The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 132 - Love & Confusion

"Xuan Kai...I'm in love with you."


What the hell?! She really went and said it! Ah, shit...what do I do, what do I do, what do I do-

"Y-You don't have to give me a response right now," Feng Mian hurriedly added. "I just wanted to be the first one to..."

She trailed off at the end, but I had a pretty good idea what she was referring to. I wasn't dense...and it was about time my pretending to be exactly that facade wore off. Anyone could tell that the other girls (except Obsidia) all have a crush on me, though it's hard to say about Mei Gui...she's certainly very attached to me, and we have (wholesomely) slept together, but I am unsure as to whether that is familial love or romantic love. I realize this sounds really egotistic, but it's the truth. I'm in fact very uncomfortable in this situation, much less having the audacity to brag about it.

Fortunately, Feng Mian said that I didn't have to answer her feelings right now...but this was still quite unsettling. In fact, I probably won't be able to sleep at all until I resolve this matter.

Honestly, I knew this would come someday. I just didn't expect it to be so...soon, and out of the blue. I mean, I guess it makes sense that Feng Mian has fallen in love with me...I did save her life. One of those princess falls in love with the hero kind of story. And to be fair? Feng Mian is totally S+ tier girlfriend material. She's got amazing looks, a gorgeous body, and a kind personality to top all of that off. If I were a normal boy, this was the kind of scenario I would dream of.

Yeah...if I were a normal boy.

I am someone hellbent on revenge. My path is one of blood and death, destined to be walked alone...for if I drag someone else along with me, there is no telling what may happen to them. I am ready to die for the sake of my revenge...but can I really let these innocent girls die too?

Sure, technically, the girls and I are already close enough for my enemies to target them as an underhanded tactic, but if they choose, they can still cut all ties with me now, and stay safe. However...if we really enter a romantic relationship, then severing our bonds will be exponentially harder, not to mention if we engage in...well, that kind of activities. If we're looking at the extremely long run, then it is possible one or more of the girls will end up pregnant. Once that happens, there's no way we can separate from one another anymore.

Just as I was in the middle of these conflicted thoughts, Yu An Yan, Yu An Xue, Obsidia, and Qing Yue entered the restaurant. As expected, they immediately attracted a lot of stares from the other guests in the of them even dropped a fishball they were about to eat on himself, and I watched, slightly amused, as he quickly fumbled to his feet and cleaned his pants with a napkin.

The newcomers spotted Feng Mian and I immediately, and they hurried over, completely ignoring the waitress that had walked over to greet them. The gazes that followed the four beauties soon all converged on me, and I immediately found myself on the receiving side of 64 metric tons of pure jealousy.

I did my best to ignore them as the girls waved to us and piled in to our seat. Since Feng Mian and I were sitting across from each other on couches, there was enough space to fit all of us...or so I thought, until Mei Gui came back as well from the bathroom, with the little phoenix. Well, I knew full well she had just left to watch us from somewhere inconspicuous, and hadn't actually used the bathroom at all. Actually, does she even need to use the bathroom? Hm...I should ask her sometime...wait, no, that would make me sound like a creep.

Either way, since right now there were three people on each of the two couches (Feng Mian and the Yu sisters on one, Qing Yue, Obsidia, and I on the other) there wasn't any space for Mei Gui.

"..." Mei Gui remained silent as she stared straight at me, and faced with her gaze, I couldn't do anything but scratch my cheek awkwardly.

Then, seeing an opportunity, Qing Yue cackled like a little devil and spoke. "Hmm? No space, no problem!"

Saying this, she shifted herself onto my lap, making space for another person on the couch. Sure, the problem was solved, but now there was another, more dangerous problem...

"Hey...Qing Yue...don't just suddenly jump on me without any prior warning," I said weakly. "Besides, how am I supposed to eat like this?"

In order to eat, I would have to reach over her...just really troublesome in general, not to mention the looks of jealousy the other girls were shooting at Qing Yue. Please, don't be jealous over this...

"Eh, it's fine, isn't it?" Qing Yue casually brushed my words off. "We do this all the time."

