The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 83 - Forbidden Magic

"Forbidden Magic...?" I muttered. "What is that?"

"Sounds ominous..." Feng Mian remarked.

The other girls all nodded their heads in agreement. Mei Gui didn't seem fazed at all, however.

She sighed and began explaining the answer to our questions. "Forbidden Magic, is essentially what you would call Chaos Element Magic, though there are spells in other elements that are powerful enough to be known as Forbidden Magic as well."

"How powerful exactly are they?" Yu An Yan asked.

"Not counting Chaos Magic, Forbidden Magic exceeds the power of even Divine-Tier spells," Mei Gui replied. All of our eyes widened in surprise.

Despite having said something that revolutionized our entire knowledge of the modern magic society, Mei Gui, as always, didn't seem fazed whatsoever.

"Exceed Divine-Tier spells?! No way that's possible!" Feng Mian exclaimed. "They were labeled as the highest tier spells for a reason, and though they exist, no one has ever been able to cast one!"

"I am just telling you what I know from my memories. Whether you believe it or not, that is up to you," Mei Gui brushed Feng Mian's statement off casually.

Feng Mian was taken aback, but remained quiet.

"Wait. Earlier, you said 'excluding Chaos Magic,'" Qing Yue pointed out. "Does that mean...Chaos Magic is even stronger?"

Mei Gui then asked me via telepathy whether or not she should say this out loud, and I replied yes, everyone here is our allies. I was still not very used to her suddenly entering my mind, but I couldn't deny it was a useful ability to share.

She then turned to face Qing Yue, and spoke. "Yes, and no. The most powerful Chaos spells are far stronger than the Forbidden Magic of other elements, but even the most basics of the basics of Chaos Magic is classified as Forbidden Magic, no matter how weak they are."

"...I see," I sank deep into thought. After a while, I looked towards Mei Gui with determination in my eyes. "Hey, Mei you think you can teach me these spells?"

She glanced at me, and after we stared each other like that for a few seconds, she smiled gracefully - the first sign of emotion she's shown since we met. I blinked a couple of times to make sure what I was seeing was right, but by the time I finished doing that, the smile was gone, replaced by her usual calm, monotone demeanor. But I was fairly sure she had indeed smiled there, however slightly.

"If that is what master wishes," Mei Gui said with a bow. "However, master can only learn the basics as of right now. In order to learn more advanced and powerful Chaos Magic, master must get stronger first."

"I'm fine with that. That was what I was planning on doing, anyway..." I murmured.

"Then, please stand back, master. I will first teach you the spell I used just now - Chaos Mirror."

Mei Gui said that, and the rest of us all backed away cautiously. I was a bit concerned with her only telling me to stand back, as if she didn't care about the other girls' well-being, but for the moment that could wait. She seemed to be concentrating, after all. However, the next words that came out of her mouth threw everyone off.

"Okay, master. I'm ready."

"R-Ready?! For what?!" Feng Mian squeaked out loud before anyone could stop her.

"Wow!! Teaching magic turn into maid-master cosplay!" Qing Yue exclaimed happily. I was concerned at her excitement for this kind of thing.

"H-Hold on, shouldn't there be a process for this kind of thing?!" Yu An Yan reddened up and looked away.

Yu An Xue closed her eyes and pretended nothing had happened, but her cheeks were blushing as well.

Mei Gui tilted her head in confusion. "Master...? What is going on? Why are these bitches all screaming?"

"Language..." I sighed exasperatedly. She bowed down apologetically, and I continued. "They are just a little shocked...what you said earlier could be taken the wrong way, you know?"

"What way?" she asked, face full of innocence.

I gulped. Should I tell her? N-No, she's still just like a newborn baby, unaware of the ways of the world. I definitely shouldn't be feeding her information like this!

"U-Uh, Feng Mian is more suited for this kind of thing..." I blurted out without thinking, thus pushing the matter onto Feng Mian.

"Bwah?! Me?!" Feng Mian covered her face in embarrassment as Mei Gui turned to glare at her. "N-No, I think An Yan is a better choice..."

"H-Hold on, why are you pushing this onto me?!" Yu An Yan, having being called on, shouted angrily. But she immediately backed down after Mei Gui began glaring at her instead. "U-Um, how do I put it....that's right! An Xue here is far more experienced with that kind of thing!"

"H-Huh?!" Yu An Xue, caught by surprise, widened her eyes at her own sister's words, feeling betrayed. I smiled sadly, and decided to forget that this entire tragic scenario was caused by me. Mei Gui turned to stare at Yu An Xue blankly, and she couldn't do more than point a finger at-

"Okay~ It's finally my turn! Little sister Mei Gui, I, big sister here will educate you in the ways of adulthood!"

"Why are you so excited over something like that?!" I yelled in despair. My little sister, who I thought was innocent and angelic, was getting hyped about teaching another girl about sex and kinks. I really didn't know how to feel about that.

Then I noticed something else-

"Wait, why do you look so interested in it too?!" I cried, seeing Mei Gui's eyes brimming with curiosity. Qing Yue, meanwhile, puffed out her modest chest in pride.

"Ahem, but before we get into that, you should teach Big Brother Xuan Kai your Forbidden Magic," Qing Yue told Mei Gui, finally getting back on track.

"Okay....master, watch closely," Mei Gui said, turning to me. She clasped her hands together. "First, you have to visualize the Chaos mana within you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Visualize? How is that different from when I cast a normal spell?"

