The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 135 - Strangers

"E-Eh? E-End our relationship?" Feng Mian echoed, unsure of what she just heard.

I nodded. "Yeah. I've been acting all friendly with you guys up until now, but it's about time to drop that facade."

"H-Huh? W-What are you talking about, Big Brother Xuan Kai...?"

Qing Yue's usual cheerful demeanor was nowhere to be seen, and her expression was full of false hope. I couldn't bear to look at her like that, but...for the sake of the girls - their own safety, I have to endure it. Even if it means making the little sister I have always protected sad.

I sighed, and cleared my throat. "Let me make things simpler for you. Starting tomorrow, the four of you and I, are total strangers. Now then...can you please leave my room?"

I know I'm being heartless. I know I'm being ungrateful. I know...I know, and yet-

...This is for their own sake. If I truly care about them...then I must be willing to go against what they want to do, in order to protect them. It hurts...just thinking about never talking with them again hurts. The only thing I can take comfort in is the fact that leaving them, is saving them. That's right...what I am doing is all to protect them...

"X-Xuan Kai-" Yu An Yan began, but I cut her off immediately.


Crestfallen, the four girls obediently piled out of my room, Obsidia trailing after them, unfazed by this turn of events at all. She probably doesn't care at long as I hold up my end of the deal between us two, she couldn't care less what goes on between the end, we are two separate races, after all. Unable to speak another word or move a muscle, I watched them leave, pained and frustrated - frustrated with myself for not being strong enough to protect them even if they did follow me.

When I am powerful enough to protect all of you...if a day like that ever comes...I'll come back for you all. I promise.

However, as I was deep in my thoughts, I noticed that Obsidia had stopped in front of me.

"What do you want?" I asked in a fake irritated tone.

"...Human, are you sure about this?" she asked, completely unfazed by my poor attitude. "Even if you wish to keep them safe...I doubt this is the right way to do it."

Heh...saw right through me, huh? As expected of a dragon...her insights are far greater than that of the other girls. Put simply, she's an extremely perceptive girl...which could be both a good thing or a bad thing to me. But still...I didn't expect her to come talk to me about this. I thought she didn't care for human affairs at all...but it seems I misjudged her character, just a little.

"...I'll hold up my end of our deal. The rest...I'll handle on my own," I responded quietly.

I purposely avoided the topic she brought up, since I didn't know what to say. Obsidia stared at me for a while more, probably seeing right through me once again, before turning sideways and beginning to head for the door. However, right before she completely exited the room, she paused once more and glanced back at me.

"Just remember this, is precisely because your path is one of revenge and death, that you will need companions to remain by your side, and guide you. For on this road, it is very easy to stray away from the right path and lose all morals of right and wrong, falling into eternal bloodthirst. I do not wish to see that happen to you."

I didn't turn my head to look at her, but instead remained frozen in place. However, I still spoke. "...Why are you telling me this?"

Obsidia scoffed. "Hmph. Do not misunderstand me, human. I am merely concerned that if you lose sight of your humanity, you will forget the deal we made. That would be extremely troublesome for me."

As complicated as ever, huh? If I really lose my humanity or even die, all you have to do is find another person to do your bidding. Using this human form of yours, you can easily seduce any man to do whatever you wish. 

...It seems I was wrong about Obsidia. She isn't a heartless dragon that doesn't care about humans whatsoever. She tries staying distant with the girls and maintaining a strictly business relationship with us, but deep down, whether she realizes or not, she has already become friends with the four girls, and Mei Gui as well.

"Don't worry. I've said this before, but I keep my promises...most of the time, anyway." I trailed off at the end, but she didn't need to hear that last part.

The only times I didn't keep my promises was probably when fighting an enemy or something. Trickery and deceit were perfectly fine tactics to use in real battle. Who gives a damn about pride in a life and death situation? In my opinion, those who hold their honor above their own life are nothing more than fools. What honor is there to uphold after you die?

Hearing the door clank shut gently, I crashed onto my couch, mentally exhausted. No...if I think about this anymore, I'll end up regreting my decision. I can't do that. Because if I do...I might give in to my own weakness. I can't let that happen.

"Master...was this really the right decision?" Mei Gui asked, concern lining her beautiful midnight black eyes.

As expected, she knew my true intention in rejecting them. I am a teenage boy as well...getting any one of those four girls as a girlfriend would be my dream, much less all four of them together. Thus, saying I didn't like them was a huge lie. The part about leaving on a journey to the Magic Capital and all that? Yeah, that was a lie too. Just something I made up on the spot...though thinking back, I would indeed like to visit the Magic Capital someday.

I closed my eyes. "I don't know, Mei Gui...what even is right or wrong? In my opinion, it's extremely subjective."

I then sighed. "The things one person thinks are right, may be wrong in another's eyes.'s a vague concept that has too many variables surrounding it to be considered something objective." I turned to the crimson-haired girl sitting beside me. "So you tell me, Mei you think what I did was right?"

Mei Gui nodded. "In my eyes, whatever Master does will always be correct."

I chuckled slightly, but it my emotions didn't match the laughter. "That's not very helpful..."

"One day, they will realize the reason you pushed them away today, Master," Mei Gui said quietly.

I shook my head. "'s better if they never realize. I want them to forget all about me, while I continue venturing down my path of revenge."


"Honestly...if weren't linked to each other by the power of Chaos, I would've told you to leave too, Mei Gui," I muttered under my breath. However, she heard it, and immediately stood up.

"I will never leave Master, even if that is his wish," she replied instantly, and I was a bit taken aback by her unwavering loyalty. I don't remember doing anything much to earn it, but...remembering what Obsidia said...I guess having a companion indeed isn't too bad, huh?

"...I see. Thank you, Mei Gui."

Mei Gui smiled slightly. "There is no need for gratitude, Master. I exist only to serve and guide you."

I smiled in return, then checked up on Flaria, who was currently perched on top my shoulder.

"Hey, Flaria. You alive?" I asked. Her eyes were closed, and at first, I just thought she was resting her eyes or something. However...

"Master, she's breathing, but unconscious, it seems," Mei Gui noted after taking Flaria from my shoulder and inspecting her a little.

I sank into thought. " that I think about it, she was unusually quiet during that whole ordeal too, huh?" Then, realizing something shocking, my eyes widened. "No way...could she be...sleeping?"

"Sleeping while standing like a statue...this is something I have never witnessed before, in any animal," Mei Gui added with a hint of both surprise and curiosity in her eyes.

"Well...whatever. Let's not wake her," I said at last. "Mei Gui, you go shower first...I'll wait."

"...Understood, Master."

Mei Gui bowed, and left for the bathroom. Normally, she would've protested and suggested I go first, but today...I had many things to think about. I needed a little break, some time to organize my thoughts, before doing anything else. Mei Gui must've sensed that using our telepathic connection, and obediently followed my order.

She's a perceptive girl too, huh?

I stood up, headed to the windows, flipped open the curtains, and was met with a billowing snowstorm.

"It's snowing...was the Fire Elemental excavation incident resolved?"

I opened the windows completely, and reached my hand out. Tiny crystalline snowflakes fell on my palm, one by one. Unfazed by the coldness at all, I gazed at my hand in wonder as the snow continued to collect and accumulate.

"It's almost time for the new year," I mused, and looked up at the clouded over starry sky. Then, closing my eyes, I clenched my fist, the snow piling out of my hand from the sides and joining the rest, falling to the concrete ground below.

"A year without you coming."

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