The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 30 - ...Security Cameras?

"So...what did you need me for?" I asked, still having my guard up. We were in the Student Council Room, in the Administrative Campus of the school. It was where teachers held meetings, and also where the principal's office was located.

"Yes...I am truly sorry for asking you come here without any prior notice or explanation," Tang Jia Yi replied, bowing his head slightly. This was a man that even teachers had to show respect to...don't you think it's a bit much for you to bow your head to me...? After a slight pause, the tall 6th Year student continued. "You was in fact the principal of the school that wanted to speak with you. He had asked us directly to bring you to the principal's office."

The principal...? That makes sense. The only figure in the school that had even more authority than the student council. In contrast, however, he shows his face publicly a lot, and is well-known among the students. Though it is also true that he tends to stay in his office inside the top floor of the Administrative Campus...

Never mind. What's more important is why he had asked to see me, and through the secretive student council no less. The principal could easily have just informed one of the teachers. This really was starting to look more and more like an assassination plot...

"Do you know why he wishes to see me?" I inquired further.

"...Unfortunately, no," he replied. "...But I do have some guesses."

"Oh? Let's hear them."

"Well. For one, your sudden awakening is something that deserves to be investigated, and the spectacular performance you showed at your duel with student Feng Mian was nothing short of a miracle either."

I nodded my head as if agreeing to his inferences. Deep inside, however, I felt that the things he suggested weren't the crucial point. A sudden awakening was rare, but not never heard of. And the fact that I used three elements at the duel was more than enough to make me be considered a talent, but that was all it was limited to.

It certainly wasn't enough for the principal to meet me in person, much less in such a private way. But seeing as how I was already here, there's no going back now.

"Well...let's not keep him waiting."

"Haha, I like how you think. Follow me."


The Administrative Campus was a short building compared to the main campus where we studied, and also far smaller than the dorms. It had two floors - the first floor occupied the teacher's work rooms as well as the student council room. The second housed a large meeting room for staff, and the principal's office.

After our short conversation, Tang Jia Yi led me to an enormous door upstairs, not any less grand than the Magic Training Room's. It had golden etchings that stood out on the pale white surface, and it looked more like the meeting room than the principal's office, to be honest.

"I thought you said we were meeting him in the principal's office, not a damn royal suite."

Tang Jia Yi gave a slight laugh. "This IS the principal's office."


"Haha, it's okay. Our principal is...quite an extravagant person. But don't tell him I said that, alright?"

"Don't tell me what?" a booming voice interrupted, as the white door opened from the inside, accompanied by a loud noise.

"Ah...Principal Song. I've brought Xuan Kai here, just as you've asked." Tang Jia Yi didn't seem fazed at all, as if he was used to these meetings. After a slight bow, he motioned for me to go inside. A tall, old man with a beard and wearing glasses sat in a white chair at the end of the room. Song Qian Long - Shenzhen Magic High School, principal. Late Golden Monarch stage, pretty much unrivaled in Shenzhen.

"Very well. Good job, as always," he dismissed him bluntly. "You may leave now."

After a slight bow, Tang Jia Yi retreated and left us alone in the massive room.

"So...Xuan Kai, was it?" the principal began, eyes scanning over some documents piled on his marble desk.

"At least memorize the name of who you're talking to..." I muttered in reply. I wasn't very fond of this man - my parents had begged him years ago to let me in the school for protection. Thus, I felt no need to show him any respect...though it didn't seem to bother him at all.

"Oho! You're right, you're right indeed..." he bellowed in laughter that didn't suit his age, and I cocked my eyebrow in confusion. Seeing my expression, he explained. "It's been a while since someone had the guts to talk to me like was nice for a change."


"Ahahaha!" the man laughed even louder. "I like you. Though I'm not a masochist."

"The fact that you liked that just further proved my point."

He seemed to freeze in realization, and after a while began laughing awkwardly once more. "'re right, but I'm still not a masochist."

I didn't come here to argue with him about whether or not he's a masochist, so I quickly steered the conversation back on track. "Anyway...what do you want with me?"

Song Qian Long didn't respond. He stroked his beard, and after an uncomfortably long silence, picked up a device that looked suspiciously like a TV controller.

I narrowed my eyes. "What, we going to watch TV or something?"

"Hahaha! Though I would love to take some time to enjoy a show with you sometime, that's something for another day."

"No thank you."

" any case - please take a look up here." He placed his hands on the edge of the table and pushed his chair out of the way, allowing me to see what was behind it.

