The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 154 - Zhu Yong

"W-What...? Haha, what are you talking about?" Zhu Yong asked, his expression a bright smile despite the sweat forming on his forehead. "C'mon, there's no way you've really fallen for that guy, right...?"

"...I've already said it once, and I won't say it again," Feng Mian replied stoically. "Now...please leave."

"..." Zhu Yong looked down at his feet, and didn't say a word. But his fists were clenched, and he was shaking in anger. Then, he slowly raised his head, and glared at me with eyes full of bloodlust and hatred.

" dare you take her away from me?!" he growled, before lunging sidestepping Feng Mian in an instant and lunging at me.

Damn, this guy's actually pretty fast...but not fast enough to hit me.

I leapt backwards, avoiding his attack, and scoffed. "Take her away from you? Nah...she was never yours in the first place."

I would've liked for some security staff to intervene here, since fighting him was just a waste of time for me. But alas, we were in a pretty isolated area of the Coastal Metropolis, since a gang-infested staircase were nearby. In fact, they were currently watching our fight with amusement.

Well...whatever. Let's finish this quickly.

Zhu Yong continued charging at me, his face contorted in rage. I stood still, and waited for him to attack - the perfect bait. Right when he threw a punch aimed directly for my face, I narrowly avoided it by shifting my head to the right, and I instead grabbed his arm and used his own momentum to flip him over my body and slammed him into the ground with ease.

This noise finally attracted the attention of some far-away security staff, and they came rushing over to see me pinning down Zhu Yong like he was a criminal.

"What is going on here?!" the first guard asked. He was fairly young, and looked pretty new to the job. But hey, he's young and hotblooded, so he's performing his duties perfectly fine.

I shrugged, then eyed Zhu Yong, who was pointlessly struggling against my solid grip in anger. "This guy wanted to attack me, so I restrained him."

"...Is there any evidence?" a second guard asked.

"No, but there is a witness," I replied, looking at Feng Mian. She nodded and quickly came over.

"I can confirm what Kai Xuan said is correct."

I sighed. "Besides, do you see how bloodthirsty he is, still? That should be more than enough evidence."

"Right..." the first guard murmured. "What made him assault you in the first place?"

I decided to cover up the truth. "Hell if I know."

"I see...we will take this male away for inquisition," the second guard said at last. "Thank you for your cooperation, and apologies for the inconvenience." professional.

"No, thank you for uh...dealing with him," I replied hesitantly.

The two guards put a handcuff around Zhu Yong, and they led him away. Zhu Yong turned around with all his strength, and screamed one last line.

"This isn't the end of this, bastard!"


Feng Mian and I sat on a couch after Zhu Yong was taken away. I wanted to leave immediately and meet up with Mei Gui at Silverfang Smithery, but Feng Mian prevented me from doing so by linking her arm around mine. Besides...her leg was still injured, and now that Zhu Yong is gone, no one can tend to it.

Actually, one is around right now, so...

"Feng Mian, can you let go of my arm for a bit?"

"...But if I do, you'll just run away..." she said quietly.

I sighed. "I won't run away...I'm just going to heal your leg."

Her eyes brightened immediately, and she loosened her grip on my arm for a split second, but then tightened it again.

I glanced at her. "...What?"

"...You promise you won't run?"

"Man, you're such a worrywart...fine, I promise."

"Mou~I'm just scared you'll push me away again..." she murmured with a blush.

After this short exchange, she finally let go of my arm. I bent down gently and pulled up her pant legs. There was a nasty purple bruise right above her ankle. 

"Huh...this looks pretty bad. How are you even still able to walk?" I murmured quietly, then placed my hand softly on her wound.

Feng Mian flinched at my touch, but she quickly calmed down. "M-My bones aren't hurt, so this isn't that bad..."

I sighed. "Still, it's gotta hurt when you move, right? I'll get this over with quickly..."

Feng Mian nodded, then smiled happily. "Mm."

Level Two Blessing Magic - Major Heal.


It didn't work?!

I furrowed my brows, then tried again, this time saying the chant out loud.

"Level Two Blessing Magic - Major Heal."


It still didn't work?!

"What's wrong, Xuan Kai?" Feng Mian asked, looking down at me in puzzlement.

I averted my gaze. "I, uh...I'm kinda out of mana,, can you give me some...?"

"...Ehehe," Feng Mian laughed softly.


She shook her head. "Nothing, it's just...this reminds me of the first time we did this."

Saying this, she raised her hand and used the spell family Generate to create a block of ice, which I instantly absorbed through my palm using the power of Chaos. We repeated this process several times, and by the time we were done, I was back to around 80% of my maximum mana capacity.

