The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 156 - Search Of Faith

Before the five groups that had formed split off from each other, we were each given a map of the entire city that marked the different zones on it. There was, of course, five zones in total, ranging from A to E. The leader of the rescue squad, who I later found out was named Lie Huo, led his group of ten and searched Zone A for survivors, which was the slums area of the city. Our group, led by Xiang Peng, was tasked with searching Zone B, which covered Shenzhen Magic High School and its surroundings. The other groups also each had their own respective zones to search.

Together, the five groups covered the entire city of Shenzhen, not counting the safe zone. We would be looking for survivors from building to building, not letting a single life be missed, as long as they were still human. I, of course, didn't care about any of these other survivors, but...Qing Yue and the Yu sisters could be out here. That was the reason why I joined in the first place.

Song Qian Long had let me join the rescue squad since it apparently lowered the risks of dying - but it was still pretty high. I agreed, but the truth was, I would rather have gone alone. Moving in an organized group like this restricted my movements and prevented me from doing whatever I wanted, which quite frankly, was troublesome.

In addition to the maps, each of us was also given a handheld transceiver - but not just any electricity-powered one. These operated based on Sound Magic, and so even though our phones couldn't be used anymore, these could still function just fine.

Come to think of it...back when I called Feng Mian, the phone lines were still working. And I could use my phone in the mall as well...but then again, the mall probably had a system on their own. I wouldn't exactly be surprised, considering how grand and luxurious the Coastal Metropolis is.

Just as we were nearing the school gates with no sign of any monsters yet, I raised my hand. Xiang Peng, my group leader, noticed this and looked back at me.

"Yes, Zhang San?" she whispered sharply.

Wait...she actually remembered my name? Actually, does she know the names of everyone here? No way, right? Her memory is that good? After only hearing it once at the attendance, she's already got everything memorized...? Damn.

"Leader, I uh...need to use the bathroom," I muttered, unable to think of a better excuse.

She blinked at me a few times, before sighing. "Why didn't you go sooner...? Now, you can't go to a bathroom, not when these monsters are lurking around and could pop out any moment from anywhere. Just do it right here, and make it quick. It's still dark, and no one's looking."

...Damn it, I know you're not doing this intentionally, but quit spoiling my plans! Ugh, fine...time to pull that card.

I took a deep breath, then spoke in a fake embarrassed, slightly high-pitched tone. "S-Sorry, but...I can't do it in front of all of you. You see...I'm girl..."

This caused everyone to focus their gazes on me in bewilderment.

"H-Huh?! You're a girl?!" Xiang Peng whispered sharply. "T-Then why do you look like a boy?!"

I averted my gaze and did my best to act like a girl, fiddling with my fingers. "U-Um...I was afraid the rescue squad would discriminate against females, s-so..."

A man who looked to be in his forties patted my back. "Don't worry about that here, girl. We ain't like that. Hell, if anyone here tried that kind of stuff, I would punch him myself."

"R-Right, thanks..." I murmured.

"...I'm guessing Zhang San's a fake name too, then?" Xiang Peng continued, and I immediately stiffened.

"N-No, actually, Zhang San is my real name..." I lied blatantly. Luckily, since I was already stuttering a bit before, it didn't particularly seem like I was lying...though the fact that Zhang San is my actual name is not really that believable, either.

Xiang Peng stared at me for a while longer, before finally giving in. "...Oh well, I understand. I'm a girl too, after all. Just go behind that tree over there."

"T-Thanks!" I exclaimed, before quickly doing as told.

Once I was safely behind the tree where no one else could see me, I secretly activated my telepathic channel with Mei Gui.

This is the first time I'm attempting this from such a long range, but...hopefully, it works.

[Mei Gui, can you hear me?]

[Master...?] The reply was instant, as if we were right next to each other.

[Okay....sweet. Looks like our telepathic messaging ability still works from this distance. But never mind that, Mei Gui, are you still in the Coastal Metropolis?]

[Yes, Master. I am currently browsing Silverfang Smithery with Feng Mian.]

[Alright. Can you check if you can still use your phone to text or call someone?]

[Understood, one moment...]

