The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 81 - Her Identity (2)

" said you knew some information about the stages, right?" I said to the red-haired girl, who had risen from her bow.

"Yes. From what I currently know, there are 3 stages. However, I suspect there is far more than just that," the girl explained.

I nodded and fell into thought. "And every time I advance to the next stage, I become more powerful?"

She nodded. "That is correct, master. However, instead of 'advancing to the next stage', perhaps a better phrase would be 'break the next seal'."

I raised an eyebrow, hearing that. "Oh? Explain."

"As you wish, master," she replied, and continued after a pause. "In order to break through to the next stage of Chaos, you must break your seal. In other words, the power is already residing within you, but you just cannot use it as of now."

"I see..." I murmured. "So just like the first stage, there are requirements for breaking every seal, right? And the higher level the seal is, the harder the requirements will be to fulfill."

"Yes. For example, you broke the second seal today and advanced to the Inner Chaos stage by harboring hopeful emotions while in a near-death situation."

I sighed, and the girl looked at me in concern. "What's wrong, master?"

I shook my head. "Ah...nothing. I just thought the requirements would be more...battle-related? Like, defeat fifty enemies of a certain species or something. And wait, each stage has a name of its own?"

"Those names are just what I came up with. Since you are the only one with this power, there is not a 'standard' naming for the stages. As for the requirements...I predict there will be such battle-related challenges in future seals. However, because Master is currently only in the beginning stages, the requirements are more or less on the easy side. I do not know the specifics of the challenges, and I assume Master does not either."

"Huh...okay. So I can't do anything specific in order to advance to the next stage of Chaos, but can rather only get stronger and hope I'll complete the unknown challenges sometime."

"That is correct, Master."

It was then that I realized it was only the two of us talking, when there were six people present. The other four girls had just been listening to our back and forth Q&A, evidently shocked by something.

"What? Why are you guys all staring at us like that?" I glanced at the four girls and asked, confused.

"H-Huh?! O-Oh, erm...nothing, it's just...we're quite surprised," Feng Mian replied slowly after snapping back to her senses.

The other girls all nodded to this statement, showing their agreement. I tilted my head. "Surprised? At what?"

"I-I mean, you're usually a very introverted and careful person, pretty much just told that girl all of your secrets," Yu An Yan was the one who answered this time.

I furrowed my brows. "It's useless hiding something from someone who already knows everything. One who does that, is nothing more than a fool."

"Well, true, but she hasn't necessarily proven her identity yet, Big Brother Xuan Kai," Qing Yue said thoughtfully. "She claims she's a Chaos Elemental, but we have no way of knowing for sure, do we?"

I looked over at the scarlet-haired girl. Then it hit me - certainly, she hasn't done anything to actually back up her statements. However...I can't quite describe it, but a gut feeling was telling me this girl could be trusted.

"Qing're right, but she is definitely not lying," I replied calmly.

Yu An Yan, hearing this, raised an eyebrow. "What makes you so sure?"

I averted my gaze, since even I myself thought the reasoning behind my conclusion was a bit careless.

"...My heart is telling me so," I muttered, hoping they didn't hear me.

...They did. But their reaction wasn't quite what I expected. I thought they were going to burst out laughing, but instead when I looked over at them, they were all wearing unreadable expressions. It looked like a mixture between shock, jealousy, anger, and sadness.

"Huh? What's wrong...?" I asked, blinking at them.

Yu An Yan cleared her throat. "Uh...your 'heart' told you, you said?"

I nodded. "I can't quite describe it, but something within me is telling me that girl can be trusted."

Feng Mian appeared really nervous, and began fidgeting with her hair as she mumbled out, "A-And that 'something' is y-your heart?"

"Well, no, not necessarily...that was just a figure of speech," I replied hesitantly.

And then, the four girls all breathed out sighs of relief in unison. I had many questions, but decided to leave them aside for now, and turned back to the red-haired girl with goddess-level beauty.

"A-Ahem...that being said, I would feel more at ease if you did something to confirm your identity," I said, again, averting my gaze since...well, the same reason as before. "For example, show us your magic, or something? A Chaos Element surely uses Chaos Magic, right?"

The girl nodded. "My stats as of right now are about triple master's, and I can also use every element, including Chaos."

"W-Wait, your strength is three times mine?!" I yelled in surprise.

"Yes. In human terms, that would make me...a late-stage Advanced Mage."

"Then, what am I?" I asked, curious.