Good enough. Feng Mian must be running low on mana herself right now, so she's going to need some time to regenerate it. I don't want to completely drain her of mana, just in case something...happens.

"Okay, that should be good," I declared.

"You sure? I can still keep going," Feng Mian said, pausing her incantation.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'll heal you now."

Bending down once more, I placed my hand over her wound, and chanted my incantation within my head.

Level Two Blessing Magic - Major Heal.

A soothing green light enveloped Feng Mian's injury where my hand was, and after a while it dimmed away. After confirming the wound had indeed been healed, I rolled her pant legs back down and stood up.

"Try moving around," I instructed.

Feng Mian stood up as well and did as told. After a while, she turned around and gave me a wink.

"It's completely healed now, Xuan Kai. Thank you."

I scratched my head anxiously and looked away. "No...thank you."

"Don't worry, I'll give you mana any time you need it," Feng Mian replied with a smile.

I shook my head. "Nah, not that..."

"Then what is it?"

"...Back at the store. If you hadn't shouted out a warning, I probably would've gotten plummeted to death by that monster's fist."

Feng Mian blinked a few times, as if trying to remember what I was talking about. Then, she laughed.

"Oh, that? Hehe, what kind of person would I be if I saw someone in danger and didn't help them out?"

" saved me there. So, uh...thanks."

Feng Mian chuckled. "Hehe, if you really want to thank me, just remember the promise you made."

I averted my gaze awkwardly. "Uh...about that, is it fine if I give you my answer after this whole disaster is done? If we're both still alive by then, that is."

Feng Mian sighed. "Sure. It wouldn't be fair to the other girls if I alone heard your true feelings right now anyway. So, that's better bring them all back safely, yeah? And of course, you can't die in the process. If you do, all of us would find a way to revive you, then kill you again!"

I nodded, then chucked. "Yeah, yeah..."

The 'them' she was referring to was obviously Qing Yue and the Yu sisters. Obsidia too, though she definitely could handle herself fine. I wasn't worried in the least about her, but Qing Yue, Yu An Yan, and Yu An's not that I thought they were weak, but let's be honest - even I can't do much against these monsters in a 1v1, much less fighting against a whole crowd of them. I believed in the girls' strength, but these monsters were just too tough.

Undoubtedly, the girls could defeat most people our own age, perhaps even a bit older. They were all quite the talents for humans, not to mention the rewards Song Qian Long gave us for coming first in the Advancement Exams.

Actually...wait, could the weapons he gave to the Yu sisters actually work against these monsters? They were called Divine Weapons or something, if I recall correctly...

Then, suddenly, I received a phone call. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and read:

Incoming Caller: Old Geezer.

"...That sure was quick," I muttered quietly.

"Who is it?" Feng Mian asked.

"The principal. I'll explain things to you once all of this is done, so please don't ask too much right now."

"Hm...I don't know what you're up to again, but I'll let it slide this time."

"Much appreciated," I chuckled, before answering the phone. "Yeah?"

"It's done. I will send you your cover identity through text in one second, so just review that before heading to the group location."

"Group location?" I echoed in confusion.

And then, as if on cue, a classic ringtone resounded from the PA of the mall.

"Attention. All Rescue Squad members, assemble at the back gates NOW. Protection, Reconnaissance, and Support Squads, remain on standby. I repeat, all Rescue Squad members, assemble at the back gates."

"...Kai Kai, I believe you heard that?" Song Qian Long said over the phone.

"Yeah, couldn't miss it even if I wanted to. The back gates, right?"

"Yes. Do not forget, you will be under a fake identity. Be careful not to be exposed."

"Don't worry...I have experience," I replied, thinking of my Kai Xuan persona.

"...Alright. And one more thing..." Song Qian Long paused for a moment, before continuing. "Come back alive, Kai Kai. Along with those girls."

I grinned, even though he couldn't see it. "Copy that."

Then, I hung up the phone, and turned to Feng Mian. "I've got something to do now. You should go meet up with Mei Gui at the Silverfang Smithery, right down the hall this way. She'll answer any questions you have."

Feng Mian tilted her head in confusion. "E-Eh? H-Hold on-"

"There's no time," I quickly cut her off. "Like I said, go rendezvous with Mei Gui. I'll let her know to expect you."

She still looked dubious, but finally gave in with a sigh after a while. "...Fine. But whatever you're going to do...just don't die, okay?"

I turned around, then spoke. "Who do you think I am? It's going to take a lot more than just the Midnight Syndicate to kill me."

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