The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 577 - The Elites

Chapter 577 – The Elites

The eight of us who were selected by the IMF consisted of Feng Mian, Yu An Xue, Zhao Xiuying, Xuan Yu, Lin Luo, Axilia, Eve, and I. As we entered the examination center, we received many stares. 

There were a number of reasons for this, of course, and each person had their own. Some were looking at us because they didn't recognize us and thought the 'selected' were supposed to all be extraordinarily famous talents, while others were looking simply because they were too drawn in by the girls' beauty. I'd told Eve to turn off her succubus charm, but even with it off, she was just naturally that stunning, and there was nothing to be done about that.

Whatever the reason was, though, the lot of us were all used to getting stares, for better or worse. We ignored them like they didn't exist, and headed over to where a few others had already gathered, sitting within a simple auditorium with a speaker podium up in front. The 'auditorium' was quite small and didn't have any form of decoration or anything, but it wasn't meant to be fancy. This was just an exam center, not the actual school.

As the seats began to fill up one by one, various people had to be kicked out by security staff on guard. They had prepared exactly the right number of chairs for the number of 'selected' participants, so if there was anyone who ended up without a seat, it was clear there was an imposter among them.

In any case, once all the seats were filled, a man went up to the speaker podium, and faced the seated group. I recognized him—Tian Lin, member of the Council of Arcanity as well as one of the Seventeen Founders.

"Good morning, everyone," he began in a formal tone, looking around at the seated future students of the academy. His eyes and mine connected briefly but it did not linger, not giving away anything to onlookers.

"Everyone sitting here has been invited by the IMF to study at this prestigious academy, with the goal of fighting against the Hex. You are known as the Elites, whereas those outside who make it past the entrance exam are known as Supports. More on that will be explained once you enter the academy, but for now, all of you sitting here right now are required to take an aptitude test to determine your skill and power level."

"Wait, so we're already guaranteed to enter the academy?" A grey-haired boy asked, lifting his hand. He appeared to be the carefree, optimistic type. "This test isn't an entrance exam or anything?"

"Correct," Tian Lin replied. "I would prefer if you saved questions until after I am finished, but yes. From the moment you all received that invitation, you have been guaranteed a spot at Counterhex Academy. Regardless of how well or poor you do on your aptitude test, you will be able to enter. However, just know that we know your average strength level, and can determine a range of possible results for you. If your actual result falls below our estimation, some… changes may be needed."

Needless to say, those 'changes' referred to moving someone out of the Elite group, and downgrading into a Support. Everyone acknowledged that silently, and no one spoke up about it. 

Tian Lin, satisfied with this silence, rested his hands on the side of the podium, and stared straight ahead.

"Now then, behind you all is a hallway of chambers that will take you to the aptitude test. It will be conducted in a virtual environment, so once you enter your private chamber, climb into the VR capsule. The device will take care of the rest. That's all—dismissed."

VR capsule—that was a weird way of putting it. Though I suppose it did kind of look like a capsule shape-wise, so…

In any case, the 'Elites' got up from their seats and headed for the hallway behind us, doors on either side. Some ran in excitement, others calmly walked. Each person entered their own chamber, sealed off and separated from others, and the girls and I did the same after whispering good luck to one another. Thankfully, everyone was 'educated' enough to not fight over one chamber, and if one was taken, they simply moved on. There was just enough for everyone, after all.

Upon entering my chamber, I did the only thing I could—climb into the 'VR capsule'. It looked like some kind of cryopod that was shaped perfectly for a human to fit in, while leaving enough space for it to feel comfortable.

Seeing the security camera placed in the corner of the room, I realized any funny tricks weren't going to work here—not that I was planning on doing anything. What was the point? It's just an aptitude test.

With that in mind, I entered the capsule, and relaxed as various metal cuffs chained me down, restraining my movements without making it too tight. It was quite comfortable, actually. Nice and warm.

Soon, I felt the sound of the machine whirring up, and following that, my consciousness slowly faded away. 


– Meanwhile, Outside –

"Attention, all examinees. The entrance exam to Counterhex Academy will now begin. Please enter the exam center in a neat and orderly fashion. Disrupters will be evicted and disqualified."

"That's you guys," Ling Xin said with a warm smile. "Good luck. Once again—just use your intuition."

"Easy for you to say," Yu An Yan said with a sigh, rubbing her knit eyebrows. "Intuition… that's so broad. Really wish we knew what the exam contents are going to be, but… it's too late now, I guess."

"Now, now, I'm sure Ling Xin had her difficulties," Qing Yue said in comfort, tapping Yu An Yan on the shoulder. "C'mon, don't look so glum! How hard can it be, right? Be more confident in yourself."

Little did they know, the exam was going to be truly a challenge—though not in the way they expected.

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