The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 469 - Feng Mian's Resolve

- The Next Morning -

So, it seemed I wouldn't have to worry about what to do today after all.

"You… are you sure about this?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, yeah, you don't have to do this for us, y'know…?" Yu An Yan added, frowning on concern.

Lan Xiao Su nodded in agreement "That's right… we'll all have our turn anyway, so you don't have to…"


"Okay, okay, calm down, everyone!" Feng Mian cut in, making a gesture as if to push us away. "I've already made up my mind. Xuan Kai, you have no objections, right?"

"Uh… it's your choice. If you're sure you've settled on this, then I have no reason to object. So long as you are happy, I'm fine with anything."

"Then it's decided," Feng Mian said with a wink. "We'll all go to the beach together!"

Indeed, she had suggested we all go to a beach together for today, which was supposed to be her private date with me. I didn't understand this decision, and neither did the other girls, but Feng Mian's kind and compassionate smile was more than enough to convince us to go.

And now…

"Mm… the beach certainly is nice," Feng Mian murmured, staring out at the wide open blue sea. She and I laid beneath an umbrella on a shared beach chaise, watching men, women, and children alike having fun in the distance. The other girls were currently enjoying a game of beach volleyball with each other, while some cough Lin Luo cough simply refused to change into bikini and was now standing beneath a tree all alone, fully clad in armor.

"… Do you like beaches?" I asked, taking this as a good opportunity to find out what Feng Mian liked.

"By myself? No, not really. But I love the atmosphere of beaches when there are friends and family around."

"What about all these strangers we don't know?" I continued asking, glancing at all the men who stood sharing nosebleeds as they  watched the other girls play. "Do they bother you?"

"Hm… well, a bit, yeah," she admitted. "But what can we do? This is a public beach, after all. It's not like we can just shoo them away. Hehe~"

Well… we'll see about that.

I smirked but didn't actually say that out loud, planning a surprise in mind. Instead, I decided to change the topic a bit.

"But… are you really alright with this?" I asked, watching the other girls enjoy their time here on the beach. "I mean… this was supposed to be our private date, after all."

Feng Mian laughed a little, covering her mouth cutely. "Hehe~ are you disappointed, perhaps?"

"Hm… well, it would be a lie if I said I wasn't looking forward to spending a day alone with you."

"Nice one, master," Lorelei commented from inside my mind, and I turned to my right to see her hiding behind a tree in her human form, flashing me a thumbs-up with that same expressionless look on her face.

"Well… I don't know." Feng Mian shrugged. "I guess… I just like the idea of all of us, enjoying time together, y'know? Oh, but don't get me wrong… you're still all mine for today. I may be sharing the beach with them… but definitely not you. Just for today… you're all mine."

She leaned in close to my face, allowing me to get a good glimpse at her deep, amethyst eyes, and before I knew it, we were kissing deeply, my arms around her body that straddled mine. My fingers crept down to her soft, bouncy buttcheeks and groped them tightly, and I could feel my member hardening under her weight. Feng Mian felt it as well, and quickly broke the kiss.

"Gosh… you're hopeless. Just touching my ass is enough to give you a boner…?" She smiled wryly, shutting one eye like a professional seductress would.

"I'm going to go ahead and pin the blame on you for this one," I said with a witty comeback. "It's your fault that your ass is too attractive and stimulating."

"Then… are they the best out of all the girls?"

I nodded without any hesitation. "The best."

"Hehe~ you're getting better at charming girls, Xuan Kai," she said, cheeks blushed and lips smiling. "I don't know whether to be happy or worried about that, lest you bring back yet another woman without any warning."

"Listen, it's not like I go seeking them out on purpose or anything."

"Yes, yes, I know… but you might as well be, considering how easily they become attracted to you, for whatever reason."

I smiled devilishly. "Guess I'm just that handsome, huh?"

"Well, maybe if you actually put a little more thought into your appearances, you could easily pass for an idol. But you know, I like this rough, messy version of you better. It shows your true, wild personality, your inner self. That is what made me fall in love with you."

"Yeah… but I still look great, ain't that right?" I smirked.

But after Feng Mian merely smiled at me…

"Haha… I'm right," I muttered, answering my own question. God, that was bad.

