she chose not to reply, so I continued.

"Okay, but...did you really have to sit next to me to do so?"

Hearing this, Feng Mian flinched, before immediately looking away and blushing slightly. "It's easier for me this way, that's all."

Wait...does she know I have the pendant on me?

Otherwise, there wouldn't be any advantage of sitting next to me. But who could've found out and told her? I doubt this girl who fell for a simple trap of mine could figure this out on her own. The only explanation is that the person commanding her has some sort of device that can track a special energy given off by this stone, although I do not know what that energy is. I can tell that Feng Mian doesn't have any bad intentions, however. As I thought, she was a kind girl at heart.

"...I see." I paused for a moment. Then, recalling what I had seen earlier, I decided to warn Feng Mian.

I leaned in close to her ear and spoke quietly. "Be careful of that person you were talking to earlier, Li Yi Fei. He's plotting something." I then shifted back.

Feng Mian immediately twisted her head around to look at me, flustered. "W-Who said you could just suddenly w-whisper in my ear like that?!" she whispered harshly. "You're a pervert after all!"

"...Huh? All I wanted to do was-" but I didn't get the chance to finish my sentence.

"Pervert! Scum!" She continued her barrage of insults. I was honestly shocked at her sensitive reaction, but even more so at how Mr. Wang hadn't noticed us yet. But Qing Yue did, and looked over in concern.

"I- okay. Whatever..." I decided to stop right then and there. Goddamn, all I wanted to do was warn you. Whatever, suit yourself. I looked away and never spoke to her again for the entire class.

Just because I was weak...didn't mean I couldn't get pissed off.


Lunch time. As usual, I waited for the class to empty before heading to the cafeteria, but...

"Um...where are you going to be eating?" an unexpected question came from my new neighbor.

"Why is it your concern?" I replied coldly, almost mocking her.

Seeing my attitude, Feng Mian quickly became angry as well. "W-Wha-Fine! Do whatever you want!"

Qing Yue, seeing this exchange, let out a little laugh. "Big Brother Xuan Kai, I don't know how you met her, but you guys certainly seem close!"

"What part of this makes us seem close?!" Feng Mian and I asked in perfect sync.

"Ahahaha! See?" Qing Yue laughed heartily in amusement.

"Hmph!" Feng Mian grabbed her things and stormed out of the room. I also got ready to go to the cafeteria.

"Big Brother Xuan Kai, let's go!" Qing Yue said, latching onto my right arm. Since that incident, Qing Yue has been eating with me in the cafeteria everyday...which I was both surprised and concerned about.

"I don't know how you are able to stand the cafeteria food," I said as I walked with her.

"Hehe~ If Big Brother Xuan Kai can do it, I can do it too!" she exclaimed with confidence. "I don't want to be a burden to you, after all..."

A burden? What a joke. "It takes a lot to become a burden to trash that can't even use magic."

"D-Don't worry, Big Brother Xuan Kai! You will definitely awaken your elements very soon and beat up all the bad guys!!"

And just like this, we headed to the cafeteria together.

Awakening my elements, huh? Yeah, no way. Definitely no way. It won't happen. Me? The same guy that hasn't been able to use magic for 14 years? I don't believe in miracles - I'm not just going to suddenly be able to use magic one day. But even so, I haven't given up.

Life is just a game. And if magic is a cheat in this impossible game, then I'll just hone my skills to the point where even cheats can't defeat me. That's the only path there is for me. And if it doesn't work, then well I guess...

...Game Over.

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