It was a giant screen that covered the entire back wall - and it was then that I noticed an overhead projector, hanging from the lofty ceiling. It was positioned at a 45-degree angle, lens aiming directly at the center of the screen. A projection system - commonly used to display some sort of data to an audience.

Then, Song Qian Long pressed something on the remote he was holding, and the screen immediately flickered on. And what was shown in it was...

"This is you in the video, correct? Along with students Feng Mian and Qing Yue."

"..." I made no response.

What he had projected on the screen, was me testing out my aptitude for the elements in the Magic Training Room. That day, I had blocked Li Yi Fei's attack on Feng Mian, and used that as a catalyst to awaken my powers. Not long after that, however, something happened and I fell unconscious...though to this day, I still can't remember what had caused me to black out.

It was Feng Mian that informed Qing Yue of the incident and brought me to the school infirmary, since it was closer than the hospital. Qing Yue had then been the one to heal me with her extraordinary Blessing Element Magic. Once I had woken up, we decided to test out what elements I could use, and as for the results...

"Before you ask, yes - I have the full footage," the principal said in a serious tone.

"...How?" I asked, genuinely curious how he got his hands on this information.

"Security cameras, of course!"



"Yeah, I heard you the first time," I hurriedly stopped him from repeating himself. "I was just shocked I hadn't thought of that..."

I truly hadn't expected security cameras. They were considered cheap items in this world of magic - the rich people use special magic arrays for monitoring locations - it was more accurate, efficient, and useful overall.

As if reading my thoughts (or perhaps he really is, I don't know if he has the Psychic Element or not), he chuckled. "You think I would use some sort of monitoring magic array on a school of this size? Hah! Just imagine the amount of money and mana that would cost!"

"Tch. You're quite stingy with money for a man as wealthy as yourself."

He owned the school. There wasn't a council or anything that controlled him. This man, Song Qian Long, built Shenzhen Magic High School from the root foundations to what it is today with no outside help whatsoever. Doing that sure cost a lot, but the profit it would bring? Not to mention all the fame and reputation that came with building a school of such a caliber - money is just an infinite toy for someone like that.

But he refuted me quite quickly, and seemed almost offended. "Hm...if you had tons and tons of something, would you just waste it for fun?"

"Depends on the object in question."

"I suppose you are right. But money is one of the cases where just because you have a lot, doesn't mean you can just waste it all on something that you don't even need. You never know when an enormous debt may be dropped on you, after all."

That was true. The dueling system established by the IMF applied for regular, non-student mages as well. While high-class members of society tended to duel without putting anything on the line, there were still times where something just had to be decided through a matter of force. And if such a thing needed to be done - well, most people figured why not include in the conditions, say...10 million RMB? As stated, money is a mere toy to the truly wealthy ones. cameras, huh?

I sighed. " know that I can use all 21 Elements?"

"Indeed. Which is why you are here today."

I tightened. "You're planning to assassinate me for fear of my power?"

"What?" he stared at me in bewilderment. "AHAHAHA! God no! Why the hell would I do that?"

Huh...? "So you didn't call me here to kill me?"

"Bahaha! If I wanted to kill you, I would've done so a long time ago, and there wouldn't even be a need to meet you myself."

That was true. He had many methods at his disposal, and most of them are more discrete than getting me alone in a room with him. In the slim chance that I escape, things would certainly be traced back to him, and that wouldn't be good for his reputation or the school's.

"So then what's your purpose here?" I prompted. If it wasn't to kill me, what was his motive for inviting me here...?

The principal settled down once more, and a serious glint took his eyes. "The truth is, I invited you here today to tell you to be sure not to let anyone know that you can use all 21 Elements."

"Hmph. That's a given. I'm the type of person that dislikes attention, having received the unwanted kind all my life."

"Ah...I suppose that is true." Then, seeming to realize something, his eyes widened and opened his mouth. "One more thing...about your parents-"

"Stop." I interrupted him without any hesitation. "You don't deserve to talk about my parents."

"...You're right. I'm...sorry."

The old man seated in front of me looked honestly sorry, and his face was creased with genuine sorrow. My heart softened a little, but quickly put up my guard once more. It didn't matter if they felt remorse now. What's done is done.

"Is that all you have to tell me?" I wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible.

"...Yes. Feel free to leave...not that I could stop you anyway."


I turned around and strode calmly out the room, without so much as a backwards glance. Song Qian Long...

...I'll spare you for now.

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