The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 143 - Preparations

"So? What did you need me for, old geezer?" I asked impatiently.

We were currently in an isolated hallway of the Coastal Metropolis mall. The only ones present were Song Qian Long, Mei Gui, Flaria, and I. However, Song Qian Long didn't know Flaria's true identity, so he just assumed she was a pet of mine and didn't pay her much attention.

"This sudden invasion...was the work of the Midnight Syndicate, wasn't it?" Song Qian Long asked quietly.

I nodded. "Yeah, this is most likely the operation Plague was talking about. I already warned you of this beforehand though...shouldn't we have been prepared for this?"

Song Qian Long shook his head slowly. "I did report this to the higher-ups at the IMF branch here in Shenzhen, but the mayor did not take me seriously at all."

Hm...that would be understandable if it were anyone else telling the mayor the news, but with Song Qian Long's reputation and social standing, can his words really be so easily brushed off like that? There was definitely something fishy going on here, and I didn't like where it was going.

Could the a spy from the Midnight Syndicate? I've only ever seen his face on the news before, and he seemed like a decent person. But I knew too well that what people show on the surface, can be very different from who they are deep down.

I sighed. "Well, I can't help you there. I already did more than enough by telling you the information I got."

"I know, Kai Kai, and I am grateful," Song Qian Long replied. He looked slightly tired, and his aged face and wrinkles didn't help.

"So? I don't believe that was all you called me here for."

"You're real purpose in bringing you here is to tell you something," he said with a serious tone.

I raised an eyebrow, prompting him to continue.

"Kai Kai, that 'thing' you had to do you mentioned earlier...what is it?"

"Why do you need to know...?"

Song Qian Long sighed. "...You are going to leave the safe zone and look for those four girls, yes?"

I flinched, but quickly regained my composure. "Yeah. So you know they aren't here in the safe zone, huh?"

His expression immediately darkened. "I am sorry, Kai Kai, but I'm afraid I cannot let you go."

I narrowed my eyes. "Why?"

"It's too dangerous. Those monsters...we still do not know their maximum potential. You are still only an Intermediate Mage, so-"

"So what? I'm just going to sit here and do nothing as my...allies, die out there?"

I hesitated about regarding what to call them, but in the end just settled with 'allies'. I wasn't too sure what else to refer to them as. I can't exactly call them my 'friends' after pushing them away like I did, after all.

"We are currently in the middle of assembling a rescue squad, as well as a battle squad. They will look for survivors and engage in combat with the monsters respectively. If those girls out there are truly still alive...they will be brought back."

"Then let me join this 'rescue squad'. I don't care what you say, I'm going to look for them myself," I said defiantly.

"Kai Kai! Stop being so stubborn! How will I face your deceased parents if I let you send yourself to your own death here?!"

"I'm not being stubborn..." I muttered in anguish. "Those girls...I owe them...a lot. If I just stayed here and did nothing while they could very well be out there struggling to survive, wouldn't be able to face my parents, either."

"...Normally, I would just let you do what you wanted," Song Qian Long said after a short silence. "But this time, I cannot back down. If you are really so insistent on going, you'll have to do so over my dead body."

"Don't screw with me!" I yelled suddenly, grabbing his collar and pulling myself closer to him. "You really think I won't kill you?! You could've saved my parents, but you didn't, all those years ago! And then, out of nowhere, you claim yourself to be my godfather?!"

"I'm sorry, Kai Kai..." the old man murmured weakly. "But I will not falter. If you want to go, then you will have to kill me with your own two hands."

I glared straight into his eyes for a while more, then finally let go of his collar. Seeing my actions, Song Qian Long widened his eyes, as if surprised I actually backed down.

"Kai Kai...! You understan-"

However, before he could finish his sentence, I pulled out the Space Locket I had received from the Yu family patriarch, and took out the katana I had used to slaughter the Xuan family a while ago from it. I then set it on top of my shoulder, and rested the blade right next to my neck.

"K-Kai Kai? What are you-"

"If you don't let me go, I'll kill myself, right here and now."


"Hurry up and make your decision. I don't have much time left to waste."

I'm can't kill you, Song Qian Long, after all you've done for me. Whatever you did in the past, you're still my godfather. But if I can't kill you...I can at least threaten you with killing myself.

"..." Song Qian Long fell silent, seeing my actions. Then, after a few seconds, he looked deep into my eyes. "Kai Kai...going out there is no better than killing yourself right here."

"That may be so, but at least out there the percentage of me surviving is not zero," I replied immediately.

"...Fine. I cannot exactly say no in this situation, after all..."

I kept my katana by my neck, in case he tried anything funny like binding me or knocking me unconscious. "Glad you understand, old geezer."

Song Qian Long sighed. "But before you, take this."

He opened up his ring, which was in reality a Space Locket, and pulled out what looked like a large...blanket?

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's something similar to what I gave that girl back during the Advancement Exams...Feng Mian, was it?"

Back then, he had given Feng Mian the Cloak of Invisibility as her reward. I sank into thought.

" mean this blanket can make me invisible?"

Song Qian Long nodded. "With this, you should be able to bypass the guards at the gates with ease, since even Ancestral Mages will have a hard time seeing through this disguise."

I took the blanket over, and shook it a few times so it could reach its maximum size.

"Huh...this can fit around three people, more or less. So that's more than enough," I remarked. Then, turning around to Mei Gui, I continued. "Alright...let's go, Mei Gui."

"Master, should we tell him about the truth behind..." Mei Gui began, but then trailed off to avoid spilling too much information.

I shrugged, then turned back around to face Song Qian Long. "Right...old geezer, I have some more information for you."


I nodded. "Yeah. These transformations from human to monster...the culprit is the rain."

Song Qian Long's eyes widened in shock. "W-What?! The rain?!"

"Mhm. The Midnight Syndicate did something to contaminate the rainwater, so anyone who came into direct contact with the rain is in danger of transforming," I explained.

"...Fortunately, I had an umbrella..." my godfather muttered to himself.

"I'm not sure how much rain exactly is needed for the human to begin transforming, but one drop or two shouldn't cause anything..." I continued. "Well, anyway, that's all I have to tell you. Whether you believe me or not...that's up to you."

"I believe you, Kai Kai. Thank you...but this could very well mean many monsters are lurking amongst our ranks within this safe zone...I must report this to the higher-ups immediately."

I spun on my heel, and prepared to leave.

"Oh last thing? I don't know about anyone else, but...there's one person I know who for certain has come into contact with the rain."


"My ex-fiancee. Lan Gui Ying."

Song Qian Long furrowed his brows. "Don't tell me...what you were doing back there..."

I nodded. "Yeah, I was questioning her. But I really don't care one way or another if everyone in this safe zone dies, so I'll leave the rest to you. I have my own things to do now, and can't spare any more time."

"...I understand, Kai Kai. I will investigate this matter."

I looked down at Mei Gui. "You ready?"

"As always, Master."

Then, I turned to Flaria, perched on top of my shoulder.

"I'm ready too!" she whispered, since I didn't want my godfather to find out I had a talking bird.

"Then...let's do this."

I walked away, further and further from Song Qian Long. After a few steps, however, he called out to me.

"K-Kai Kai!"

I slowly glanced backwards at him without turning my whole body.


"...Come back alive, alright?"

"..." I didn't reply, but instead faced forwards once more and resumed walking.

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