Suddenly, I heard Xiang Peng's voice hollering me. "Um...Zhang San? Are you finished yet?"

I quickly cleared my throat to get back my falsetto high-pitched voice, then replied casually. "Y-Yes! Almost..."

"Okay, I know it's kind of hard, but try to hurry up!"


After a few seconds of anxious waiting, I finally received a reply from Mei Gui.

[Master, it still works.]

I sighed in relief, then quickly sent another telepathic message back. [Good. Give Qing Yue a call, see if she picks up...]

[Understood, Master.]

[Alright. Let me know when you're done.]

And with that, I cut off the connection, and returned back to my group.

Man...long-distance telepathic connection, as expected, takes quite a toll on my energy. I definitely can't afford to be using it to communicate with Mei Gui while I'm in front of these guys, otherwise I'll definitely be caught off guard and exposed. I can only look for other opportunities like this one...though I can't be using this bathroom excuse anytime soon.

"Alright, I'm back...thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience, everyone..."

The middle-aged man from earlier shook his head. "Don't worry about it, girl. What kind of rescue squad would we be if we didn't even let one of our own members do basic human needs?"

"Haha, right..." I murmured with an awkward laugh. Now I feel bad for deceiving them...great.

Xiang Peng clapped her hands together, and opened her map. "Awesome. Now that everyone is ready, let's begin our search of this place we're at right now...Shenzhen Magic High School."


- Meanwhile, In A Certain Abandoned Building In The Slums of Shenzhen -

(Yu An Yan's Perspective)

"An Xue, you ready?" I asked, brandishing my weapon to get a good feel one last time. The weapon I was talking about was, of course, one of the Six Divine Weapons, the Axe of Fire - Flaming Dance. It was a reward I had received from principal Song for placing first in the Advancement Exams, along with my sister Yu An Xue, Feng Mian, Qing Yue, and...Xuan Kai.

Xuan Kai...I still can't believe he said all those harsh things to us that night! I mean, I agree our group confession was kind of sudden, but...even if he was unprepared, did he really have to make up some lie in order to push us away?

...Honestly, does he really expect us to believe him when he says he doesn't care about us at all, and wants to willingly severe ties? Yeah, right. If he didn't care, he could've just up and left a long time ago. I'm not stupid, and neither are the other girls. We all know as clear as day that is just a lie, an excuse Xuan Kai made up in order to push us away. And the reason for pushing us away? Well, that's obvious. So we can stay out of harm's way.

But really? I don't mind being in danger. If anything, I see dangerous situations as opportunities to get stronger. And besides...if it means I can stay by Xuan Kai's side...then I believe we, together, can overcome any so-called dangers. Of course...I still have a long way to go in my magic studies, and I can't be considered strong just yet. Yes, I can probably beat most people the same age as me, but that wasn't enough...nowhere near enough, if I wanted to accompany Xuan Kai on his path.

That's why...I will get stronger. Everyone has their own motivations for becoming more powerful, and this, is mine. I believe the other girls feel the same way.

Then, An Xue's words snapped me out of my trance. "Sis...I'm ready."

In her hand, she held also one of the Six Divine Weapons - Sword of Water and Ice, Frozen Fear. Together, we were the flawless duo. We might not be the strongest right now, but we were definitely the most in sync.

I grinned. " last check, how many of them outside?"

An Xue peeked out through the narrow openings of the blinds of the window, and after a few seconds, turned back to me once more. "Just...two."

"Hm...'just' two, huh? Honestly, I'm not sure we can even defeat them on our own...if these monsters are truly the same as that guy we fought in the final round of the Advancement Exams, then..."

"Then is is now," An Xue said confidently. "We have...two of the Six Divine Weapons...we can win. No...we will win."

I smiled. "Yeah. After all, if we can't beat them, we can't get out of here. And if we can't get out of here...we won't have a chance to get back at Xuan Kai, y'know?"

An Xue nodded and smiled faintly at the mention of Xuan Kai. "Mm."

I turned to the single door in this entire abandoned building, and took a deep breath. "Alright...let's do this, An Xue."

An Xue walked closer to me, a look of determination in her eyes. "...Mm."

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