"Master currently has power on par with that of an entry-stage Advanced Mage," she replied with no hesitation.

"Advanced Mage, huh...I see."

Hearing this, I couldn't help but think back to the day of my parents' assassinations. The assassins sent back then...they were also Advanced Mages. I wonder...with my strength now, am I able to take them on? If I could go back in time with my current strength...would I be able to prevent my parents' deaths from happening...? I subconsciously clenched my fists, and closed my eyes. After a while, I took a deep breath, and returned to reality.

"So, little girl. You're triple my strength, yeah?" I leaned against the roof railing casually, and sent the red-haired girl a challenging look. "Kuku...let's see if you really have that power."

"Master, what should I do to prove myself to you?" she said, looking up at me with the eyes Qing Yue usually eyes me with. You know, the big, sad, puppy dog eyes. I felt my heart churn with emotion and begin beating faster. I quickly glanced away.

"Er...why don't you two have a duel?" Yu An Yan suggested. "You can use my family's training field."

I shrugged. "I'm fine with that."

The red-haired bowed down slightly before saying, "If master is fine with it, then so am I."

And so, we began setting off for the Yu family training field. However, just when Feng Mian was about to pull open the door to head down the school's staircase, I paused.


The five girls present all glanced back at me in confusion. I scratched my cheek awkwardly and continued. "Er...I think I've forgotten something really important."

"What is it, master?" the red-haired girl said in confusion.

"You...don't have a name, do you?" I asked the girl.

She tilted her head ever so slightly. "A name...? No, I do not."

I nodded. "Heh...I see. you want one? A name, I mean."

She thought about it for a moment before nodding happily. Well, her actual expression was monotone as always, but I could feel that she was happy, somehow. It was the same thing as that inner feeling telling me she was trustworthy. I could tell, deep down, that she was happy.

"Well then...since I am very bad at coming up with names, as seen from the incident at lunch earlier today..." I began, and turned to the rest of the girls. "I'll leave it to you guys to come up with a name for her."

"Eh?? This is unlike you, Big Brother Xuan Kai," Qing Yue murmured.

"Yeah...normally, he wouldn't care about this kind of thing at all..." Feng Mian added.

Yu An Yan's eyes widened as she came to a possible conclusion. "Could it be, he's really fallen in-"

"Shut up!" the other three girls hurriedly covered her mouth, before blushing in embarrassment.

I laughed awkwardly at the situation, and attempted to bring the conversation back on course. "So, uh...about that name?"

" be honest, I'm that good at naming things either, you know. In the end, it was Yu An Xue who came up with our team name." Feng Mian said exasperatedly.

I smiled. "Kuku...can't be worse than me, right?"

"Not exactly comforting..." Yu An Yan muttered.

Qing Yue then seemed to have come up with something, and began talking-

"How about-"


-But was rudely interrupted by none other than the red-haired girl herself.

"E-Eh?" Qing Yue was taken aback, having been rejected before she even said the actual name.

"...I want master to name me," the girl said quietly, avoiding making eye contact with me. She looked down at the floor, clutching her black robes cutely.

I blinked. " sure? As I said...I'm very bad at naming things. I definitely won't be better at naming people."

She shook her head. "I don't mind. The name master the best name for me."

My heart pounded loudly against my chest, and I looked at her shy figure. " do I put's kind of embarrassing, hearing that said out loud..."

She then finally mustered up the courage to look at me in the eyes. Her expression was still blank and unreadable, but this time...I could see a faint, very faint pink color on her cheeks. It was almost unnoticeable, but I was able to see it since she stood so close to me.

"Master...please choose a name for me."

I racked my brains to find a good name for this cute girl before me. I recalled when I first met her, on the arena battlefield. The first thing that caught my eye, was her brilliant scarlet hair. The next thing I saw, once she turned around to face me, was her unmatched beauty, that reminded me of a a lovely flower.

I smiled as I nodded in satisfaction at the name I had come up with. The red-haired girl glanced up at me curiously, waiting in anticipation for the name she would be known as from now on.

"In the will be called Mei Gui."

"Mei...Gui?" she echoed.

"Yes, that's right. Mei Guis are beautiful red flowers, the same color as your hair."

She then closed her eyes, and began murmuring the name I gave her over and over again. "Mei Gui...Mei Gui."

I smiled faintly at the sight. And although she had looked to the ground once more, I could've sworn I saw the ever so slight trace of a smile on her delicate lips.

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