The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 68 - Training (8)

I took a deep breath, and silently closed my eyes. Envisioning mana around me inside my head, I took ahold of the stone pendant hanging around my neck and grasped it tightly. I pictured the mana getting sucked into me, and immediately I felt a familiar warmth flow into my body. I could also feel my Dantian welling up with rich, concentrated mana.

After a couple of minutes, I opened my eyes, and took a deep breath once more. "Okay...that should do it," I muttered to myself.

I had taken in as much mana as possible, to the point where I could feel the mana thinning in this Fire Element dimension. Hmm...perhaps I should've taken a little bit from every single dimension to avoid causing suspicion...? But then again, the mana in here regenerates fairly quickly, so I should be fine.

I did some mild stretches, and prepared to leave the Fire Element area and check up on how the others are doing. However-

"Well, really did come," a boy called out to me. "Zhang Zhe Rui, you were quite accurate. Good job."

"It is my pleasure to be of use to you, young master," the person he praised replied humbly.

I glared at the owner of the voice and guessed immediately he wasn't here for anything good. "What do you want...Li Yi Fei?"

"Heh. We came to give you a little warning," a third voice - Pang Zi - replied in his stead.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, and what might that be?"

This time is was Li Yi Fei that answered. "Nothing much, just a friendly reminder..."

I narrowed my eyes as his fake smile twisted up into a nasty sneer.

"...It's better for you to forfeit the Advancement Exams now. That is, if you don't want to get destroyed."

I nearly choked with laughter, even though I wasn't drinking anything. It took all I had to stay calm and reply composedly.

"...Are you done?"

"Huh?" Looks like he hadn't been expecting this reply. "What...?"

"Looks like you're done. Great. Then, farewell." I brushed past him and exited the Fire dimension without a second thought, ignoring their futile protests.


- 10 Minutes Earlier, The Ice Element Dimension -

(Feng Mian's Perspective)

"Um, I get it for Yu An Xue, but why are the two of you here as well...?" I asked exasperatedly.

Us four girls were all grouped together in the Ice Element dimension, for reasons unknown. Yu An Xue and I both had Ice Element affinity, so it was understandable for us to be in here, but the other two...

"This is a very important secret meeting!" Qing Yue declared, puffing out her chest confidently.

"It's not really secret if you scream it out loud like that, but sure..." Yu An Yan muttered, but didn't seem to be against the idea. "Besides, anyone can just walk in right now..."

"It's fine, I'll keep an eye out," Qing Yue replied with a wink, then clapped her hands together. "Okay! Moving on...this meeting will be about Big Brother Xuan Kai."

I sighed. Another one of Qing Yue's whims-

-Wait, didn't something like this happen before...?

Ah...that's right. On the night Mr. Wang first announced the Advancement Exams, after the banquet at the Yu family manor. Qing Yue had insisted we go to her room to 'talk', once Xuan Kai had split off from us to head to the boys' dorms. The three of us had hesitantly agreed, not knowing what her purpose was. But the topic of the 'talk' was something completely unexpected...


- The Night of the 'Talk' -

(Feng Mian's Perspective)

"I'll be straight with you: Do you guys...really like Big Brother Xuan Kai?"

...Huh? What did this girl just-

"Huh?!" Yu An Yan blurted out before I could even react. Apparently, she had quick reflexes. "W-W-What do you mean?!"

Qing Yue sighed. "Was it not clear enough? Fine - I'll repeat the question." She cleared her throat, and repeated her question from seconds ago. "Do you...really like Big Brother Xuan Kai?"

Normally Qing Yue was a carefree and innocent girl, but right now I could see the seriousness in her eyes. The question she asked was certainly something surprising, but I had a feeling she's thought about this for a long time now. I guess she just decided to make use of tonight's opportunity, when the four of us were all together.

Yu An Yan, however, didn't seem to get this at all. "E-Eh?! U-Uh, I-I really don't u-understand...w-what do you mean, l-like?"

Qing Yue facepalmed exasperatedly. "Don't play dumb, Yu An Yan. You know very well what I mean by like."

This made Yu An Yan go silent, because Qing Yue was right. Knowing what Qing Yue meant by 'like'...

She did. We all did. Qing Yue was referring to like, in a romantic sense - love. Pretending to not understand...that was just Yu An Yan's way of covering up her embarrassment and inability to answer the question.

But then again, who was I to talk? I hadn't said a single word yet. I COULDN'T. I was every bit as embarrassed as Yu An Yan. Thinking this, I decided to take initiative and make the step forward.

"I...I do."

Silence. That only made me feel more awkward, and I could feel heat rising to my cheeks. But then Qing Yue spoke.

