The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 3 - Xuan Ying & Qing Ruo Lan

My father's name was Xuan Ying, eldest son of the current Xuan family patriarch. Born with two innate elements and had five at the stage of Advanced Mage when he was assassinated, he was practically worshipped as a genius of the Xuan family. My mother, Qing Ruo Lan from the Qing family of the Four Great Families, was also a natural talent along with her beauty, and similarly had five elements at the time of her death.

In order to raise me, my parents used up all their favors and wealth over the years. They tried desperately to awaken an element in me, but to no avail. They used their high statuses to put me in the Shenzhen Magic High School, hoping that I would suddenly awaken my element someday after gaining some advanced magical knowledge.

But alas, no matter how hard they tried, not a single trace of any element could found within me. I was so ashamed of myself for not living up to their expectations that I had wanted to end my own life at some point. Why was God, if one truly existed, so cruel to me? That's what I thought at the time. I had wanted to be a unique talent, treated the same way my parents were when they were growing up. It's like fate played a trick on me...

...God made me unique alright, he made me the only individual out of the entire world with this useless body, incapable of any magic at all.

But I knew. I knew that sitting around here and blaming the heavens isn't going to help me. If whoever is up there made me this way, there's no reason for him to listen to my pleas now. I only had myself to rely on.

In the end, I decided to live on. My parents must've sensed something, because one night, when I was just debating whether or not to end my life right then and there, they called me downstairs for a talk that saved my very being. But perhaps...on that day, I should have just taken that last step forward off the edge of the building.


- 2020, October 31st. Exactly one year before my parents' assassinations -

"Son, you are not useless. Don't forget that," my father said, in a firm tone.

"That's right. You may just have a really late awakening," my mother supplemented, not showing any sign of hesitation.

"Mom, Dad, it's okay. You don't have to comfort me," I replied to them. "This son of yours is a disgrace. I am...ashamed that I cannot live up to your expectations."

My mother immediately refuted me. "Don't say that. Mom believes that you are powerful. The one fated to rule this world, even."

"That might be a bit of a stretch, but...don't worry, my son," my dad said while putting his hand on my shoulder in a reassuring gesture. "Your mother and I will do our utmost best to help you awaken your elements."

I couldn't help it. My parents - they still haven't given up on me, even when I had already given up on myself, planning to end my own life. I couldn't keep up the tough boy act anymore and broke down in tears.

"Mom, Dad...Thank you. Truly," I stuttered out while weakly sobbing.


- 2022, November 7th. Present Time -

Thus, I lived on. Not for the sake of myself, but for the sake of my parents. What kind of unfilial son would I be if I were to waste all of their efforts? Therefore, I worked even harder than before. I payed attention in class no matter how distracting the insults were. I trained my physical body to the limits and also practiced martial techniques to protect myself.

Of course, no matter how hard I worked, I am still nothing but an ant in comparison to those with magic. I knew this harsh truth. In a reality weaved by the strings of magic and arcane powers, martial arts aren't going to do you much good.

But I did not give up. I thought that as long as my parents were still there supporting me from behind, I could awaken my magic one day - live up to their expectations, one day. However...

This hope, was soon broken.


- 2021, October 31st. The day of my parents' assassinations. -

I would never forget this day.

I remember it was raining on that fateful night. I was about to head to bed when I heard a loud explosion downstairs, strikingly similar to that of a door getting blasted open. I went down the circular staircase in our house immediately and peeked my head around the pole in the middle. Indeed, it was Fire Magic. the place where the door should've been was filled with the remnants of the explosion, embers scattered around everywhere. My parents stood calmly, ready to fight if need be.

"Who are you?" My father asked with a murderous gleam in his eyes.

"That is not important," the assassin replied curtly.

"Well, I guess you are right. You'll soon be dead anyway, for daring to launch an attack on my family."

"Hehehe...just you?" The assassin asked deviously. "You really think I would fight the genius of the Xuan family alone?"

Just as my father understood the meaning behind his words, seven more shadowy figures appeared, seemingly out of nowhere.


"You....all of you are Advanced Mages," my father said while gritting his teeth, a grim look on his face. Then, turning to my mother, he said faintly, "Ruo Lan, I can't take on all eight of them, but I can at least hold them back. Take Kai Kai away - hurry!"

"What? I can't do that! How can I leave you here against eight Advanced Mages, all alone? You'll di-" my mother yelled in response, unwilling to go.

"Just go! We don't have time to stand around here arguing. Take Kai Kai and escape!"


"Father is right. Mother, we have to leave now," I interrupted her firmly. Then, trailing off, I muttered to myself quietly. "If only I were more useful..."

Although I did not want to leave behind my father either, I knew that it was the right decision to make. Even if all three of us stayed behind...we still would've been annihilated. No matter how powerful or talented my parents were, they cannot win against eight people the same rank as them, especially not with me as nothing more than dead weight. In fact, the assassins could use me as a hostage, and my parents would have no choice but to obey their every order - including suicide.

"...Alright," my mother finally agreed reluctantly, after thinking things through calmly.

"Trying to run?!" One of the eight assassins attempted to leap over my father and target us directly.

"Your opponent is right here. If you want to get to them, you'll have to do so over my dead body!" my father yelled as he jumped to intercept the assassin.

The assassin that originally was planning to go after mother and I fell back to the ground and targeted my father together with the other seven.