"I'm not denying you're well above average in terms of looks for a man, even without any polishing or care for your appearance," Feng Mian said at last. "It's just I wanted to make it clear to you that the other girls and I don't simply love you because of your looks. It's the inner self that counts."

"You can say that again," I agreed solemnly. "Love for solely appearances isn't called love. It's called lust."

"Speaking of…" Feng Mian rolled off me, casting her gaze towards where the other girls were playing volleyball at. They had been rudely interrupted by a group of muscled men who approached them, wearing lecherous gazes on their faces. Judging from the way they handled themselves, they were delinquents. This beach wasn't part of Fragment and was instead connected to it via a portal, so people like this could get in.

"Oi, girlies… you look mighty fine," the one leading them said with a chuckle, ogling them with his eyes. He had dirty blond hair and a light mustache. "Wanna hang out with us? If you like playing with balls so much… heh. We have plenty to provide you."

He and his friends must've thought that was a great pick-up line, but really, all it earned them were a bunch of unimpressed looks from the girls. Some were angry, some were simply stunned speechless by their vulgarness and stupidity, and others—like Lan Xiao Su—was just awkwardly looking at them, trying to decide whether or not to point out their idiocy to them.

"Oi! Our boss is talkin' to you!" A fat, shorter man behind the leader roared after the girls were silent for a while. "You wanna come, or be forced to come? Don't worry… we'll make you come, in both meanings of the word." Then, turning to Lan Xiao Su, he continued with a grin. "Especially you… don't you look like that idol, Su Ning?"

If only they knew she was the real Su Ning… ha.

The entire group of punks laughed again, apparently very impressed by the short guy's pick-up line.

"You're not going to step in?" Feng Mian asked, looking at me.

I chuckled. "Why should I? They should be used to this kind of treatment by now. If they can't even deal with situations like this, they aren't worthy of being my women. Just sit back, and enjoy the show."

"Hm…" Feng Mian turned back to the girls, and as if on cue, they all collectively sighed in unison.

"Hey, Ling Xin…" Yu An Yan called out, spinning the volleyball on her fingertip and turning to Ling Xin who was behind her on the same team. "Is it just me, or did you also get a sudden urge to spike someone in the face?"

Ling Xin laughed boldly, covering half of her face with her hand. "You are not alone in that regard, An Yan. Since they like looking at our chests so much, why don't we give them a show?"

Yu An Yan smirked, then volleyed the ball into the air, setting up a perfect spike for Ling Xin.

"Take a good look… because you won't be able to ever again.

Leaving those soft yet threatening words behind, Ling Xin jumped up into the air, large breasts swaying, then struck the ball with all of her strength as a Holy Emperor, sending the projectile flying towards the leader of the gang at 450 miles an hour. In fact, the ball was so fast that it was ignited on fire… oh wait, that was just Yu An Yan's little gimmick she had placed on the sphere before launching it up into the air.

Now, the deadly spike had turned explosive.

"W-Wha…!" The gang's members all widened their eyes as they tried to run, but it was too late.


The volleyball crashed into the leader's face, exploding and blowing away the entire gang into the open sea, never to be seen or heard from again. Axilia walked up to the edge of the water, then held her hand above her eyes as if she was peering into a pair of binoculars.

"Hm… too far. How sad… I was itching to kill something, too…"

She pouted in disappointment, and the other girls surrounded her, staring out at the wide open sea.

"U-Um… wasn't that a bit… overkill?" Lan Xiao Su asked timidly, then changed her complexion completely and sighed. "… Is what I'd like to say, but they seem to have saw through my other identity, which is unforgivable."

"Huh… you can be surprisingly ruthless, Xiao Su," Yu An Yan chuckled.

"… Agreed," Yu An Xue said. "Though… I am disappointed I did not get to help with the spike."

"Oh well, next time," Qing Yue said cheerily. "It's not like there's a shortage of situations like this with us, is there?"

The group of heavenly beauties smiled at once, and spoke at the same time.

"There really isn't!"


"You see?" I laughed slightly, turning to Feng Mian. "They're used to scenarios like this by now, as they should be."

"Huh… well, in their position, I would've done the same. After watching that, I feel in a mood to spike some lustful men in the face as well. Want to go join their game?"

I shrugged. "Sure.. Let's go."

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