The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 152 - Determination

"Daylight Saving Time..." Song Qian Long murmured. "Indeed, this practice was originally invented to adjust to the later sunsets of summer and earlier sunsets of winter. Meaning..."

"...The day Daylight Saving Time ends, will also be the day where dusk time will be earlier than usual, in winter," I finished, then turned back to the screen. "And yet...according to this footage...Mr. Jia, could you fast forward it a bit?"

Mr. Jia nodded and did as told. The panels all went into time-lapse at once except for the last one, since it was live, then stopped shortly.

"I have fast-forwarded the past footage to 5 PM - around the time the sun will be setting."

The angle at which the camera was placed gave us a tiny view of the sky, but it was more than enough. Every single one of the screens showed the exact same tint in the sky, both before and after Daylight Saving Time ended, which was sometime near the middle of November. The answer was clear.

I looked around at everyone present in the room, briefly locking eyes with Li Hai Tang. "Now then...I believe I don't need to say anything further, yes?"

"Tch..." the Li family patriarch seemed to be slightly irritated, but he couldn't argue with me now without making a fool out of himself. In the face of logic, no feelings of annoyance can help one win an argument.

"But...who would do this?" Qing Xin spoke up, and fell into thought. Her long white hair matched her beautiful white dress, and despite not being actual mother and daughter, she indeed looked like the older version of Qing Yue. 

"My guess? The Midnight Syndicate," I replied with full confidence.

"What made you arrive at that conclusion?" another one of the government officials asked, standing up and walking over to me. "Ah, and I have not introduced myself yet, have I? My name is Zhou Qian. I am the mayor of this city. It is a pleasure to meet you, Xuan Kai."

The mayor...Zhou Qian, huh? I've definitely seen him before, just through a screen. He doesn't seem like a bad person on the surface, but...who knows?

I smiled faintly in return. "Likewise, mayor Zhou. I have seen your face on TV several times before, so how could I not know of your name?"

The mayor chuckled. "Ah, yes...but let me tell you, being a mayor is a tough and troublesome job. It might seem like we have it easy working in the government, but the truth is, we have a heavier responsibility than anyone else."

I nodded. "Agreed. But back to the main topic...if it really was the Midnight Syndicate who hacked our cameras, then everything would fall into place."

"How so?" Zhou Qian asked, and many others officials shared the same question by the look of skepticism on their faces. I recognized a few who have also been on TV before, such as the deputy mayor Yuan Yi Ran and the secretary Hong Ting.

A grim look befell my face. "If I am not wrong...the Midnight Syndicate is using this highway right now as we speak. I believe the 'Phase II' they talked about...was this."

"Using the highway, huh..." Yu Ao muttered, scratching his chin. "You mean they are sending an army over to join the invasion? Damn it...those bastards, just these monsters alone are enough on our hands."

I nodded. "Mayor Zhou, I suggest you send a couple of men over to check. Because if my guess hits the the time they are in the city, it will be too late. Shenzhen will fall before the reinforcements from Dongguan and Huizhou even arrive."

"...And I will not allow that to happen," Zhou Qian said determinedly. Then, turning to Mr. Jia, he continued. "Justin, pass down my orders. Deploy a reconnaissance squad over to the highway immediately."

Justin...? An English name? Huh, interesting...

Song Qian Long leaned in to my ear. "His real name is Jia Si Ren, but the mayor just calls him Justin."

Ah...I see.

Jia Si Ren 'Justin' nodded firmly, before turning back to the computer and began making maneuvers. The mayor then turned back to me, and gave a slight bow, to my surprise.

"Thank you, Mr. Xuan. We would have likely never unveiled the truth to this mystery had you not been here."

I shook my head. "Don't thank me just yet. I am 90% sure I am on point, but there is still a chance I may be wrong and these two disturbances have no connection to each other whatsoever."

"Still - even if you are wrong, your help is still greatly appreciated," Zhou Qian argued. "If only more high school students were like you..."