"Damn it...fine! We'll grant your death wish!"

"Kill him!" The assassins screamed in unison.


The explosions and crashes faded away, clouded by the midnight rain, as my mother and I escaped into the dead of night.


- Some Time Later -

"Okay...I think we will be safe here," my mother said while looking left and right.

We were in a dark alleyway between two large buildings, protected from the rain by the roofs.

"Mother...I'm sorry. If I were stronger, this wouldn't have happened," I spoke my true feelings to her.

"My son, don't worry about it. Your father is very strong, and you know that. I'm sure he can survive."

"But still...I'm sure those assassins were sent by someone who wanted to topple you guys, especially after learning of me, your useless son. I will be used as a tool to justify your assassination." ironic. I've been useless all my life, and the one time I'm used for something, it's as a tool to kill my own parents, the only two people who have never abandoned me.

"It is not your fault. If anything, the blame lies with your father and I for letting you suffer from a situation like this."

"No! Mom, this entire plot was caused because of me! The reason they can move against you is because of my disabili-"

"Shush!" My mother suddenly whispered sharply.

Very faintly, a tapping sound could be heard. They slowly grew louder and louder.


"Where do you think those two imbeciles went? That woman and her son," a familiar voice said.

Yes - it was the voice of the assassin that had once tried to leap over father.

"Hmph. We already took care of the dangerous one, those two aren't going to be much of a threat," a second voice replied.

...Took care of the dangerous one...? N-No way...



I glanced up at my mother. She had a grim expression on her face, and probably thought of the same thing I did. After a short while, the footsteps faded away...but our worries did not.

Mother let out a huge exhale. "Kai heard him just now. I'm afraid your father...he..."

"I understand," I responded briskly. I cannot afford to break down here, no matter how hard it was to keep the tears inside.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt came flying at us. Before I even had time to react, my mother put up a water barrier.

"Level Two Water Magic - Hydrobarrier!" She yelled.

The assassin that launched the lightning attack at us laughed. "Oho...some quick reactions you got there. I'm impressed."

"Your attack was merely too slow," mother replied insultingly.

"...Huh?! What did you just say, you bitch?!" the assassin yelled heatedly, expression twisting behind his black mask. His tone immediately changed at my mother's provocation...although personally, I didn't think provoking him was a good choice here.

My mother scoffed. "It seems like your attacks aren't the only thing that's slow. Or did the rain get in your ear so you can't hear anything?"

"You are really pissing me off now..." the assassin muttered angrily.

Mother then turned to me. "Kai Kai, you must go now. Seek refuge in the school. The assassins will not follow you there."

She took off the stone pendant she always wore around her neck and pushed it into my hands. "From now on, you are to live in the dormitories. In the near future, do not step outside the school unless you absolutely need to. Do you understand?" she smiled bitterly. "Go. Live on."

"Mother, I..." I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence.

I want to stay behind and fight with you together.

That was what I had wanted to say, as her son. But I knew better. I don't even have enough strength to take down mages my own age, much less an Advanced Mage level assassin. I grasped the rough stone given to me by mother in my hand tightly, and ran out of the alley and turned left. Just as I was about to head towards the school, however, I happened to hear something. Just barely, but audible.

"Tell me who sent you," my mother said calmly.

"Huh? Why should I tell you? You are a dead woman anyway," the assassin replied arrogantly.

"It is precisely because I am a dead woman that I wish to know. I am still a member of the large Qing family - I think I at least deserve to know who wants to murder my husband and child."

I pondered. I decided to stay behind. This...this was something I needed to know.

I know, mother. You are placing your hopes in me.

I know. I will take revenge for you.

"Hmph. Fine, we aren't real assassins anyway, I suppose there's no need for us to abide by their code. Very well. Since you're a pretty woman...the one who sent us..."

After a dramatic pause, he continued. "...Is none other than your loving husband's own brother, the second son of the Xuan family patriarch - Xuan Yang."

"How does it feel, getting betrayed by your own family?" another assassin chuckled with a bold sneer, dropping down from the roof of a nearby building.

"...I see," With that brisk reply as her final words, I watched in despair as a sharp rock erupted from the wet concrete and impaled my mother's heart. She didn't even try to fight, because she knew I was already safe, and it was pointless fighting back. But just before she fell, she turned to my direction faintly, and gave a gentle smile. That reminded me of the words she had said moments earlier.

Live on.

I spun around and ran and ran. Even if I fell down, I forced myself up and kept running, all the way to the school. I scanned my face at the gate and entered my dormitory. I ran up the stairs and walked the seemingly endless distance towards my room, desperate and torn. Other students saw me in this wretched state, but I didn't care.

Compared to what I just saw happen before my very eyes...these looks of disgust are nothing.

I ignored the whispers that surrounded me, saying I reek of sweat or I look like a beggar. Finally, after what felt like an entire era, I reached my room at the end of the hall.

Blinded by both my tears and rainwater, I couldn't even make out the number listed on the plate of the door. But that didn't matter-

-Nothing did, at this point.

I knew by instinct that this was my room. It took me several attempts to finally fit the key in the keyhole, and opened the door with the last of my remaining strength. As I pushed open the door, the momentum carried through and I collapsed immediately onto the floor.

The last thing I remember after that is the roughness of the mysterious stone pendant in my hands, and the empty feeling within my heart.

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