The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 115 - Nighttime Invasion

- The Xuan Family Manor (Side Entrance), 10 PM -

Four days have passed since our reconnaissance mission. We had also bought a katana for me, while twin daggers for Mei Gui, at a weapons store in the Coastal Metropolis. We chose the weapons we were most comfortable with for this assassination mission. My father was also a katana user, and he had taught me the basics years ago, before he passed away. My skills were nowhere near proficient with the weapon, but I would only be using this to take out the guards...I doubted cold steel would work against anyone I couldn't use a surprise attack on. As for Mei Gui...I don't know why, but she settled on twin daggers immediately.

It was currently 10 PM, on a Saturday - past curfew according to school rules, but I didn't care, to be honest. A few days ago, Mei Gui and I had gone to scope out the Xuan family manor in preparation for our attack today, but we had ran into that powerful man, who belonged to the Midnight Syndicate. As a result, we were forced to leave...but even then, we managed to pick up on some useful information.

For one, we discovered that the manor had another entrance, leading directly to the Xuan family training field. The training field extended directly into a forest behind the Xuan family residency - it was basically the hunting grounds for them. I knew about this forest from the stories my parents told me about the family, but of course, ever since I was born, all privileges my father had of attending these hunts were revoked. As for this side entrance...I had spotted it by chance when we were on the tree...and it was also where the two of us were currently at.

"Mei Gui, everything look good?" I asked, scanning our surroundings carefully.

"Yes, Master. The Magic Barrier is up, and guards are stationed at all entrances. There is only a 10% chance of that man being here," Mei Gui replied confidently.

"10%...that's higher than I would've liked, but there's no turning back now," I muttered to myself. "Alright, Mei Gui, let's move in."

"Understood, Master."

After this short exchange, the two of us both sank into the shadows. From here on out, we would communicate using our telepathic connection. Since our link was far stronger than the normal Psychic Element spell, Telepathy, no one else would be able to listen in on our conversations.

My theory was that the power, the concept of Chaos, was far beyond anything the species of this planet can comprehend, much less overpower. Since the link between Mei Gui and I was born directly out of the Chaos energy within the two of us, interfering in it would be equivalent to going against the power of Chaos itself...and I don't think anyone here possessed the power to do that.

The two of us sliced through the Shadow realm, as silent as death itself. As the two of us got closer to the four guards stationed at this side entrance, Mei Gui sent me a telepathic message.

[Master. Four guards, confirmed. All early Advanced Mage level.]

[Copy,] I replied. [Going in.]

Saying this, I accelerated, and soon arrived directly behind the two Advanced Mages on the left hand side of the entrance. They noticed - but it was a tad too late.

I drew my katana from its sheath, and cleanly severed both of their heads before they could even react. "Rest in chaos, bastards."

"What the hell?! Who are you?!" the other two guards yelled and leapt away from me a safe distance.

"Kuku...I have nothing to say to a dead man."

"Huh?" the guards frowned in confusion...before having their necks sliced open simultaneously by Mei Gui's twin daggers. She had crept up behind them while the two were busy focusing on me, and leapt in between the two of them, using her momentum to swing her daggers and cutting open both of the guards' necks before landing flawlessly, reverse grip daggers in hand and arms forming an X shape.

Then, after nodding to each other, we wordlessly stole the keys out of one of the dead guard's pocket, and unlocked the gate before us with ease. Then, sinking into the shadows once more, the two of us began heading for the main manor - Xuan Yang's residency.


- Within the Manor, Several Minutes Earlier -

" seems like they are here," Plague murmured quietly.

" did you know this was going to happen?" Xuan Yang asked, amused by the Midnight Syndicate member's foresight.

"Heheh....just intuition, I suppose," the man replied with a sinister chuckle.

Xuan Yang snorted. "Intution my ass. As mysterious as ever, eh?"

"Now now, why are you complaining? I set up this trap flawlessly, so you should just sit back and appreciate it, no?"

"Yeah, whatever. As long as you bring me that bastard's head, I don't care what you do."

Plague then glanced at Xuan Yang with a newfound menacing gleam in his eyes. "...Just remember to hold up your end of the promise, yes?"

Xuan Yang flinched at the sudden threatening atmosphere, but quickly regained his composure and nodded. "You needn't worry about that. I will have the old man drink your elixir for experimenting as soon as you kill Xuan Kai."

The menacing aura of Plague immediately receded, and he looked away. "Very well. It is almost time...patriarch, we should move."

"Move? Why?" Xuan Yang asked in confusion.

"I wish to test that boy's skills. It is possible I do not even have to make an appearance at all...after all, your entire guard is assembled I right?"

"Heh. So you noticed," Xuan Yang muttered, slightly frustrated.

Plague let out a deep sigh. "Patriarch, I do not know what you plan to do by stationing your guards around here, but just keep in mind..." he leaned in closer to the patriarch's ear. "Even if everyone here were to all take me on at wouldn't stand a chance."

Xuan Yang shuddered as his eyes bulged wide open, and Plague backed away once more.

"Patriarch, come. Let us go and observe this fight for a little longer. Let your minions fight with the boy first," Plague said invitingly. Then, turning to the door, although his plague doctor mask remained unchanged, anyone could tell he was wearing a hideous smirk underneath. "Now then...I hope you do not fail to amuse me, Xuan Kai."


- Present Time, Right Outside the Manor -

(Xuan Kai's Perspective)

[Master...I don't like this feeling,] Mei Gui said via our telepathic link. Since we were both wearing our cloaks and masks, we refrained from any real talking, since not only would our voices be muffled, they could also possibly give away our location.

[Yeah...I don't detect any powerful presences nearby...under normal circumstances, I would be happy since Plague isn't here, but there's always the chance he is merely hiding his presence,] I replied.

[What is more concerning is that I do not sense Xuan Yang, either. Master, he should be a Golden Monarch level, correct?]

I sighed. [Yeah...yet I can't feel his aura either...but there is no reason for him to hide his presence. That Midnight Syndicate member, I understand, since if anyone else detected an exceptionally powerful master they've never seen before in the manor, they might freak out and cause a stir, but Xuan Yang is within his own residence...why would he bother hiding himself? Unless...]

[...Unless he knows we are here,] Mei Gui finished. [That could spell trouble, Master. For one, only the two of us know of this plan. No one else should have been able to know we are here tonight. And for two, if they really know that we are would be safe to assume they have placed down many traps for us.]

I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. [No use worrying about that now...we've already killed four people. There's no turning back now.]

[Yes, Master. Let's head in.]

Mei Gui and I walked closer to the door of the manor, footsteps as light as a feather. Once within range, I leaned my head close to the door and placed my ear against it.

[Master, hear anything?]

['s completely silent.]

Then, carefully, I ran a Detect Presence on the area without chanting. And the results...100 Advanced Mages, waiting to ambush us inside.

[Kuku...I can't believe they really tried that.]

[Fortunately, you scanned them first, Master...otherwise we really may have been caught in a dilemma.]

[Yeah...I've always been a careful person...and I guess they didn't account for the factor that I can cast spells without chanting, huh?]

[Yes...but where should we go now, Master?] Mei Gui asked. [We do not know where Xuan Yang is.]

[Huh? What are you talking about? We aren't going anywhere.]

[...Come again?]

[Oh, let me put that more bluntly,] I said after clearing my throat (falsetto). [What we're going to do slaughter everyone in this room.]

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