I sighed. "Whatever. Oh, and being called 'Mr. Xuan' feels kind of weird. Don't bother."

The mayor blinked a few times in surprise, then recomposed himself. "...Alright then. I will just address you as Xuan Kai, if that is fine?"

I nodded. "Sure."

Then, looking around the room, I continued. "Well, I don't have much else to do here. I'll be taking my leave. Don't worry about me leaking any secrets, my lips are sealed."

The mayor nodded. "I trust you, Xuan Kai."

I then turned around and looked at Song Qian Long. He met my eyes, and seeing my intentions, quickly offered to walk me out.

Before we exited the room, however, Yu Ao just had to call out:

"Farewell, son-in-law!"

The mayor raised an eyebrow in interest. "Oh? That boy is your son-in-law?"

Qing Xin chuckled. " seems my daughter has some competition."

I ignored their words, and escaped the situation as quickly as possible, Song Qian Long trailing behind with a laugh. two, shouldn't you be more worried about your own daughters? Their whereabouts are still unknown, you know...

...Or maybe it's just that they are worried, but just don't let it show on the surface.


"Alright, they should not be able to hear us now," Song Qian Long said after we were back in the isolated hallway we had been in before going into the control room. "What did you need from me, Kai Kai?"

I grinned. " seems you understood the meaning of my look."

My godfather smiled in return. "But of course. I am your godfather, after all."

I shrugged. "Well, I'll make things simple - I have a request to make of you."

"A request?"

"Yeah," I replied, then stared at him directly in the eyes. "I want to join a rescue squad."

Song Qian Long's eyes widened. "A rescue squad?! No, Kai Kai, you have just come back safely from out there, and now you want to dive straight back into danger again?!"

"...Qing Yue and the Yu sisters....they are still missing," I responded darkly.

"..." Song Qian Long clenched his fists. "Tell you what...I can arrange for you can join a protection squad or reconnaissance squad, like the one the mayor just sent to the highway, but you definitely cannot enter the rescue squad! They minimal requirement is a rank of Advanced Mage at the very least, so even if I approve here, you will not be able to get in!"

I snickered. "With your power and reputation? Sneaking me in under a false identity would be easy."

"Kai Kai..."

"Even if you don't let me join the protection squad, I'll just head out by myself again," I continued with a shrug. "And yeah, I know I'm being immature and stubborn right now. But honestly? None of that matters. I will save them."

Song Qian Long stared at me with a conflicted expression - from anger, to frustration, to finally resignation.

"...Kai Kai, I know I've asked you this before, but...are you sure about this?"

I nodded. "I'm not the type to charge in face-first without a plan. If I were, I would've been dead a long time ago. I've really thought about this."

"If that's so, then...very well. I will allow you to join the rescue squad," Song Qian Long finally said with a deep sigh. "After least your chances of surviving are better if you have allies you can rely on. I will contact you through your phone when I have finished all preparations and arrangements. It won't be long."

I smiled. "Thank you, old geezer."

Then, turning around, I began to walk away, not looking back. For I knew if I did, I would see the sad look on my godfather's face...and that wasn't something I wanted to see. My determination would be wavered if I did. And so, I continued onwards, heading for the dim staircase heading down. I slipped back on my mask in the process in order to hide my identity, and took a deep breath.

Feng Mian, Qing Yue, Yu An Yan, and Yu An Xue...damn you four. I said I don't feel anything towards you, and yet...why the hell can't I get you out of my head?! Even if I tried to just forget you and convince myself not to care about your safety, I can't. We only met two months ago, but the time we shared together, the battles we fought together, all the laughter and fun...they felt like so much more.

I don't know. I don't know if what I feel towards them can be described as love. Hell, I don't even know what love is, in the first place. After all, the only ones who've shown me that have already left - killed. But despite all that...

...One thing was clear. I cared about them, and I will not let anyone harm them.

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