The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 112 - Plague

After Mei Gui and I headed back to our dorms together, I told her to shower first and go to sleep, and that I had something to do still. She was curious and confused, but in the end obliged, since I was her master. I didn't want to 'force' her to do anything, but she probably sensed thanks to our telepathic connection that I didn't want her to pry.

Our link was kind of weird - we can see each other's emotions, but can't get a grasp on what exactly the other party is thinking. For example, earlier, Mei Gui could tell I was having some lewd thoughts, but couldn't say for sure what that was (rating Obsidia's body). Similarly, here, she can only tell I was reluctant to say anything, not what exactly I was going to do. This worked both ways, of course - I couldn't tell what exactly she was thinking, either, but I can tell if she's feeling happy or sad.

I waved her good night and then...leapt out the window. This was faster, and it was also good practice for me, since I had a feeling I was going to be doing a lot of parkour in the future. I used Vanishing Shadows to sink into the wall, and glided down gracefully. I cancelled the effect about a meter away from the ground, then leapt off from the side of the wall, making a perfect landing. I then glanced in the direction of the Administrative Campus.

You better not have left, old geezer...


The Dormitory Campus and the Administrative Campus were quite far away from each other. Since the dorms were in a separate block, technically, I had to exit school grounds to reach it everyday after school in the Main Campus, though it was only for a few minutes at worst. And besides, all those times the sun had still been up (or in the process of setting), so it was relatively safe from any assassins sent to kill me. I kept in mind what my mother had said about never leaving school grounds, after all.

But right now, it was already nighttime. Darkness was everywhere, and an assassin could pop out any second. However, I was now an Intermediate Mage, and I believed I could take them on with the help of the Chaos within me. Worst comes to worst, even if I couldn't beat them by myself, I can at least manage to escape. Thus, I was taking the risk of going outside school grounds at night. There was recent talk regarding connecting the two blocks so that students wouldn't have to go outside school grounds and cross the street to reach their dorms, but they never ended up implementing it.

Either way, I continued to tread down the dark sidewalk, dimly illuminated by the few and scarce streetlights. I mentally cast Detect Presence on my surroundings over and over again just to be safe. Soon enough, the entrance to the Administrative Campus came into view...just a couple more meters-

I froze. There was an ominous presence around me, somewhere. It was malevolent and full of killing intent, but it hadn't made a move yet. To top it was insanely powerful. It was at the level of Ghosteye with his Battle Soul, if not stronger.

I clenched my fists, and concentrated every ounce of my senses into observing my surroundings.

"Come out. I know you're there," I said quietly.

For a second, there was no response. However, I soon heard the deep and mad laughter of a man.

" you noticed? Hm...guess you are stronger than I took you to be. On that front, I must apologize."

"Tch..don't act all polite and shit in front of me," I muttered in annoyance. "I know you're here to kill me, so stop hiding like a coward and show yourself."

The man merely continued to laugh at my taunt, however. "Coward, is it? I have been called that by many others before."

"What, are you a masochist? Do you take pleasure in being insulted?"

"No, no..." the man said in a strangely gentle tone. " you know what happened to all those people who called me that?"

I felt a chill run up my spine as the voice suddenly grew closer, as if it was right behind me. I quickly turned around and dashed back a short distance, sweat forming on my forehead.

"So easily scared, are we?" the man chuckled. "That won't do. Here I was, hoping to have some fun..."

I gritted my teeth. This was going to be a was clear my enemy here was someone specialized in hiding in the dark and assassinating from the shadows. Just now...I didn't feel him creep up behind me at all, even though his voice sounded so near. If he had been serious, I probably would've been dead by now.

"Just my luck, huh...." I murmured to myself. The moment I decide to take a walk outside at night, an assassin just happens to be there. I doubted he camped here every night, waiting for me to come...right?

"I waited here every single night from the day I was given this task, you know..." the man said with a sigh. "But, it looks my efforts payed off in the end."

Holy shit...he really waited here every night, hoping I would come out?! H-He has some serious dedication, I'll give him that...but for now, I needed to escape. He wasn't someone I could take on alone...not as I am right now.

"Who sent you?" I asked. In reality, I was just stalling for time, but I wanted him to think I was actually trying to fight him here. I needed to plan out an escape route, somehow...

"You already know the answer to that, don't you?" he replied. I could picture him grinning, though I don't even knew what he looked like.

Yeah, I do. No doubt, Xuan Yang sent him here to kill me.

"Hmph..." I snorted in response.

"Well then, enough playing around, I suppose. Let's get to work..."

I heard the clanking of a metal bottle hitting the concrete ground behind me, and immediately spun around, to see a capsule emitting a noxious green gas from it.

"Ngh! What is this?!" I instinctively covered my nose as the poison spread at dangerous speeds.

"Oh, don't worry, this won't kill you. This is just the set the stage, if you will," the man said. From my perspective, it seemed like his voice was coming from all directions...though that was impossible, so I immediately determined it to be an effect of this toxic gas. I tried to run, but the green gas soon caught up with me and enveloped me within it.

Damn it...I can't see anything! Hell, I can barely open my eyes, and I'm slowly running out of breath...still, there's no telling what's going to happen if I inhale this shit. I had to escape, somehow...!

...Wait, can't see?


That's it! I'll use his own gas as a smokescreen for myself!

Having a plan formulated in mind, I quickly used Vanishing Shadows to slice into the depths of the shadow realm. The night provided excellent coverage of shadows, leaving me plenty of space and different pathways to traverse through. Since I travelled a lot faster in Vanishing Shadows than normal people, I was able to get out of the green gas fairly quickly, and out of that mysterious man's sight.

Out of the corner of my eye, I hazily made out a figure 180cm tall, and quite slender. However...there were two distinctive features that stood out the most. One of them, was the black plague doctor mask he was wearing. And the other...was the unmistakable dragon-like brand of the Midnight Syndicate engraved onto the sleeve of his arm.

Continuing in the direction of the block where the Administrative Campus and Main Campus were located, I soon arrived at the main gate and activated the face recognition system. Panting heavily and coughing, I managed to lift my head and the system soon activated. The metal gates swung open, and I entered. This system was in place so that only students and staff would be able to enter. The rest of the area was surrounded by massive walls over 10 meters tall, and a powerful magic barrier as well.

As the gates clanked shut behind me, I leaned my back against the cold metal and slid down to the ground, drenched in both cold and hot sweat alike. I managed to escape...but it was by a narrow margin. I had an unsettling feeling that told me had that man been serious, I wouldn't have been able to leave at all. The reason I was still alive, was a mere whim of that man.

It was then that I realized how weak I truly was still. I may have acquired magic and gotten far stronger than most people my age, but that wasn't enough. It wasn't even nearly enough if I wanted to take revenge for my parents and protect the ones I care about. I slammed my fists into the ground, stood up, vowed to get even stronger, and began walking towards the Administrative Campus to accomplish what it is I came here for.


" he managed to interesting," Plague muttered to himself, clearly amused.

Hm...I will let him go for today, I suppose. There is definitely something peculiar about him and his magic. Perhaps...if I am able to capture him alive, I can discover that mysterious energy within him...eheheh. Yes, that is what I will do. Xuan Yang might be pissed if he finds out, but I can just cut off one of that boy's arms and show it to him as proof. He does not need all four limbs for my experiments, after all...

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