No, it's not fine! And every time we do this, you just force yourself on me! And I can't bring myself to push you off, so...ugh, I guess this is partly my fault too for doting on you too much. But I can't help it, you're too damn adorable, Qing Yue. Curses.

I cleared my throat, and quickly changed the topic. " guys sure got here quick," I said, directing my words at the newcomers.

"Ehehe...Yu An Yan and Yu An Xue rushed off at full speed upon hearing you were here together with Feng Mian, Big Brother Xuan Kai," Qing Yue said with a sly grin. "Obsidia and I were dragged along."

"Q-Quiet, Qing Yue!" Yu An Yan exclaimed. "L-Like you weren't curious to see what they were doing here together, on Christmas of all days..."

"Yeah..." Yu An Xue nodded along meekly.

Qing Yue shrugged. "Well, it's not like I wasn't curious, but I definitely wasn't as panicked as you two~"

Before the Yu sisters could protest any further, a waitress arrived by our table. She was kind of surprised to see 7 people in a seat meant to accommodate 6, but didn't say anything and placed down a portable electric stove and a pot with condiments and soup base already inside. She also put down several plates of several plates of raw lamb, beef, fishballs, white carrots, tofu, and finally, dining utensils for all seven of us. She also grabbed four more glasses of lemon water, while she was at it.

"If you wish to add to your order, just call me or one of the other waitresses over," she said, before bowing and leaving.

"So? How do you use this thing?" I asked, pointing at the stove.

"Wait, you haven't used a portable electric stove before?" Yu An Yan asked right back, eyes full of...pity?

I averted my gaze, embarrassed. "Well, it's not like I've ever been to a hot pot restaurant like this..."

And besides, I'm more used to mana stoves...they are far easier to use. Just pour in some mana and there you go.

Feng Mian sighed and, being the veteran here, skillfully maneuvered the electric stove. Once the broth began boiling slightly, she put in the ingredients on the plates. Finally, she put the lid back on the pot and let it simmer.

"Okay, it should be ready in about 10 minutes or so," she announced, wiping her forehead. "This definitely won't be enough for 7 people, so just add on to the order as you guys see fit. My treat."

"No no, I will pay," Yu An Yan said. "I feel bad just intruding on, so at least allow me to make it up to you by paying."

...That apology is not believable whatsoever. If you feel bad about intruding, why did you intrude in the first place...? Ah...girls. I will never understand how they think.

"That's too..." Feng Mian began, but was quickly cut off.

"I insist, Feng Mian. C'mon," Yu An Yan pleaded.

Well, this is the first time I'm seeing someone begging to pay money. What a rarity indeed.

"But...sigh...fine. Then, thank you for the treat," Feng Mian agreed at last.

Yu An Yan smiled, satisfied, and began adding to the order with a carefree air. The other girls clamored around her and each told her what they want added to the list, and soon enough, the first wave of the hot pot was ready. Together, the seven of us ate relentlessly.

"Damn...this is pretty good," I remarked. As expected, eating with Qing Yue sitting on my lap was pretty difficult, but nonetheless, it was undeniable that the food was tasty.

"Yeah...I like how it isn't spicy," Qing Yue agreed. She couldn't handle spicy food, so it made sense.

"This restaurant deserves more fame, honestly," Yu An Yan added.

Even Obsidia joined in on the conversation. "Yes...indeed, this food is good, even by dragon standards."

"Mm..." Yu An Xue, much like Mei Gui and a certain phoenix, didn't participate in the chatter but instead just ate quietly. However, it was clear from her pleased expression that she too, thought that this meal was indeed delicious.

Feng Mian seemed proud that everyone thought so highly of the restaurant she recommended, and smiled gently.

Then, seeing how the mood was right and today was the day, I grabbed my glass of lemon water and raised it in the air. Seeing my actions, the girls all paused eating and held up their drinks as well. All seven of us, knowing exactly what was going to happen next, smiled at one another in understanding.

And then, we all clanked our glasses together, and cheered:

"Merry Christmas!"

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