The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 517 - The Hex

Chapter 517 – The Hex

"… The Hex?" I arched an eyebrow. "What's that?"

"The Hex… I've heard about them," Tian Lin, the Human Founder, said. "Apparently, they are an alien species from the outside galaxy who don't have magic, but utilize their highly-advanced technology and equipment instead."

"Thousands of years ago, we were the ones who fought the Hex off this planet," Count Draculus muttered, folding his arms. "But now… they've returned. Pests."

"And right when we're dealing with the Midnight Sydnicate too," Kyoko, the Demihuman Founder, sighed in annoyance, scratching her wolf ears. "By the way, kiddo, I saw you killed one of my kin not long ago."

"What, you got a problem?" I taunted, narrowing my eyes. "He tried to kill me, so I killed him instead. Nothing wrong's with my logic there, no?"

To my surprise, Kyoko grinned.

"Yep! Nothing wrong at all. We value strength in the wolf tribe. If he lost in a life and death match, he deserves to die. No one's going to hold a grudge against you in the tribe."

"… Hmph," I snorted, and returned to the matter at hand. "In any case… these 'Hex'. Are they strong?"

"… They nearly wiped all of us Founders out the last time they were here," Runter, the Giant Founder, said with an uncomfortable look. "And these guys are notorious for adapting. They may have been defeated last time, but now that they're back, they'll be stronger than before."

"So?" I chuckled. "So are we, are we not? You have me."

"Don't get cocky now, kid," Asteryx, the Ethereal Founder, said quietly in a low and raspy voice. "You have not fought against them before. You do not know what they are capable of."

"Then I'll soon find out," I replied, folding my arms. "Relax though, I'm not the type to underestimate my opponents."

"That is not the problem here," Sylvoir cut in with a serious voice. "I do not care how powerful you are… we cannot fight them."

"… Why?" Sigil asked. "There is no chance they will send their entire fleet to attack a small, isolated planet like Xenith. They had to come here through vortexes last time—they cannot fit a large number of ships through there. We can repel their invasion just like we did last time."

"… They will," Sylvoir said. "They surely will."

"How do you know?" Fiona asked, tapping on her chin.

"The Terron Records," Sylvoir explained. "When looking through them, I discovered a series of mysterious signals coming from various obelisks underground all across the globe. There are seven in total, and each is hidden deep deep beneath the surface of the earth. Upon closer inspection, however… I discovered that they were, in fact, sucking up energy from the planet, and had been doing so for several thousand years—lining up with the around the same time the Hex came here last."

"Hmm… could be a coincidence," Aluna, the Elven Founder said. "I personally don't think it is, but there is a chance."

"Yes. I am aware of that. That is why I decoded the signals that were being emitted from these obelisks along with the text written on them. And from the data I have gathered… the language aligns with the Hex's method of communication."

"If I recall correctly, the Hex use weird signals to communicate, do they not?" Scarlet, the Beast Founder said, and Sylvoir nodded.

"Correct—hence why I was unable to figure out what the signals mean. However, if you look closely at the obelisks…"

She paused, pulling up images of the obelisks from the Terron Records and showing us, then continued.

"… You can see the writing on them from the bottom up is nearly all glowing."

She was right—each of the obelisks were made of pure black obsidian, but had writing inscribed on all four sides. All seven obelisks' writing were nearly all glowing purple, with only the very top still missing. It was like a loading bar from bottom up, and it was about to be complete.

"Does that mark when the Hex invasion will come…?" Sino muttered.

"Yes, it seems so," Sylvoir replied. "From my calculations, considering these obelisks were constructed several thousand years ago… that little bit still left to lit up is equivalent to about half a year's worth of time. In other words, six months from now, the Hex will invade."

"With their entire fleet…?" Kyoko asked.

"Yes. These obelisks are energy gatherers of sorts—and their goal, is presumably to open an enormous vortex big enough to allow their entire fleet to come here."

"But… why?" Scarlet muttered in confusion. "Why spend so much resources and power to invade a small planet like Xenith?"