"When you cast a normal spell, you have to first condense your mana into a small sphere, then break it to let the mana spread through your entire body. However, visualizing the Chaos mana within you is easier. Master, close your eyes. Can you feel it? The red and black mana flowing through your veins," Mei Gui explained.

I did as I was told, and shut my eyes. I concentrated very hard, and pictured my Dantian's mana being sucked out to flow throughout my entire body, a black and red energy running through my veins. And then, suddenly-

My eyes snapped open. "I can feel it."

Me Gui nodded. "As expected of my master, you were able to unlock the Chaos within you so easily."

Apparently, what I just did was 'unlock the Chaos within me'. Indeed, I felt a lot stronger than before. Now, even without visualizing the Chaos mana, I could automatically feel it flowing through me.

"Does this mean...I can cast Forbidden Magic now?" I asked.

Mei Gui nodded. "Not only that, but you should be able to cast normal spells any time you want, without having to condense your mana first."

"What?!" Feng Mian exclaimed. "That's such an overpowered ability!"

She was right. Not needing to take that few seconds to condense your mana first was a busted power to have - to the point where it's a matter of life and death. For example, if you were walking alone on a road, and were ambushed suddenly, it is doubtful you would have time to condense your mana first. However, if you didn't need to condense your mana, then you would be able to react and launch a counterattack instantly.

The other girls were also similarly shocked at this news. I wasn't all that impressed though. Instead, I attempted to analyze the theory behind the Chaos mana.

"I see..." I muttered as I came to a conclusion. "So before, I never emptied my Dantian in one go. And so, after I finish casting a spell, the excess mana returns to my Dantian. However, now...I pretty much 'shattered' my Dantian, and all the mana within it is constantly flowing through my body, and hence I do not need to condense my mana first."

"That is correct," Mei Gui replied. "I am impressed, master. I never thought you would be able to figure that out."

Her voice sounded sarcastic because of the emotionless tone, but I could tell she was actually impressed, thanks to our telepathic connection. I realized that I could not only communicate with her using telepathy, but also see her emotions. This surprised me, as despite her constantly having a deadpan face, she had various feelings and emotions, just like humans.

"Well then...what's the next step, Mei Gui?" I said, moving on.

"All you have to do is cast the spell like any other - picture the spell inside your head, and follow your instincts. The Primordial Chaos chose master, so it should not be hard," Mei Gui answered.

I nodded, and visualized the black screen Mei Gui had put up earlier. My hands then moved on their own, and before I knew it, before me was a massive translucent black wall, swirling with energy.

"Damn, that WAS easy," I muttered in awe.

Mei Gui didn't say anything, but instead walked around to directly face me. We were separated by the black screen I had put up. "Master, this is the power of Chaos Magic."

Saying that, she raised her arm towards me, and a black and red fireball flew out of her palm. I was surprised for a second, but quickly realized she was simply showing me what this spell, Chaos Mirror, did.

I, along with the other girls, watched on in amazement as the Chaos-imbued fireball Mei Gui had cast was sucked in to the black screen, which was now crackling with red sparks. Soon after, the fireball emerged from the center once more, and flew back towards Mei Gui.

I was about to say 'watch out', but I swallowed those words as she simply sucked in the attack, as if she was a mirror herself, except she didn't send the fireball back.

Mei Gui tilted her head in confusion as the rest of us watched her in shock.

I was the first one to come back to my senses. "A-Ah, nothing. I should've known..."

The other girls were still puzzled, however. They looked at me for an explanation, and I sighed.

"I forgot...this is Mei Gui's original form, but prior to today, she was in the form of my stone pendant," I explained.

I didn't need to say anymore, as the girls all nodded in understanding. Since the stone pendant was able to suck in attacks, it made sense for Mei Gui to be able to as well. However...

"But...doesn't this mean Big Brother Xuan Kai won't be able to use that skill anymore?" Qing Yue said in worry.

She was referring to the ability to nullify and suck in enemy attacks, of course. I originally used the stone pendant to do that, but now that it had returned to its original form and separated from my physical body...

"No need to worry," Mei Gui interrupted calmly. "Master is still able to use that ability. Earlier, I said that I possess all the elements and skills that Master has, but the reverse applies as well. Master, similarly, has access to all of my abilities."

My eyes widened. "So that's why I could cast that Chaos Mirror spell so easily, huh..."

Yu An Yan then joined the conversation. "Well then...a lot of things happened today, and honestly I'm still not quite back to my senses, but what I do know is that we have a tournament tomorrow, and it's getting late."

"Ah, right...I had almost forgotten about that," I said, scratching my cheek awkwardly.

"Then, shall we head back to the school?" Feng Mian suggested.

"Yeah, let's go!!" Qing Yue exclaimed giddily. "Little sister Mei Gui, why don't you start living with me from now on? I will teach you-"

"I will sleep with master," Mei Gui cut Qing Yue off instantly.

"Alrigh- Wait, what?!" I almost just went along with the flow there. "Mei Gui, what do you mean...?"

"I replenish energy by being close to master," she replied nonchalantly.

"Uh, does that mean you have to sleep with me though?"

"Yes, that is the most effective method."



After getting stared at by her for an uncomfortably long time, I sighed and gave in. "Fine...but you are sleeping on the bed, I'll go on the couch."

"But-" she began.

"I'm not taking any 'buts' on this." I glared at her, and she backed down. Since she called me master, she would have to listen to my orders. I didn't want to use my authority over her like so, but every man had his limits.

Throughout this duel, everyone began trusting Mei Gui more, not only in her strength but also her personality.

And so, just like that, our original group of five gained one new member.

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