"...I see. Thank you for admitting it," she said with a comforting smile. Then, turning to the Yu sisters, she continued. "You see? Feng Mian could do it, you should be able to as well! C'mon, we're all girls here, no need to feel shy!"

Yu An Yan and Yu An Xue looked at each other in the eyes. At first, it was empathy, each feeling sorry for the other. But then, it turned into a burning rivalry, as if fighting over something - someone.

At the exact same time, the sisters turned toward Qing Yue, and declared boldly.

"I do."

"...I do."

"Mmm! Very good!" Qing Yue praised, applauding lightly. "You've all finally admitted your true feelings. Next, is to say them directly to Big Brother Xuan Kai!"

"W-Wait, I don't think we're ready for that yet." I interrupted bashfully. Telling that to Xuan Kai...wasn't that basically just confessing?! N-No...there's no way I can do that.

"Well, I thought as much." Qing Yue didn't seem annoyed at my intervention at all, and instead acted as if she had expected it. "The three of you are all big-time tsunderes, so there's zero chance you'll be the one to confess."

"H-Hold on," Yu An Yan cut in. "D-Doesn't that mean you knew all along? Then what was the point of calling us here and getting us to say such embarrassing things?!"

Yu An Xue also appeared slightly angry, which was a rarity for her. Well, calling her 'angry' may be overdoing it...maybe 'pouty' would be a slightly better word? She usually didn't show emotion on her face, so 'angry' is probably too much.

Qing Yue, however, merely brushed it off with a slight shooing gesture of her hand. "If you're going to confess, you need to have some practice beforehand, no?"

"W-Who said we were going to confess?!" I slammed my palms on the table, blushing furiously.

Qing Yue sighed. "At the rate he's going...Big Brother Xuan Kai's going to have many other girls revolving around him in the future. Sure, you can say you aren't going to confess all you want here with me, but how long can you stand watching another girl getting closer to him than you are?"

I stopped, and so did the Yu sisters. Her words...they were all true. Certainly...Xuan Kai himself may not realize it, but he's in fact a very attractive boy, in looks, personality, and strength as well. Chances are, more girls will appear at his side in the future. I clenched my fists.

Even now, with only the four of us around him...I feel uncomfortable when Qing Yue latches onto him so naturally, and when he shows care for the Yu sisters. I didn't want to admit it, but...put bluntly, I was jealous. And this is when no one has confessed to him directly yet, so he doesn't know of their feelings, being the dense person he is.

If one of the three here were to confess to him, and he accepted...

I visualized what it would look like, and my heart suddenly felt torn and weak. The worst part was on the surface, I would still have to act just like usual, and perhaps even appear happy for the two of them.


I've decided.

Decided that I couldn't tolerate it.

Yu An Yan and Yu An Xue also seemed to arrive at the same conclusion, and the three of us eyed each other with burning rivalry. However, Qing Yue then cut in smoothly, like a feather.

"Okay. Seems like the three of you have all settled on the course of action you're going to take," she leaned back on her pink couch and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, the seriousness I saw earlier was completely gone. "But even then...let's stay friends, okay?"

It wasn't an order, or even a request.

It was simply the casual, relaxed suggestion of a friend.

I smiled. "Yeah."

Yu An Yan also sighed and smirked. "Of course."

"Mm." Yu An Xue nodded faintly, signaling her acceptance.

"Hey, Qing Yue?" I said, reaching over to pat her cute and tiny head.

"Hm?" she looked over at me, but allowed me to pat her head without any resistance.

I smiled happily. "...Thank you."

"Eh? For what?"

"For showing us our true feelings," Yu An Yan answered in my stead, and I nodded in confirmation.

"Heh," Qing Yue laughed, and hopped up from the couch, energetic even though it was late into the night. "I just want to make sure my opponents don't lose at the starting line. I'm your rival too, remember."

"Don't worry, we won't forget," I replied, and looked out the window at the starry sky. "A fair fight, huh?"

"That's right. A fair fight," Qing Yue echoed.

And just like that, on this night, three girls realized what it is they really want - no, really NEED - to do.


- Present Time -

(Feng Mian's Perspective)

"Uh...this better not be a repetition of THAT night..." I murmured hesitantly.

"Hm? Oh, don't worry, I won't make you say those kind of things in public," Qing Yue replied with a bright smile.

"So you know this is public..." Yu An Yan scoffed almost silently. "Then why did you yell it was a 'secret' meeting...? Ah...whatever."

It was then that another person cut in-

"Say what kind of things in public?"

-A familiar deep male voice, belonging to the boy the four of us loved, and fought over.

Qing Yue quickly smoothed her mistake over.

"Oh, it's nothing...Big Brother Xuan Kai."

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