"… For revenge," Asteryx said darkly.

"Revenge?" Sino raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," Aluna said. "The Hex are a very vengeful race. They remembered their defeat at our hands, and have now came back with more friends to show their might."

"So… basically, they're egotistic bastards who literally launched a full-scale invasion on this planet just to assert dominance," I translated in simpler terms.

"Uh… that about sums it up, yeah," Sigil replied, flashing me a thumbs-up.

"You can consider them however you like, but one truth remains: we cannot fight them," Sylvoir replied. "Even if everyone on Xenith were to rally up and fight back against the Hex, their entire fleet compared to our whole population is a ratio of 1000 to 1. Even if it is by sheer numbers, they will destroy us with ease."

"And to avoid fighting with them… we must destroy these seven obelisks to prevent them from creating the enormous vortex needed," Lord Luisfer said, stroking his long beard. "I see. Where are these obelisks located?"

"The specific coordinates are unclear, but I have deduced one to be in Demihuman Territory, one in Succubus Territory, one in Vampire Territory, one in Fairy and Elven territory, one in Ethereal Territory, one in X-Machina Territory, and one in Human Territory. However, these obelisks do emit a strange energy source, which means after finding one and collecting its sample, Hephestus could probably create a device that can track the others down."

"Yep, sure can," Hephestus, the Dwarven Founder said with a chuckle. "Leave it to me… but the question is, how will we find the first one?"

Count Draculus furrowed his brows. "… Asteryx, Ethreal Territory is essentially the void, is it not? If that's the case, then you should be able to traverse it freel-"

"I got it."

"… What?" I blinked at Asteryx's bold declaration.

"… I found the obelisk, broke it, and go the sample."

Wha- who you trying to fool—I didn't even see you move!

… That was what I wanted to say, but after seeing how calm all the other Founders seemed, and Coutn Draculus nodding in satisfaction, I decided to simply keep quiet. Aluna, however, read my mind like a book, and smiled gently at me.

"Ethereals can move freely in the void, which their territory basically is. And since no time or space passes in the void, to us, it seemed like he didn't move at all."

"O-Oh…" I muttered, feeling like an idiot as Asteryx handed the collected energy sample inside a capsule to Hephestus, who nodded upon receiving it.

"Hm, I should be able to craft a device by tomorrow. We'll need six copies of the device, too…"

"Yes," Sylvoir said. "Six obelisks remaining, six copies. One for each of the Founders who have an obelisk in their race's territory. In other words… Aluna, Draculus, Fiona, Kyoko, ARXA, and Tian Lin."

"Actually… the IMF is currently busy dealing with the Midnight Syndicate eruption. I fear I won't be able to search for the obelisk in the Human territory," Tian Lin stated apologetically.

"… I see, that makes sense," Sylvoir muttered, then turned to me. "In that case, Xuan Kai, I am leaving this task to you. Find the obelisk, and destroy it. Is that clear?"

"H-Huh? Me?" I blinked. "Uh, I'm busy too, y'know? The leader of the Midnight Syndicate is literally my dad, and I'm currently in the middle of a war with him!"

"If he is your dad, can you not just tell him to stop this… war?" Count Draculus asked coldly, arching an eyebrow.

At this, I was stumped.

"Ah… well… it's complicated."

"Either way, there is no one else we can rely on in Human Territory. From what I have been spectating in your life, you are almost done the chapter with your father anyway. After that, you can focus on the task I have assigned you. There is half a year still—no need to rush."

"Er… okay, I guess," I sighed, accepting the mission bestowed upon me by the leader of the Seventeen Founders of the Library of Infinite Beginnings.

"Then very well," Sylvoir declared, folding her arms. "Meeting adjourned. Everyone, meet back here tomorrow night at the same time, and we will discuss things further there. Hephestus, prioritize this equipment above everything else."

"Yes, ma'am," Hepehestus replied with a chuckle, and with that, all of us exited the Infinite Realm.

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